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Command, Control and Coordination for Homeland Security DERIS: Domestic Emergency Response Information Service Command, Control and Coordination for Homeland Security DERIS: Domestic Emergency Response Information Service

Communications in National Emergencies “We need to develop a single-source, protected, web-based integrated information Communications in National Emergencies “We need to develop a single-source, protected, web-based integrated information system…and all states need to consider a statewide interoperable communications system. ” - Gilmore Commission, Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction “Indeed, an overall Homeland Security strategy of preventing and deterring future attacks, while simultaneously protecting the American people and our critical infrastructure, demands improved communication and sharing of information across the government. ” - Gen Peter Pace, USMC, VCJCS, Homeland Defense testimony before the SASC, Oct 25, 2001 “…If there is a single item that we could do it is make sure that police, fire, and emergency responders can communicate with one another. ” - Joe Allbaugh, Director, FEMA, Testimony to U. S. Senate Committee on Environmental and Public Works, Oct 16, 2001

C 3 for Homeland Security The Big Issues: Turf (Sharing information between agencies and C 3 for Homeland Security The Big Issues: Turf (Sharing information between agencies and states) Federated network infrastructure The right collaboration, coordination and decision support tools Photo by SFC Thomas R. Roberts / NGB-PASE

DERIS Goals Organization A Organization B Ensure timely and accurate information flow vertically and DERIS Goals Organization A Organization B Ensure timely and accurate information flow vertically and horizontally Provide interoperable, and assured communications with high Quality of Service (Qo. S) among first responders and HLS community LAN A Provide a consistent and useful common operational picture for C 3 of HLS assets Faster, More Informative than CNN! LAN B

Phased Approach Phase I 120 days, Concept Development and Demonstration 90 day – capability Phased Approach Phase I 120 days, Concept Development and Demonstration 90 day – capability demonstration – 3 major cities Phase II 12 months, Refined Engineering and Production IOC of national DERIS capability Phase III 24 months, Oper. Implementation and Support FOC for DERIS Quickly leverage multi-billion dollar commercial government infrastructures, and build advocacy along the way

Ph I – Capability Demonstration (120 Days) Key Objectives: Test the ability of open Ph I – Capability Demonstration (120 Days) Key Objectives: Test the ability of open standard transmission (Internet) and applications to support accurate and timely information flow throughout the distributed HLS Community Assess multiple means of access to alerting and notification, as well as other automated Emergency Response tools Demonstrate measurable Quality of Service (Qo. S) for interoperable and assured communications among HLS responders PH I DEMONSTRATION SITES Demonstrate feasibility of cross-jurisdictional Common Operational Picture (COP) X VIII Demonstrate secure “sensitive but unclass” information flow Los Angeles San Diego IX II Chicago San Francisco Collect workflow process data I V VII Denver Denton New York Washington Kansas City VI Boston Atlanta IV III

The Scenario Phase I – Establishing a Baseline Capability “Distributed tabletop” capability demonstration Single The Scenario Phase I – Establishing a Baseline Capability “Distributed tabletop” capability demonstration Single event, terrorist act – one day Affects multiple locations Hazmat railcar explosion Chicago Chlorine gas Potential threat to California San Diego Los Angeles

DERIS Pillars The Network The Applications • Federation of Networks Alerting and Notification • DERIS Pillars The Network The Applications • Federation of Networks Alerting and Notification • GUARDNet Secure Collaboration • MCI-World. Com v. BNS and UUNet infrastructure Incident Management Tools • Internet (any carrier) • Terrorism Early Warning Tools Wireless for contingency comms • The Portal • Computer Associates Clever. Path Portal development environment w/ Lotus Domino and Lotus Same. Time Front end for access to applications Video Teleconferencing (VTC) The HLS Community Many Interlocking Communities of Interest National Institute for Urban Search and Rescue (NIUSR)

GUARDNet “Backbone” Guard. Net XXI (Hubs) and STARC (Spokes) Topology Augusta Colchester Ft. Richardson GUARDNet “Backbone” Guard. Net XXI (Hubs) and STARC (Spokes) Topology Augusta Colchester Ft. Richardson Helena Bismark St. Paul Tacoma Rapid City Cheyenne Boise Johnston Indianapolis Lincoln Draper Springfield Columbus Englewood Topeka Sacramento Hartford. Providence Lansing Salem Carson City Jefferson City Frankfort Indiantown Gap Little Rock Trenton Wilmington Arlington Charleston Richmond Baltimore DC Raleigh Nashville Oklahoma City Santa Fe Concord Reading Latham Madison Atlanta Columbia Montgomery Phoenix Jackson Austin Honolulu Tamuning St. Augustine New Orleans San Juan $500+ M invested to date Kingshill, USVI

GUARDNet GUARDNET XXI CISCO, 4500 -M ROUTER STARC NODE ASX-200 BX (NG), FORE OC-3 GUARDNet GUARDNET XXI CISCO, 4500 -M ROUTER STARC NODE ASX-200 BX (NG), FORE OC-3 PSTN NET BLAZER, TELEBIT (ITK) OC-3 3 COM, ATM ACCESSBUILDER OC-3 UP TO 8 ea. T 1's PBX VOICE SWITCH FVC 10626 ATM SWITCH RCAS/DMS Multi-PC's ISDN LEGACY VIDEO V - GATE , FVC (ATM/ISDN GATEWAY) V - CASTER, FVC (VIDEO MULTICAST) I-MUX SATELLITE DISH STATE NETWORK DIGITAL LINK CORP. 2 ea. T 1's Server: Network Management Backup Domain Controllers Primary Domain Controller Database Server MMC & DMMC Database Exchange Server I-MUX DIGITAL LINK CORP. FVC 10625 ATM SWITCH OC-3 V - CACHE, FVC Dial-on-demand router Secure Data Device CODEC/AG ADMIN STATION, H. P. DES Modem Software: NT Workstation or Rehost Workstation Software: NT Workstation Printer: Small/ single-user site printer Printer: Medium site Dial-in small site connection Classified Capable Workstation D 034 -010 R 2 POLYCOM, SOUND STATION ETHERNET HUB, 3 -COM ATM 25 Mbps V - CASTER, FVC (VIDEO MULTICAST) H. P. , PRINTER ATM 25 Mbps Frame Relay DSU INSTRUCTORS STATION (2), H. P. SONY, VCR NET TV ENET Frame DES ATM 25 Mbps Router SONY CAMERA OC-3 H. P. , SERVER Ethernet concentrator MULTI-STUDENT PC's (18), H. P. FVC 10626 ATM SWITCH V - GATE, FVC (ATM/ISDN GATEWAY) NET BLAZER, TELEBIT (ITK) PSTN CONVENER, HARVARD ELITE

v. BNS Commercial Network Topology $ Multi-Billion invested to date v. BNS Commercial Network Topology $ Multi-Billion invested to date

Plus the Domestic Backbone Plus the Domestic Backbone

Federation of Networks GUARDNet + v. BNS + Domestic Backbone Key Features: National high-speed Federation of Networks GUARDNet + v. BNS + Domestic Backbone Key Features: National high-speed extranet access Inter & Intra-state Communications paths 100% backbone availability Virtual Private Networks Redundant and survivable network infrastructure and data centers High Quality of Service (Qo. S) Fast restoration Real-time Integrated voice, data, video conferencing/broadcast Access to wireless systems and services

The Portal Key Features Centralized access to capabilities resident in distributed applications Created using The Portal Key Features Centralized access to capabilities resident in distributed applications Created using Computer Associates’ Clever. Path Portal development software Formerly Jasmine ii Portal Recently ranked #1 Portal development software solution by IDC Open systems/software based Accredited SBU over the internet Widely accessible across federation of networks, including the internet Interoperable with legacy databases and systems

The Applications Alerting and Notification Based on organizational workflow process Automatically tracks and updates The Applications Alerting and Notification Based on organizational workflow process Automatically tracks and updates status of alerting Wireless/wired alerting on most devices One and two way pagers Cellular phones or landline telephones PDAs Pocket PCs Other devices Secure Collaboration Browser based Multiple accreditations for SBU over the internet Incident Management Tools Quick familiarization within existing web browser Maps and overlays (GIS tools) Messaging and workgroup tools Workflow management

Multiple Security Features – Phase I World-class private networking using: Closed routing MD 5 Multiple Security Features – Phase I World-class private networking using: Closed routing MD 5 authentication Route filters Packet encryption devices New Do. D Accredited Architecture Sensitive but unclassified (SBU) over the internet CMU Software Engineering Institute (SEI) approved Defense Intelligence Community (DICAST) approved HIPAA compliant Web Browser centric Application Service Provider model Security is transparent to end-user

Summary DERIS uses existing commercial and government investments to create a “boundariless government” program Summary DERIS uses existing commercial and government investments to create a “boundariless government” program that provides timely, accurate, emergency management information among first responders, local, state, and federal agencies DERIS includes four pillars The Network The Portal The Applications The Homeland Security Community DERIS includes three major phases Phase I: 120 days, functional demo (3 cities) Phase II: 12 months, national IOC Phase III: 2 years, FOC, world-class emergency response and management command, control, and coordination capability