«Comfortable» Tabakaeva Olga 212 group
• • 1. Grammatical meaning 2. Lexical meaning 3. Synonyms 4. Set Expressions 5. Forms of this word 6. Tasks for you 7. Keys
« Doctor Sandford’s house is not large, but it is comfortable and well-planned» Arakin V. D
Grammatical meaning • Part of speech – adjective • Polysyllabic word • Degrees of comparison : comfortable, more comfortable , the most comfortable • Qualitative and descriptive
Lexical meaning 1. The Main Meaning Comfortable – feeling physically relaxed , without any pain or other unpleasant feelings ≠uncomfortable ( = удобный, комфортабельный, уютный) Example: Stay in a comfortable position. Чувствуй себя комфортно.
2. Place to feel pleasant to sit or lie on ( Удобная мебель для отдыха) Ex. The bed looked warm and comfortable.
3. Pleasant to spend time in (about building or room) ( Комфортабельная комната или здание для времяпровождения в ней(нем)) For example because it has nice furniture or is not too hot or too cold
4. Pleasant to wear, hold, or use (Удобно носить, держаться за что-либо или использовать) Ex. You are always wearing comfortable clothes.
5. Rich enough to pay for everything you need (Достаточно богат, чтобы позволить себе купить все что необходимо = обеспеченный) Ex. It’s comfortable to have money.
6. Situation or way of life doesn’t have problems (Подходящая обстановка для чего-либо, так как не существует препятствий или проблем) Ex. It will be comfortable if you move to London.
7. Easily won (Легкая победа ) Ex. He had been a comfortable victory.
Synonyms Convenient (=удобный ) Comfy – colloquial word(comfortable) Cozy (cosy) - warm and comfortable, and making you feel relaxed Ex. A cozy little house Snug - if you are snug, you feel warm, comfortable, and safe Ex. The children feel snug in bedroom.
Set Expressions • To make oneself comfortable Ex. Mr. Brown made himself comfortable in a chair and ordered a strong black coffee. To be comfortable with/about: • Is everyone comfortable with the arrangement ? • Lots of people don’t feel comfortable about public speaker.
Forms of this word • Comfortably – adverb (удобный, комфортабельный) • Comfort – is a noun ( комфорт, удобства) • Uncomfortable – antonyms(comfortable) • Discomfort – is a noun( неудобство, неловкость, дискомфорт) • Comforter – is a noun( утешитель) • Comforting – is a adjective( утешительный )
Comfort 1. Is a physically relaxed state, without any pain or other unpleasant feelings(Физическое состояние без боли и других неприятных ощущений) Ex. The airline is keen to improve passengers comfort.
2. A pleasant way of life in which you have everything you need. (Приятный путь в жизни, в котором ты можешь приобрести все, что угодно Ex. Now he can live in comfort.
Tasks for you • Fill the gapes words ( if you think need) 1. The news brought _____ to all of us. 2. Are you all sitting _______? 3. Make yourself ______ and I’ll be back in a minute. 4. It’s ____ to know that you support me in this.
Keys 1. The news brought comfort to all of us. 2. Are you all sitting comfortably? 3. Make yourself comfortable and I’ll be back in a minute. 4. It’s comforting to know that you support me in this.