Comeniusproject: waterworks March 2011 Finnland
Comeniusproject: waterworks Waterworks/barrage Grane Built: 1966 - 1969 Commissioning date: 1969 Conditioning of water: 194. 000 m³/day
Comeniusproject: waterworks Ø Length of causey: 67 m Ø Height of causey: 600 m Ø Connected with other barrages: Innerste and Oker Ø Used for: energy production flood control low water raising drinking water abstraction
Comeniusproject: waterworks How does a waterworks work? 1. Water is collected →natural water 2. Coagulant is added →organic substances are bonded 3. Filtration with quartz sand →the flocks are separated
Comeniusproject: waterworks 4. Deacidification with calcium carbonate →raise p. H 5. Water is fumigated →last tertiary treatment 6. Water is collected →pure water 7. Water is drinkable
Comeniusproject: waterworks Waste products Filter cleaned ↓ mud produced ↓ water is extracted of the mud ↓ The mud is used to produce bricks
Comeniusproject: waterworks Our planet 70% of the earth is covered by water. Just 3% of it is drinkable freshwater. Just one third of the freshwater is achievable for us.
Comeniusproject: waterworks Water consumption of a European Ø Personal hygiene: 46 L Ø Toilet: 34 L Ø Washing: 15 L Ø Business: 11 L
Comeniusproject: waterworks Ø Cleaning flat and car: 7 L Ø Dishwasher: 7 L Ø Garden: 4 L Ø Food and water: 3 L Ø Altogether: 127 L/day!
Comeniusproject: waterworks Global water consumption
Comeniusproject: waterworks How to save water? Ø Taking a shower instead of having a bath Ø Never forget to close the water tap Ø Use water butts for the garden Ø Buy water–saving equipment Ø Buy food produced in your region
Comeniusproject: waterworks Thank you for your attention!