- Количество слайдов: 11
COMENIUS MEETING Germany Environmental problem solving Lycée Etienne Oehmichen France
1. How could we reduce our carbon footprint? In France, the average carbon footprint is 56 400 m ² / year. In the world the average footprint is 18 000 m ² / year Name Carbon footprint Advice to reduce carbon footprint Diane Cabartier 51 370 m ² / year • Buy family-size products with less packaging • Use public transport rather than drive • Buy recycled paper Marine Blanchard 51 360 m ² / year • Use wood heating instead of heating oil • Eat more seasonal products Amélie Noël-Caru 50 790 m ² / year • Use public transport rather than drive
Name Carbon footprint Advice to reduce carbon footprint Laurent Arnal 49 610 m ² / year • You are already moderate in your consumption. Apart from moving to a smaller house , it will be difficult to lower your carbon footprint. Eloi Jeannos 49 550 m ² / year • Eat more seasonal products Myriam Desmoulins 48 890 m ² / year • Use public transport to go to work • Buying recycled paper Julian & Samuel Berthe 47 990 m ² / year • You are already moderate in your consumption. Apart from moving to a smaller house , it will be difficult to lower your carbon footprint. Jonathan Benoit aka Turtle 47 980 m ² / year • Pay more attention to your consumption of paper.
2. How to get around with less pollution? 1. Use public transport (bus, train, tram, metro) 2. Walk or use a bicycle for short distance 3. Use a different fuel for traveling long distances. For example: LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas) which reduced the damage on the ozone layer. 4. When driving, reduce your speed to save up to 25% of gas. 5. Use carpools to go to work. 6. Maintaining your vehicle regularly reduces pollution.
3. How to become an eco-citizen? Here are some actions that can be done in daily to become an eco-citizen: 1_ Take a shower instead of a bath. 2_ Do not let the tap running when soaping your hand or yourself. 3_ Take public transport. 4_ Sort your waste. 5_ Isolate the windows and walls in your house in order to use less heat in the winter. 6_ Favour wood heating. 7_ Use low-consumption bulbs. 8_ Buy only what you need and not unnecessary goods. 9_ Use rechargeable batteries. 10_ Put a “stop pub/no flyers” sticker on your mailbox to avoid junk mail. 11_ Avoid using air-conditioning in the summer. 12_ Turn the lights off when you leave a room. 13_ Repair water leaks. 14_ Recover rainwater to water your flowers. 15_ Install a stop-water flush in the toilet. 16_ Do not throw your papers on the floor.
4. How to become an eco-consumer? An eco-consumer is a consumer who reflects on the social and environmental consequences of his act of purchase. He adopts a responsible attitude. - Buy an electric car LPG car. - Prefer reusable shopping bags or baskets instead of disposable plastic bags. - Avoid sophisticated packaging - Bring back unused pills and syrup to the pharmacy. - Buy recycled products. - Buy products directly from the farmer. -Eat local seasonal fruits and vegetables. - Favour internet, radio, TV ads to flyers and leaflets. - Favour reusable and recyclable bottles.
5. What can companies do to participate in environmental conservation? • Encourage the employees to change their transport mode : walking /cycling /using public transport/ car pooling • Limit photocopies and print on both sides of a paper. • Use low-consumption energy equipments. • Switch off the devices (computers / screens / printers…) at the end of the day. • Reduce chemicals in products. • Design less polluting and longer-lasting products. • Reduce packaging and give priority to natural packaging like wrapping paper and cardboard. • Recycle old devices. • Develop the use of renewable energy: install solar panel on the firm’s roof, warm the building with the geothermal energy and encourage the employees to use renewable energies.
6. How can our school become more ecoresponsible? Problems observed : Open windows in winter Lights on during the day
Computers left on standby Fluorescent food
Solutions If the school wants to be more eco-responsible, it must first tackle the energy losses (for example by turning off computers) and it must cook organic products.