Combining Technology with the 6 “C’s” of Motivation

Combining Technology with the 6 “C’s” of Motivation By: Rose Castro ED 480 Educational Technology Teach Back Mary Anne Campo 04-15-08

Motivational Effects Kids like the immediate results. It’s not a result that you can get anywhere except on the computer…For them it really is a big deal-much more so than I ever thought it was going to be. Elementary Teacher

Technology When students are using technology as a tool or a support for communicating with others, they are in an active role rather than the passive role of recipient of information transmitted by a teacher, textbook, or broadcast.

Six “C’s” of Motivation Choice Challenge Control Collaboration Constructing Meaning Consequences

Choice When students are given choices to select tasks that are close to their personal interests, their motivation to learn increases.

Challenge When providing tasks requiring appropriate level of challenge, students are more likely to be motivated. Teachers should provide feedback to enhance students’ self-efficacy and sustain their motivation toward learning.

Control When involved in the process of classroom control (e.g. decision-making, organization of content, choosing team members, etc.), students will be more responsible, independent, and self-regulated learners.

Collaboration Students willingly work together and inspire each other to reach a desired goal and finish the group task. Enhances individuals’ thinking and learning Students share learning strategies and perspectives with each other through social interaction

Constructing Meaning Students are given the opportunity to build a rationale for the meaningfulness of literacy activities. By perceiving the meaningfulness of activities and the value of knowledge, students’ learning motivation will enhance.

Consequences Teachers provide channels for students to display their work and learn from each other. This also gives students a positive feeling about effort, ownership, achievement, and responsibility.

Sample Activity Using the 6 “C’s” for motivating ESL students.

Experiences in the Classroom The City Building Project CSILE: Computer-Supported Intentional Learning Environments The DIG Project A Student Run Manufacturing Company The Multicultural Heroes Project

Conclusion 6 C’s enhance student’s motivation when applied to open-ended tasks Allow students to make their own choices and goals Provide feedback

The End.

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