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Combining Ontologies and Natural Language Processing for Knowledge Retrieval Franz J. Kurfess Computer Science Department California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, CA, U. S. A.
Natural Language Processing 2
NLP Influences ❖ Linguistics v computational ❖ Computer linguistics Science v theory: formal grammars, languages, models v implementation ❖ Cognitive Science ❖ Information Science ❖ Mathematics v statistics http: //isquared. wordpress. com/2011/03/31/the-role-of-natural-language-processing-in-information-retrieval/ © Franz J. Kurfess 3
NLP Approaches ❖ symbolic v complex models based on grammatical structures v linguistic foundations v often built using rule-based systems v very knowledge-intensive ❖ statistical v derived from analyses of large natural language corpora v strongly relies on likelihoods of words appearing in close proximity v very data-intensive ❖ hybrid v combination of symbolic and statistical approaches © Franz J. Kurfess 4
NLP Levels ❖ syntactic analysis (parsing) v analyzing statements with respect to a grammar v consideration of probabilities with respect to a corpus v => probabilistic context-free grammar (PCFG) ❖ semantic interpretation v extension of context-free grammars v => lexicalized PCFGs © Franz J. Kurfess 5
Word Level ❖ lexical analysis (tokenization) v ❖ identification of words stop word removal v sometimes stop words aren’t stop words v v ❖ The Who, The To be or not to be stemming v eliminate variations of the same word v ❖ singular, plural, tenses morphology v prefixes, postfixes, v compound words v Bayerischer Tiefbaugenossenschaftsangestelltengewerkschaftspräsident © Franz J. Kurfess 6
Sentence Level ❖ part of speech (POS) tagging v mapping v noun, of words to roles in a sentence verb, determiner ❖ sentence v usually v Mr. boundaries punctuation, but plenty of exceptions Jones shouted “Stop!” - but to no avail. . . ❖ parsing v possible syntactical mappings of a sentence to a grammar © Franz J. Kurfess 7
Ambiguity ❖ may appear on several levels v word level v homonyms v different words pronounced the same way v synonyms v different words with the same or similar meanings © Franz J. Kurfess 8
NLP Models ❖ acoustic model v speech patterns v likelihood of a particular sequence of sounds ❖ language v likelihood ❖ mental model of a certain string of words model v intention of the speaker to communicate a fact to the listener ❖ world model v corresponding proposition in the real world © Franz J. Kurfess 9
NLP Problems ❖ Synonymy v ❖ Polysemy v ❖ time, place, intent, background knowledge, assumptions Language variations v ❖ many ways to express an idea Context v ❖ order of words Flexibility v ❖ one word => many concepts Word grouping v ❖ one concept => many words evolution over time, local dialects, domain-specific terms and phrases Figures of speech v metaphors, analogies http: //isquared. wordpress. com/2011/03/31/the-role-of-natural-language-processing-in-information-retrieval/ © Franz J. Kurfess 10
Text Analytics ❖ extraction of structure and meaning from text documents v most text documents are not or loosely structured ❖ techniques used v linguistic v analytical v predictive © Franz J. Kurfess 11
Named Entity Recognition (NER) 12
Named Entity Recognition ❖ identifies references to entities with names in text documents v people, locations, events v special data types like ZIP codes, dates, times ❖ distinction v v between different types of terms noise v stop words and utterances that are not meaningful index terms v meaningful words entities v objects or concepts v typically denoted by nouns or placeholders named entities v labelled to make them distinguishable © Franz J. Kurfess 13
Named Entity Extraction ❖ conversion of information about named entities in text documents into a format suitable for computers v data ❖ often base, knowledge base, RDF repository combined with named entity recognition © Franz J. Kurfess 14
Named Entity Extraction Techniques ❖ patterns v regular expressions ❖ dictionary ❖ context ❖ corpus ❖ document v structure headings, captions ❖ formatting v style, font, CSS ❖ appearance http: //www. enterprisesearchblog. com/2008/06/13 -powerful-ent. html © Franz J. Kurfess 15
Named Entity Consolidation ❖ unification of multiple references to the same named entity v within a single document v across multiple documents ❖ references ❖ spelling within sentences variations ❖ synonyms © Franz J. Kurfess 16
NER Performance ❖ systems are often domain-specific v limited vocabulary v reduced ambiguity ❖ in some contexts, close to human performance v 93. 39% f-measure for the best system at MUC-7 v human annotators around 97% © Franz J. Kurfess 17
NER Tools and Systems ❖ Open. Calais (http: //www. opencalais. com/) v NER system available from Thomson Reuters v applications v semantic analysis of Web sites and blog posts v v v CBS Interactive/CNET Wordpress, Drupal, Zemanta, API for content submission v ❖ Newssift - Financial Times v ❖ http: //www. opencalais. com/documentation/calais-web-service-api short-lived, apparently not commercially viable Open. Text (http: //www. opentext. com/) v framework for industry-specific enterprise content management solution v acquired Nstein’s Text Mining Engine (TME) v http: //www. nstein. com/en/resources/product-documentation/ © Franz J. Kurfess 18
Repositories 19
Repository Types ❖ Index v list of occurrences of strings that point to the original documents ❖ file system ❖ (relational) data base v ❖ set of records based on one or more tables non-relational data base (No-SQL) v v often used for Web-scale shallow objects v ❖ more flexible internal structure examples: Hadoop, Hbase, Cassandra RDF repository (triple store) v low-level storage facility v relies on simple statements that connect two entities through a relation v object, attribute, value, v subject, predicate, object © Franz J. Kurfess 20
Repository Examples ❖ Wikipedia ❖ dbpedia ❖ Freebase ❖ Cyc © Franz J. Kurfess 21
RDF Repositories ❖ also known as “triple stores” ❖ often ❖ see combined with ontology managers W 3 C Web site for an overview v http: //www. w 3. org/wiki/Large. Triple. Stores v http: //www. w 3. org/wiki/Semantic. Web. Tools#RDF_Triple_Store_Systems ❖ open. RDF. org ❖ Open. Link Virtuoso ❖ Big. OWLIM ❖ Allegrograph ❖ Oracle Franz Inc Spatial 11 g © Franz J. Kurfess 22
Triple Store Evaluation ❖ functional evaluation ❖ performance evaluation ❖ see Triple Store Evaluation Analysis Report by Revelytix, Inc. v http: //www. revelytix. com/sites/default/files/Triple. Store. Evaluatio n. Analysis. Results. pdf v report states “Confidential, do not distribute without permission of Revelytix” but is available on their Web site © Franz J. Kurfess 23
Ontologies 24
Ontology ❖ examines the relationships between words, and the corresponding concepts and objects v in practice, it often combines aspects of v thesaurus, dictionary, taxonomy, concept map, topic map v frequently uses a graph-based visual representation to indicated relationships between words ❖ used to identify and specify a vocabulary for a particular subject or task © Franz J. Kurfess 25
From Taxonomies to Ontologies ❖ Taxonomy v strict hierarchy ❖ Thesaurus v hierarchy plus synonyms and other relations between words ❖ Topic v Map additional relations between concepts v across v the hierarchy properties of concepts ❖ Ontology v rules specifying the structure of the concept space v instances of concepts © Franz J. Kurfess 26
Menu Taxonomy Object Person Student Topic Researcher Doctoral Student Document Semantics Ph. D Student F-Logic Ontology Taxonomy : = Segmentation, classification and ordering of elements into a classification system according to their relationships between each other [Hotho, Sure, 2003] 27
Menu Thesaurus Object Person Student Topic Researcher Doktoral Student Document Semantics Ph. D Student F-Logic synonym Ontology similar • Terminology for specific domain • Graph with primitives, 2 fixed relationships (similar, synonym), sometimes additional relationships (antonym, homonym, . . . ) • originated from bibliography [Hotho, Sure, 2003] 28
Menu Topic Map Object Person knows Topic described_in Document writes Student Researcher Semantics Doktoral Student Ph. D Student F-Logic synonym Tel Ontology similar Affiliation • Topics (nodes), relationships and occurences (to documents) • ISO-Standard • typically for navigation and visualisation [Hotho, Sure, 2003] 29
Ontology Object is_a Person knows described_in Topic Document writes is_a Student Researcher F-Logic Semantics is_a Affiliation Ontology similar sub. Topic. Of Doktoral Student Ph. D Student Rules instance_of Tel T described_in D Affiliation York Sure +49 721 608 6592 P writes D is_about T Tis_about P knows D T AIFB • Representation Language: Predicate Logic (F-Logic) • Standards: RDF(S); coming up standard: OWL [Hotho, Sure, 2003] 30
Combining Ontologies and NLP 32
Benefits ❖ combination of “rich” knowledge representation with (semi-)automated knowledge acquisition v ontology provides the domain model v NLP facilitates extraction of knowledge from text documents ❖ improved NLP performance v resolution of ambiguities v richer context models © Franz J. Kurfess 33
Problems ❖ lack of ontologies ❖ computational ❖ semantic gap ❖ compatibility v e. g. overhead between different approaches domain model <=> statistical NLP © Franz J. Kurfess 34
Examples 35
Research ❖ AKT - Advanced Knowledge Technologies ❖ SACOT Knowledge Environment Framework © Franz J. Kurfess 36
ANNIE - Open Source Information Extraction ❖ AKT - Advanced Knowledge Technologies v (http: //www. aktors. org/technologies/retrieval/) v http: //www. aktors. org/technologies/annie/intro-image. png © Franz J. Kurfess 37
❖ SACOT Knowledge Environment Framework ❖ https: //analysis. mitre. org/proceedings/Final_Papers _Files/359_Camera_Ready_Paper. pdf © Franz J. Kurfess 38
Artequakt [Alani et al. , 2003] ❖ [Alani et al. , 2003] Automatic ontology-based knowledge extraction from Web documents. Intelligent Systems, IEEE, 18(1): 14 – 21. © Franz J. Kurfess 39
Artequakt Architecture [Alani et al. , 2003] © Franz J. Kurfess 40
Artequakt Knowledge Extraction (a) extraction results (b) knowledge triples © Franz J. Kurfess 41 [Alani et al. , 2003]
Artequakt Ontology ❖ automatic ontology population (a) XML file of extracted information (b) correspondin g instances and relationships [Alani et al. , 2003] © Franz J. Kurfess 42
Artequakt Query Templates ❖ common queries that are resolved into the final text © Franz J. Kurfess [Alani et al. , 2003] 43
Artequakt Biography Result ❖ final rendered biography v based on the previously extracted information © Franz J. Kurfess [Alani et al. , 2003] 44
Textrunner ❖ demo system for Open Information Extraction v http: //ai. cs. washington. edu/projects/open-information-extraction © Franz J. Kurfess 45
Textrunner Search ❖ Query: “What kills bacteria? ” © Franz J. Kurfess [Etzioni et al. , 2008] 46
Commercial Products ❖ status v lack and background often unclear of information © Franz J. Kurfess 47
Conclusions 48
References 49
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