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- Количество слайдов: 5
Описание презентации Colourful Grammar Түрлі-түсті грамматика Цветная грамматика For 6 по слайдам
Colourful Grammar Түрлі-түсті грамматика Цветная грамматика For 6 grades, September / 1 term
Ex. 4 p 101 Drilling Grammar through the text For 6 grade
Define Grammar through the colors 1 Noun Существитель ноеное Зат есім yellow boss 2 Pronoun Местоимение Есімдік pink hishis 3 Adjective ss Прилагательно ее Сын есім green small 4 Adverb Наречие Үстеу light-bl ueue easily 5 Verbs Глаголы Етістік black loved 6 Prepositio nn Предлоги brown atat the end 7 Conjuncti onon Союзы redred and/but 8 Articles Артикли orange a/an/the 9 Phrasal verb Фразовые глаголы violet to rub out 1 0 Numerals Числительные Сан есім grey tenten 1 1 Idioms Идиомы blue to roll in money 1 2 State phrase Устойчивые выражения purple a piece of chalk
Litter is a problem Litter isis food , , paper andand cancan ss onon thethe ground. . People don’t always putput their litter in in thethe litter binbin. . Litter makes thethe place dirty andand spoil ss thethe view ofof thethe city. . Litter isis aa health problem. . It. It bring ss illness. . Some people want to control litter. . They never throw litter themselves. . In. In most citcit ies thethe lawlaw punish eses people whowho throw litter onon thethe street ss. . They usually paypay aa fine. . Don’t be aa litterbug. .
Nouns –– Зат есім — Существительное uncountable possessive case only in singular plural litter food ground view health lawlaw fine a paper a can a litter bin a place a city paper ss cancan ss litter binbin ss place ss citcit iesies The color of the paper The price of the can The place of the litter bin The name of the place The address of the city