Скачать презентацию Colonial lectures Chronology through 15 stories 1492 Скачать презентацию Colonial lectures Chronology through 15 stories 1492


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Colonial lectures Chronology through 15 stories Colonial lectures Chronology through 15 stories

1492 -Columbus’s first voyage to America looking for Asia 1492 -Columbus’s first voyage to America looking for Asia

1521 -Cortes conquers Aztecs with intimidation, guns, horses, allies 1521 -Cortes conquers Aztecs with intimidation, guns, horses, allies

1607 -Jamestown set up on swamp-John Smith-John Rolfe. Tobacco-Pocahantas 1607 -Jamestown set up on swamp-John Smith-John Rolfe. Tobacco-Pocahantas

1619 -House of Burgesses. Representative government/Virginia/1 st slaves 1619 -House of Burgesses. Representative government/Virginia/1 st slaves

1620 -Pilgrims come from Holland-Mayflower Compact/Thanksgiving 1620 -Pilgrims come from Holland-Mayflower Compact/Thanksgiving

1630 -Massachusetts Bay Colony-Puritans-John Winthrop -Hutchinson rebels 1630 -Massachusetts Bay Colony-Puritans-John Winthrop -Hutchinson rebels

1651 -Navigation Acts---set up mercantilism, but mostly salutary neglect 1651 -Navigation Acts---set up mercantilism, but mostly salutary neglect

1676 -Bacon’s Rebellion-fewer Indentured servants, more slaves 1676 -Bacon’s Rebellion-fewer Indentured servants, more slaves

1680 -In Santa Fe, rebellion by Pueblo Indians/ Pope expels Spaniards temporarily 1680 -In Santa Fe, rebellion by Pueblo Indians/ Pope expels Spaniards temporarily

Early 1700 -Encomienda system/missions/Father Serra in California Early 1700 -Encomienda system/missions/Father Serra in California

1739 -Stono Rebellion-South Carolina-connection to West Indies 1739 -Stono Rebellion-South Carolina-connection to West Indies

1754 -Albany Plan of Unionunite with British vs. French. Ben Franklin-Enlightenment 1754 -Albany Plan of Unionunite with British vs. French. Ben Franklin-Enlightenment

Soviets Win Big at Yalta Soviets Win Big at Yalta

OSS Saves Life of Future enemy OSS Saves Life of Future enemy

OSS Saves Life of Future Enemy OSS Saves Life of Future Enemy

Dislodging the Spanish from Philippines gives America a military base in the Western Pacific Dislodging the Spanish from Philippines gives America a military base in the Western Pacific

Close proximity to Cuba motivates America to keep Guantanamo Bay as a naval and Close proximity to Cuba motivates America to keep Guantanamo Bay as a naval and coaling station

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