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College/Career Planning Union County High School Guidance Department 2016 -2017 College/Career Planning Union County High School Guidance Department 2016 -2017

Agenda • • Factors in college admission decisions Timelines PSAT / SAT… ACT testing Agenda • • Factors in college admission decisions Timelines PSAT / SAT… ACT testing College application process NCAA Eligibility Center registration FAFSA… financial aid Scholarships

Factors in College Admission Decisions • • • • Grades (grade trends) GPA Class Factors in College Admission Decisions • • • • Grades (grade trends) GPA Class rank College prep courses taken Standardized admissions test scores… SAT/ACT Writing sample/Essay Letters of recommendation Work experience Extra-curricular activities Leadership positions Awards/Honors Interview Student’s interest level in college or major AP courses and AP Exams ISTEP/ECA scores, etc. !!!

Timelines • Sophomores… PSAT/NMSQT (Pre-SAT) in the Fall (October) at UCHS. • Juniors… PSAT/NMSQT Timelines • Sophomores… PSAT/NMSQT (Pre-SAT) in the Fall (October) at UCHS. • Juniors… PSAT/NMSQT (Pre-SAT) in the Fall (October) at UCHS. SAT/ACT in the Winter/Spring of junior year! Visit College Campuses! (pre-arranged absence form in order to have 2 excused absences). Register NCAA Eligibility Center junior year! • Seniors… Retake SAT/ACT in the Summer or Fall, beginning of senior year. Visit College Campuses (Summer and Fall)! (pre-arranged absence form in order to have 2 excused absences). Apply to College in the Fall (watch deadlines)! FAFSA in October-March (deadlines in March)!

EXPLORE Scores (Seniors only) College Readiness Benchmarks National Averages UCHS Averages 2012 -2013 -2014 EXPLORE Scores (Seniors only) College Readiness Benchmarks National Averages UCHS Averages 2012 -2013 -2014 -2015 English 14 15. 7 16. 4 15. 7 Math 18 16. 3 16. 9 17 Reading 17 15. 4 16. 1 15. 4 Science 19 17. 1 18 17. 3 Composite 17 16. 2 17 16. 5 15. 7 17 15. 4 17. 3 16. 5

PSAT/NMSQT • PSAT/NMSQT stands for Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. • Enters students PSAT/NMSQT • PSAT/NMSQT stands for Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. • Enters students in the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) scholarship programs (Only when taken as a Junior). • The PSAT/NMSQT measures: critical reading skills • math problem-solving skills • writing skills • PSAT will be taken by Sophomores and Juniors • Fee: $14. 00 (paid for by the state of Indiana)

NMSQT… National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test Program Recognition… 1. 4 million entrants, 50, 000 NMSQT… National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test Program Recognition… 1. 4 million entrants, 50, 000 with the highest PSAT. • Selection Index scores (critical reading + mathematics + writing skills scores) qualify for recognition in the National Merit® Scholarship Program. Commended Students… 34, 000 of the 50, 000 high scorers on the PSAT. • receive Letters of Commendation in recognition of their outstanding academic promise. Semifinalists… 16, 000 of the 50, 000 high scorers are notified that they have qualified as Semifinalists. Finalists… 15, 000 Semifinalists are notified by mail at their home addresses that they have advanced to Finalist standing. High school principals are notified and provided with a certificate to present to each Finalist. Winner Selection… All winners of Merit Scholarship® awards (Merit Scholar® designees) are chosen from the Finalist group. UCHS… NMSQT Recognition Since 1977… • Usually one or two Commended Students each year. • 3 Semifinalist • 4 Finalists • 3 Winners

PSAT Scores College Readiness Benchmarks National Averages UCHS Averages 2012 -2013 -2014 -2015 Juniors PSAT Scores College Readiness Benchmarks National Averages UCHS Averages 2012 -2013 -2014 -2015 Juniors 2014 -2015 Sophomores 42. 2 43. 7 44. 1 40. 2 46. 5 41. 6 41. 4 38 Critical Reading 50 Math Writing 50 49 48 49 47 43. 8 39. 7 46. 5 41. 9

ACT or SAT? • Colleges accept the ACT or SAT test! • During scheduling ACT or SAT? • Colleges accept the ACT or SAT test! • During scheduling appointments in January/February of Junior year… Counselors look over students’ EXPLORE and PSAT test scores to guide juniors on which test will be a better fit for them based on test scores. • It is recommended that students take the ACT or SAT in the spring of their junior year!

The “new” SAT • The SAT covers core content areas deemed essential for success The “new” SAT • The SAT covers core content areas deemed essential for success in college. • The SAT testes over the following areas: • • • Reading Writing and Language Math (calculator) Math (no calculator) Essay (optional)

SAT or SAT Subject Test? • Check with each individual college regarding which SAT SAT or SAT Subject Test? • Check with each individual college regarding which SAT test is acceptable. • Most colleges prefer the SAT. • Certain programs such as Engineering may require additional subject tests in the areas of math and science, for example.

SAT Registration SAT Test Centers and Codes (near Liberty, IN) • Register online at SAT Registration SAT Test Centers and Codes (near Liberty, IN) • Register online at Collegeboard. com • Richmond, Indiana (Earlham College)… 15 -680 • Connersville, Indiana (Connersville High School)… 15 -190 • Hamilton, Ohio (Hamilton and Badin High School)… 36 -385 and 36 -390 • Unable to offer SAT test at UCHS due to size of school…

SAT FEES • SAT Reasoning Test (with Essay)… $57 • Change/Late fees (test type, SAT FEES • SAT Reasoning Test (with Essay)… $57 • Change/Late fees (test type, center, or date change) $28 • 4 reports included (to send to colleges) • Each additional score report request $12

SAT Preparation • SAT Preparation Books on the college board webpage for student’s to SAT Preparation • SAT Preparation Books on the college board webpage for student’s to download. • • • Collegeboard. com… Free Resources… Sign up to receive a “Question of the day” via e-mail Sample practice questions Practice tests and tutorials from Kahn Academy For a Fee… Official Study Guide with DVD and Official SAT Online Course

SAT Scoring • Scores reflect skill and achievement. • Two Section Score: (200 -800 SAT Scoring • Scores reflect skill and achievement. • Two Section Score: (200 -800 scale) • Evidence based reading and writing • Math • • Three Section Score: (10 -40 scale) Reading Writing and Language Math • • Essay Score: (2 -8 scale) Reading Analysis Writing

ACT • The ACT® test assesses high school students' ability to complete college-level work. ACT • The ACT® test assesses high school students' ability to complete college-level work. • The ACT sections include: • English • Math • Reading • Science • Writing (optional)

ACT Registration Online at www. actstudent. org The ACT is offered at UCHS for ACT Registration Online at www. actstudent. org The ACT is offered at UCHS for the 2016 -2017 school year… September 10 Deadline: August 5 December 10 Deadline: November 4 February 11 Deadline: January 13 April 8 Deadline: March 3 June 10 Deadline: May 5

ACT Test Center Codes • UCHS Test Center Code is…. 225310 • • • ACT Test Center Codes • UCHS Test Center Code is…. 225310 • • • Connersville, Indiana (Connersville High School)… 177270 Richmond, Indiana (Indiana University East)… 012160 Harrison, Ohio (Harrison High School)… 182450 Oxford, Ohio (Miami University)… 032940 Oxford, Ohio (Talawanda High School)… 182760

ACT FEES • ACT (writing) $58. 50 • Change/Late fees (test type, center, or ACT FEES • ACT (writing) $58. 50 • Change/Late fees (test type, center, or date change) : $25 • 4 college reports included (to send to colleges) • Additional reports $12

ACT Preparation • • • ACT Preparation Books are available in guidance office… WWW. ACT Preparation • • • ACT Preparation Books are available in guidance office… WWW. ACT. ORG Free Resources… Online Prep Guide ACT Question of the Day Preparing for the ACT Booklet Sample test questions Test tips Test descriptions

ACT Scoring ACT counts the number of questions on each test that you answered ACT Scoring ACT counts the number of questions on each test that you answered correctly. ACT does not deduct any points for incorrect answers. Each test score (English, Mathematics, Reading, Science, Writing) range from 1 (low) to 36 (high). The Composite Score is the average of your four test scores, rounded to the nearest whole number… (1 -36) 2015 National Average Score… 21 2015 Indiana Average… 22. 1 2015 UCHS Average… 22. 2 (previous years: 20. 9, 21. 1, 21) (previous years: 21. 7, 22. 3, 21. 9 ) (previous years: 22, 21. 6, 22. 4)

UCHS Code for ACT/SAT • UCHS CEEB High School Code … 152065 • (this UCHS Code for ACT/SAT • UCHS CEEB High School Code … 152065 • (this code allows ACT/SAT to send score to UCHS… in order for scores to be recorded on your high school transcript. ) • Union County High School Test Center Code … 225310 • (this code allows you to take the ACT test at UCHS)

ACT/SAT… 504 Plan or IEP • Special testing available for both ACT and SAT ACT/SAT… 504 Plan or IEP • Special testing available for both ACT and SAT for students with disabilities (IEP or 504 plan). • Main accommodation approved… extended time! • Accommodations must be approved by ACT and/or SAT Special Services Departments… application process. • See your counselor for additional information.

Fee Waivers for SAT, ACT, and College Applications • Student who qualify for Free Fee Waivers for SAT, ACT, and College Applications • Student who qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch also qualify for Fee Waivers: • SAT (up to 2 times) • ACT (up to 2 times) • College Application fees… average is $50 • Fee Waiver Forms available in the guidance office… • Limited number, so you must stop in to request them.

Test Day Tips • Be well-rested. . . Get a good night's sleep the Test Day Tips • Be well-rested. . . Get a good night's sleep the night before the test. • Eat breakfast. You'll be at the test center for several hours and you're likely to get hungry. • Bring snacks… You will get short breaks. • Bring acceptable Photo ID and your SAT/ACT Admission Ticket. • Bring two No. 2 pencils and a good eraser • Bring a calculator with fresh batteries. • Testing usually begins at 8 a. m. and ends at approximately 1 p. m. or so… Arrive early… by 7: 45 for check in!!!

College Tours / Visits • • • Schedule visits through the College’s Office of College Tours / Visits • • • Schedule visits through the College’s Office of Admission Daily Campus Tours Personal Campus Visits Event Days (21 st Century Scholars, Junior Preview Day) Virtual Tours online • UCHS permits 4 college visit days that count as excused absences. • 2 college visits Junior year, 2 college visits Senior year. • Must have a Pre-Arranged Absence form filled out and turned into the front office prior to the visit… can be picked up in document holder in the hall across from the front office. • NACAC College Fair

College Applications • Check individual college requirements, including deadlines! • Most colleges require: • College Applications • Check individual college requirements, including deadlines! • Most colleges require: • Application (online) • Supplemental application pages (counselor page)… may ask for counselor’s e-mail. • Official High School Transcript… Parchment • ACT or SAT scores • Student Essay • Letters of Recommendation • Application fee (average fee is $50) • Call or e-mail the college Office of Admissions to make sure they have received all the required documents. Colleges will review your application only when they have received ALL of the required documents!

College Applications • Recommended to complete applications by October 31… • Many merit based College Applications • Recommended to complete applications by October 31… • Many merit based scholarship deadlines are November 1. • Application deadline might be in December or January, but possible to miss out on scholarship opportunities if not submitted in by November 1.

Sending transcripts to Colleges… • Common Electronic Transcript – During the 2013 legislative session, Sending transcripts to Colleges… • Common Electronic Transcript – During the 2013 legislative session, the General Assembly passed HEA 1341 and the Governor signed P. L. 111 – 2013 into law. This law requires all public secondary schools (including charter schools) to use the common electronic transcript developed by the department of education, by July 1, 2015. • Must be sent by UCHS via Parchment online… www. Parchment. com • Parchment issues all students a registration codes… • Juniors will receive their code when they schedule in January. • Seniors received their code last year during their scheduling appointment.

Setting up a Parchment/Transcript Account • • • Click on: Learners / Create Account Setting up a Parchment/Transcript Account • • • Click on: Learners / Create Account Enter Name, DOB, e-mail, and password Enter verification/confirmation code (receive by e-mail) Log in using newly created e-mail username and password + add school or organization (Union County High School- 7 options… Liberty) Check currently enrolled, add DOB, gender, start and end/graduation year of high school. FERPA- waive right Consent and Request Click on Academic Organization and electronic delivery Add Colleges you want transcript to go to… Sign and provide consent (sign with mouse)… Confirm

Common Application and Parchment • • If YOU intend to apply using COMMON APP Common Application and Parchment • • If YOU intend to apply using COMMON APP ONLINE…and YOUR COUNSELOR also intends to submit ONLINE using Parchment: • Create an account at http: //www. commonapp. org/ and note your Common App ID. You will need it to make sure your transcript gets to the right place. • Use the School Forms section of the Common App Online to invite your counselor to be a recommender. Doing this will trigger an email message to your counselor providing instructions on how to submit school forms online. Confirm with your counselor that he or she intends to submit school forms online. • Log into your Parchment account and select the Common App tab. • Provide your Common App ID – when prompted, confirm that the Common App ID and information (i. e. your name, colleges applied to, counselor name) are correct. • Your transcript will be sent directly to the Common App Online system where it will be matched by your counselor with your school forms and submitted on your behalf. • Once you have submitted your transcript to the Common App, your transcript is ready for submission to ALL of your Common App colleges. You do not need to submit one for each “C” college.

Student Essays/Resumes • Individual strengths • Academic achievements (GPA, Rank, subject area in which Student Essays/Resumes • Individual strengths • Academic achievements (GPA, Rank, subject area in which you excelled) • Field of interest • Extra-curricular activities (sports, clubs) • Leadership positions (class treasurer, FFA president) • Awards and honors • Community service • Jobs, etc.

Letters of Recommendation • Send/attach Letters of Recommendation with college application… • from teachers, Letters of Recommendation • Send/attach Letters of Recommendation with college application… • from teachers, community members, pastors, coaches, school counselors etc. • Please fill out Student Resume and allow at least one week for counselors to write letters of recommendation … • Tony Duritsch, A-L • Robin Durham, M-Z • Pam Abernathy, Guidance Secretary

NCAA Eligibility Center (Clearinghouse) • Register with the NCAA Eligibility Center if student plans NCAA Eligibility Center (Clearinghouse) • Register with the NCAA Eligibility Center if student plans to play Division Ι or Division ΙΙ sports in College. • Register Junior year! • Make sure to verify that your classes meet NCAA Eligibility Center requirements… Worksheet online! (Checklists, Quick Reference sheets etc. ) • Online Application… www. eligibilitycenter. org • Fee: approximately $75… Fee waivers available if qualified for SAT/ACT fee waivers. • NCAA requires ACT/SAT scores!. . . Enter code 9999 in the college code section of the registration process in order to have your test scores sent to the NCAA Eligibility Center.

PLAY NAIA • Register with PLAYNAIA if student plans to play NAIA sports in PLAY NAIA • Register with PLAYNAIA if student plans to play NAIA sports in College. • Register Senior year! • Make sure to verify that your classes meet NAIA requirements. • Online Application… www. playnaia. org • Fee: approximately $75… Fee waivers available if qualified for SAT/ACT fee waivers. • NAIA requires ACT/SAT scores!. . . Enter code 9876 in the college code section of the registration process in order to have your test scores sent to NAIA. • A few NAIA colleges… Grace, IU East, Indiana Wesleyan, Marian, etc.

FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) • The Federal government uses the FAFSA FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) • The Federal government uses the FAFSA form to determine eligibility for financial aid which includes: • Grants • Work-study programs • Scholarships • Loans (Parent and Student) • • • Funds come from the following sources: Federal State Schools (Universities) Private agencies

FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) • www. fafsa. ed. gov… FREE!!! • FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) • www. fafsa. ed. gov… FREE!!! • FAFSA on the Web edits your application before you submit it. This helps ensure that the data you submit is ready to be processed. DO NOT go to fafsa. com or any other websites or organizations that charge a fee… SCAMS! • Gather the documents you need… • Social Security Number, driver’s license, income tax returns/W 2’s, bank statements, and investment records, as well as the Colleges/Universities you wish to attend.

FAFSA Deadlines • Colleges and states have their own deadlines. • New this year: FAFSA Deadlines • Colleges and states have their own deadlines. • New this year: • Can begin submission of FAFSA as early as October 2016. • Can use 2015 tax information. • Indiana Student Financial Aid Deadline: • Mid-March, 2017 (date not released yet). • Federal Student Financial Aid Deadline: • End of June, 2017

SAR: Student Aid Report • Summary of the information you entered on the FAFSA SAR: Student Aid Report • Summary of the information you entered on the FAFSA • Notifies you of your EFC (Expected Family Contribution) and if you are eligible for a PELL grant. • Receive SAR report 1 -3 days after submitting FAFSA. • Important to check for any mistakes.

FAFSA Night at UCHS • Wednesday, February 15, 2017 in the UCHS Library • FAFSA Night at UCHS • Wednesday, February 15, 2017 in the UCHS Library • FAFSA expert will present information on how to file the FAFSA and then will stay to help with any questions you have if you wish to file the FAFSA that night….

College Cost help… • Indiana College Cost Estimator (Learn More Indiana) • Fill out College Cost help… • Indiana College Cost Estimator (Learn More Indiana) • Fill out this easy form and you will be one step closer to financing your education! All you need is your financial data and basic academic statistics. • http: //www. indianacollegecosts. org/

Scholarships • Scholarship cart located in the guidance office!!! • Sorted by deadlines. • Scholarships • Scholarship cart located in the guidance office!!! • Sorted by deadlines. • Scholarships are updated daily… so stop in frequently to see if any scholarships apply to you!

Union County Foundation and Local Scholarships • UC Foundation and local Scholarships available in Union County Foundation and Local Scholarships • UC Foundation and local Scholarships available in the Spring! • Most award recipients chosen by the scholarship donor and/or a scholarship committee. • Scholarship recipients announced at the UCHS Senior Awards Ceremony in May/June.

Union County Foundation and Local Scholarships (Examples from previous years) • • • • Union County Foundation and Local Scholarships (Examples from previous years) • • • • • • Field of study (Education, Medical, Science, Business) Alumni Associations Agriculture, FFA, 4 -H Academic achievement Leadership and involvement in particular clubs. Mental Attitude Community Service VFW REMC Elks Club Union County Farm Bureau Republican Scholarship Harvest Land Co-op UC Extension Homemakers UC Wrestling Club College Corner Community Club Lion’s Club Local churches UCF Memorial Scholarships Scramble to College Mallow Murray Scholarship Cummins Scholarships

21 st Century Scholars • Seniors MUST complete an scholar track criteria for senior 21 st Century Scholars • Seniors MUST complete an scholar track criteria for senior year including the Affirmation form (online) by the Indiana FAFSA deadline in order to receive their 21 st Century Scholarship!!! Deadline: same date as the Indiana FAFSA deadline. • Juniors MUST complete scholar track criteria!!! • 21 st Century Representative will come and meet with 21 st Century Scholars to notify them of their responsibilities on November 2, 2016. • www. in. gov/21 stcenturyscholars

Indiana College Initiatives (Learn More Indiana) • Fall- College GO! Week is an initiative Indiana College Initiatives (Learn More Indiana) • Fall- College GO! Week is an initiative to help Hoosiers of all ages plan, prepare, and pay for college and career success. • September 26 -30, 2016… A few colleges waive application fees… see website for details, as well as list in the guidance office. • Winter- Cash for College works to equip students and families with the practical steps needed to pay for college and College Goal Sunday provides help filling out the FAFSA… in February at Indiana Colleges/Universities. • Links to these initiatives on Learn More Indiana Website…

College Go Week Last year 2015 College Application Fee Waivers… Indiana State University… Free College Go Week Last year 2015 College Application Fee Waivers… Indiana State University… Free application all of September. IU East… Free application when student attends on-campus Saturday VIP or Friday Red Wolves events. Vincennes University… Free application during College Go Week Complete list can be found online at Learn More Indiana!!!

ASVAB Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery • Military: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines • ASVAB Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery • Military: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines • Career Assessment… • not just for entrance into the military • Given to Juniors and Seniors planning on pursuing career in Military • See your recruiter for details… Recruiters will randomly visit the UCHS cafeteria during lunches.

UCHS Guidance Office Resources • • SAT/ACT Preparation Books Scholarship Information College/University Brochures Books UCHS Guidance Office Resources • • SAT/ACT Preparation Books Scholarship Information College/University Brochures Books regarding various career paths • Listen to the Announcements!!! • Guidance Office Bulletin Board and Website!!!

Senior Post Secondary Appointments… • Counselors will meet with ALL seniors to discuss individual Senior Post Secondary Appointments… • Counselors will meet with ALL seniors to discuss individual post secondary plans… • Week of September 19 -23 • Week of October 3 -7 Appointment times can be found hanging on the bulletin board in the Guidance Office.

Graduation Events • • • Friday June 2, 2017 Mandatory Graduation Practice at 10 Graduation Events • • • Friday June 2, 2017 Mandatory Graduation Practice at 10 a. m. Senior Lunch at Noon-ish. Baccalaureate at 5: 30 p. m. Senior Scholarship Awards Program at 7 p. m. • Sunday June 4, 2017 • Graduation Ceremony • Millett Hall, Miami University at 1: 30 p. m.

Questions? Union County High School Guidance Department Tony Duritsch (A-L) tduritsch@uc. k 12. in. Questions? Union County High School Guidance Department Tony Duritsch (A-L) tduritsch@uc. k 12. in. us Robin Durham (M-Z) rdurham@uc. k 12. in. us Pam Abernathy (guidance secretary) pabernathy@uc. k 12. in. us