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COLLECTIVE EXCITATIONS USING PROTON BEAM AT CCB KRAKOW PROGRAM AND PREPARATION MEASUREMENTS M. Kmiecik A. Maj 1, M. Ciemała 1, B. Wasilewska 1, M. Ziębliński 1, J. Łukasik 1, P. Pawłowski 1, J. Grębosz 1, P. Bednarczyk 1, M. Krzysiek 1, et al. F. Crespi 2, A. Bracco 2, F. Camera 2, S. Brambilla 2, A. Giaz 2, S. Leoni 2, et al. Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków 1 2 Milano University and INFN, Milano Joint LIA COLL-AGAIN, COPIGAL, POLITA WORKSHOP 26 -29 April 2016, LNS Catania
CYCLOTRON CENTRE BRONOWICE – CCB AT IFJ PAN KRAKÓW Objective: - proton cancer therapy, Preparation for experiments and additionally research program at CCB IFJ PAN Kraków concerning: using inelastic scattering – nuclear physics, of fast protons – radiobiology – dosimetry – and medical physics. proton cyclotron (Ebeam=70 -230 Me. V) M. Kmiecik, Piaski 2015
LAYOUT OF THE PROTON BEAM DELIVERY SYSTEM 230 Me. V proton cyclotron (IBA) Energy selector (70 -230 Me. V, Dp/p<0. 7%) Eye-therapy room 2 gantries for whole body theraphy Experimental hall
LETTER OF INTENT The gamma decay from high-lying states and giant resonances excited via (p, p’ ) at beam 70 -200 Me. V F. Crespi 1, M. Kmiecik 2, A. Bracco 1, F. Camera 1, S. Leoni 1, G. Benzoni 1, S. Brambilla 1, A. Giaz 1, L. Pellegri 1, O. Wieland 1 et al. , A. Maj 2, B. Wasilewska 2, P. Bednarczyk 2, B. Fornal 2, M. Krzysiek 2, N. Cieplicka 1, K. Mazurek 2, M. Ziębliński 2, J. Grębosz 2, M. Jastrząb 2, J. Łukasik 2, P. Pawłowski 2 et al. 1 Milano University and INFN, Milano 2 Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków Abstract This letter of intent is for an experimental program at the Krakow Proteus-235 proton cyclotron focusing on the study of the gamma decay from high-lying states below and above the particle binding energy excited via proton inelastic scattering. The proposed experimental program was accepted by th CCB International Advisory Committee with the highest priority
PHYSICS MOTIVATION study of highly excited states in STABLE nuclei Pygmy GQR Bn q Pygmy dipole states q Gamma decay from giant resonances (ISGQR) q (p, p’γ) reaction at Ebeam = 70 120 Me. V q (p, p’γ) reaction at Ebeam = 70 -200 Me. V 208 Pb, 90 Zr, 120 Sn, …. q Comparison to the high resolution measurements at other laboratories (RNCP, i-Themba, KVI, HIGS, ELI-NP ) q Measurements of the gamma-branching ratio to test the microscopic structure of ISGQR
GAMMA DECAY OF GIANT QUADRUPOLE RESONANCES • • not well known mainly studied by scattered particle measurements (the gamma-decay width is a small fraction (< 10− 4) of the total width) 381 Me. V 17 O on 208 Pb target -ray gated spectra decay to g. s. (p, p’) and (e, e’) experiments Shevchenko PRL 93(2004)122501 -1 to 32. 61 Me. V Tamii et al. , Eur. Phys. J. A 50 (2014) 28 gamma decay measurements needed to 2+ 4. 02 Me. V to 34. 97 Me. V J. Beene et al PRC 39(1989)1307
AVAILABLE INSTRUMENTATION KRATTA array (Krakow triple telescope array) 35 triple Cs. I telescopes to measure the energy and angle of inelastically scattered protons Ø Broad energy range (2. 5 -260 Me. V for protons) Ø Energy resolution: 1 -2% Ø Angular resolution: 3. 9° Fully digital ACQ
AVAILABLE INSTRUMENTATION HECTOR array 8 large (Φ 15 cmx 20 cm) cristals of Ba. F 2 2 Me. V < Eγ < 40 Me. V ΔE/E ≈1 0%, Δt < 1 ns (Milano-Kraków COLLABORATION) The HECTOR array arrived from GSI in 2014 (after the AGATA@GSI campaign)
AVAILABLE INSTRUMENTATION IN DEDICATED CAMPAIGNS PARIS demonstrator: 1 -4 clusters, each of 9 phoswich Labr 3 -Na. I detectors 1 -4 large volume (3. 5”x 8”) La. Br 3 (Krakow, Milano, Krakow-Dubna)
GAMMA DECAY OF GQR IN STABLE NUCLEI – IDEA OF THE MEASUREMENT Calculated angular distributions for proton inelastic scattering at 200 Me. V from the 208 Pb nucleus and corresponding to the excitation of the GQR state at 10. 9 Me. V GQR 208 Pb(p, p’) Ep=200 Me. V F. E. Bertrand et Rev. C 34, 46 (1986) F. E. Bertrand et al. , Phys. Rev. C 34, 46 (1986)
EXPERIMENTAL SETUP NOTE: the target is in the air KRATTA p 35 cm E* 20 cm p’ 30 cm 448 cm 26 cm 40 cm HECTOR target Ti window beam dump
HECTOR-KRATTA COINCIDENCE TEST proton beam @ E= 80 Me. V 12 C (graphite) target – 1 mm KRATTA DE - E proton exit window 50 µm Ti target
HECTOR-KRATTA COINCIDENCE TEST background subtracted gated on background time Gate: Egamma=Eexcitation± 2 Me. V E gamma gated on coincidence time E proton
GAMMA AND PROTON ENERGY SPECTRA ~4. 4 Me. V E background subtracted ~15 Me. V E proton ~4. 4 Me. V ~15 Me. V Sn = 18. 7 Me. V Sp = 15. 9 Me. V
GAMMA AND PROTON ENERGY SPECTRA decay to g. s. ~4. 4 Me. V E proton E ~15 Me. V 12. 7 Me. V 15. 1 Me. V E* [Me. V] 16 2. 4 Me. V ~4. 4 Me. V 12 8 4 0 ~2. 4 Me. V decay to 2+ 4. 4 Me. V ~4. 4 Me. V 3. 2 Me. V 3. 4 Me. V 11. 7 Me. V ~6 Me. V 10. 7 Me. V 8. 3 Me. V ~4. 4 Me. V ~6 Me. V 6. 5 Me. V 7. 5 Me. V ~15 Me. V ~4. 4 Me. V
P @ 85 MEV ON PB TARGET Experimental setup • • FRESCO calculations by Mateusz Krzysiek Planar geometry to cover wider angle range Plastic SCINTILLATOR in the front of KRATTA – for proton signal in external trigger
KRATTA PROTON SPECTRA gates on protons and time det. #1, 2 ~22 Me. V ~14 Me. V ~8 Me. V p @ 85 Me. V on Pb det. #3, 4 ~22 Me. V ~14 Me. V ~8 Me. V ~22 Me. V ~14 Me. V det. #7, 8 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8 E _GQR = 10. 6 Me. V E_GDR = 13. 4 Me. V
GAMMA AND PROTON ENERGY SPECTRA all KRATTA modules Gate: Egamma=Eexcitation± 2 Me. V ~7 Me. V ~4 Me. V E proton E ~7 Me. V ~4 Me. V ~10 Me. V ~14 Me. V ~10 Me. V Sn = 7. 4 Me. V Sp = 8 Me. V ~20 Me. V
G-RAY DECAY TO GROUND STATE J. Beene et al PRC 39(1989)1307 decay to g. s. ~6 Me. V ~4 Me. V ~7 Me. V ~14 Me. V ~10 Me. V quite similar [Me. V] need to be studied more carefully with better statistic
ONGOING WORK FOR IMPROVEMENTS Inserting KRATTA array into the (existing) large vacuum chamber AND Adding a multiwire chamber in front of the KRATTA detectors to improve angular resolution (in collaboration with ATOMKI Debrecen)
CONCLUSIONS • New facility CCB with proton beam (70 -230 Me. V), both for hadron therapy and basic research in nuclear physics becomes operational in Krakow • The experimental program to study the gamma decay of high-lying states and giant resonances excited via (p, p’γ) at proton beam of 70200 Me. V was prepared and accepted by the International Advisory Committee • First tests of the setup for measurements of the GQR were performed – the results are promising, but some problems need to be solved • IFJ PAN Krakow (together with HIL Warsaw) became a TNA facility within the ENSAR 2 program – this will help the international collaboration
28 August – 4 September 2016 Nuclear structure at extreme values of spin and isospin v Modern nuclear theory v Collective excitation modes v Decay studies of exotic nuclei v Direct and compound reactions v Nuclear structure in astrophysics v New instrumentation and techniques v Nuclear fusion for energy zakopane 2016. ifj. edu. pl