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Planning the waste collection system Ø Factors need to be consider: Ø population distribution & density Ø topography & road layout Ø characteristic of the waste & quantity Ø disposal method used Ø weather condition Ø type & number vehicles available Ø number of location of transfer station Ø road design
Collection of solid waste Ø The term collection included: Ø picking up of solid waste from the sources, Ø hauling of wastes to the location where the contents of the collection vehicle are emptied Ø The unloading of collection vehicle is also consider part of the collection operation.
Con’t…. Ø Activities associated with hauling and unloading similar for most collection system Ø The gathering or picking up of SW vary with the characteristic of: Ø the facilities. Ø Activities. Ø location where wastes are generated. Ø method use for storage of accumulated wastes between collections.
Con’t…. Ø Collection in an urban area is difficult and complex: Ø Development of urban and sub-urban Ø Generation become more diffuse & quantity of waste increases. Ø The responsible of the municipal or district council the privet waste management companies.
Low-rise detach dwelling (commingled) Ø Manual method use for collection residential waste include: Ø The direct lifting & carrying of loaded containers to the collection vehicle. Ø The rolling the loaded containers on their rims to the collection vehicle Ø The use of small lifts for rolling loaded to the collection vehicle.
Con’t…. Ø The method of waste collection will influence the quality and quantity of recovered material and the mode of disposal. Ø Basically, four common types of residential collection service Ø curb Ø alley Ø setout-setback Ø setout
Con’t…. Curb Ø Door to door collection Ø Homeowner responsible for placing the containers. Ø Most common method in Malaysia Ø Terrace houses or link houses Ø material collected from the home by the collection crew
Con’t…. Ø In other case the collection vehicle equipped with auxiliary container – then emptied to the collection vehicle Ø The use of small satellite vehicles Ø The empty bins are taken back by the owners
Con’t…. Ø Disadvantages: Ø the bins are messed up by scavengers Ø bin are stolen Ø animal sometimes mess up the bins – looking for food
Con’t…. Alley Ø Door to collection Ø Also call back lane collection Ø Commonly used in many part of Asia
Con’t…. Setout-setback Ø Door to collection Ø Containers are set out from homeowner’s property and set back after emptied by additional crew. Ø Use two groups of collectors Ø Faster
Con’t…. Setout Ø Door to collection Ø Same as setout-setback except: Ø Homeowners is responsible to return the container to storage location. Ø Individual house collection Ø bungalow
Con’t…. Manual methods Ø Manual methods used for the collection of residential waste include: Ø The direct lifting & carrying of loaded containers to vehicle Ø Rolling the loaded container to the vehicle Ø Use small lift for rolling loaded container
Low- and Medium-rise Apartments Ø Curbside collection is common for most low- and medium-rise apartments. Ø Maintenance staff is responsible for transporting the containers to the street for curb collection Ø If large containers are used, the collection vehicle will equipped with unloading mechanisms.
High-rise Apartments Ø Usually large containers are used to collect wastes large apartment building. Ø The contents of the containers may be emptied mechanically or may be hauled to an off-site location.
Commercial & industrial Facilities Ø Manual & mechanical means are used to collect wastes. Ø In many large cities solid wastes are collected early morning or late evening Ø Plastic bag, cardboard boxes and other disposal container are used in manual collection. Ø Collection usually accomplished with three or four person crew
Con’t…. Ø containers usually used are: Ø Ø Container that can be couple to large stationary compactor Ø Ø Movable containers Large capacity open top containers
Collection of waste (separated at source) Ø Must be collect gathered together before they can be recycle. Ø The method of collection include: Ø Curbside collection using conventional / special designed collection vehicle Ø Incidental curb collection Ø Delivery by homeowners to drop-off & buy-back centers.
Residential (curbside collection) Ø Recyclable materials are collected separately from commingled waste. Ø Some programs require residents to separate several different material & store in their own containers. Ø Other programs only one or two containers to store commingled recyclable. Ø The vehicle used are for collect the separated waste are: Ø standard collection vehicle Ø specialized collection vehicle.
Type of Collection System Ø The system used may classified from several points of view such as: Ø The mode of operation. Ø Equipment use Ø Type of waste collected Ø collection system have been classified according to their mode of operation into two categories. Ø Hauled container systems (HCS) Ø Stationery container systems (SCS)
Cont’…. Hauled Container Systems (HCS) Ø Suitable for removal of waste where the rate of generation is high. Ø The use of large containers reduce handling time, / unsightly accumulations and unsanitary conditions. Ø Container size and utilization are great economic importance
Ø The advantages: Ø is the flexibility – many different sizes & shapes for the collection all types of waste. Ø Require one truck & driver to accomplish the collection cycle Ø The economy advantage Ø Disadvantage Ø the use of vary large containers leads to low-volume utilization unless loading aids provided.
Cont’…. Ø Three types of haul container system: Ø Ø Ø Hoist truck tilt-frame container Trash trailer
Cont’…. Hoist truck systems Ø container size from 0. 2 to 10 cu 3 (2 to 12 yd 3) Ø Applicable in only limited cases which are: Ø For small operation and collects from a few pickup points Ø For the collection of bulky item and industrial rubbish
Con’t…. Tilt-frame container Ø Widely use especially among private collectors Ø Used tilt frame loaded vehicle and large containers. Ø Suitable for collection of all types of solid waste rubbish. Ø Various type of large containers are available for use with these vehicles
Ø Open-top containers are used at warehouse and construction sites Ø Large containers in conjunction with stationary compactors are common at apartment, commercial, and transfer station.
Trash trailer Ø Similar to tilt frame container system Ø Better for the collection heavy rubbish & often used for the demolition waste.
Con’t…. Ø Pneumatic and hydraulic system Ø More complex than hydraulic systems. Ø Use low pressure air and vacuum conduit system to transport rubbish through underground pipe Ø transport wastes from high density apartments or commercial activities to central location for processing.
Ø Reduces traveling time & increases the waste collection efficiency & minimize management cost. Ø Hydraulic transports is being used for the transport of food wastes Ø The major problem of this method is the / waste water used for transporting the wastes must be treated. Ø This system practical in areas where proper processing facilities are incorporated into treatment system.
Automated pneumatic waste collection & disposal
Con’t…. Routes of Collection Ø The guideline should be taken in to consideration when design the layout the collection routes: Ø Existing policies and regulations Ø the number & arrangement of the containers Ø Frequency of collection
Ø Existing system characteristic Ø the number crew Ø Vehicle Ø Begin type and end should be near arterial street. Ø In hilly area: Ø Should start at the top and proceed downhill as the vehicle become loaded
Ø The last container to be collected must be located nearest to the disposal site Ø Traffic congested location Ø Should Ø Sources be collect as early in the day at extremely large quantities Ø Serviced during the first part of the day
Ø Scattered pickup points Ø the number & arrangement of the containers Ø distance between containers Ø number of block & arrangement
Layout of collection routes Ø The general steps involved in establishing route include: Ø Preparation of location maps Ø Data analysis Ø Preliminary layout of routes Ø Evaluation of the preliminary routes & the development of balanced route by successive trials
Collection routes Layout – Step 1 Ø Map of the commercial, industrial, or resident housing area to be serve. Ø Plot the solid waste pickup point: Ø Location Collection frequency Ø Number of containers Ø Ø Enter on the map the estimate quantity of waste at each pickup location (if use mechanically loaded containers)
Con’t…. Ø For residential sources - assume that approximately the same average quantity number of homes per block will be shown Ø Use the tracing paper once the basic data have been entered on the work map