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Collection Development II 2008 Workshop on Korean Studies Librarianship Emory University, Atlanta March 31, Collection Development II 2008 Workshop on Korean Studies Librarianship Emory University, Atlanta March 31, 2008 Hana Kim, University of Toronto

1. Liaison Activities Outline 2. Outreach Activities Outline 3. Recent Trends in Korean Studies 1. Liaison Activities Outline 2. Outreach Activities Outline 3. Recent Trends in Korean Studies 4. Publication Trends in Korean Studies 2

What is Liaising? “Liaising denotes cooperation, collaboration, and partnership between the subject librarian and What is Liaising? “Liaising denotes cooperation, collaboration, and partnership between the subject librarian and the faculty member in order to enhance teaching, learning, and research activities. ” Qobose, Edwin. (2000). Subject Librarians Relations with Faculty at the University of Botswana: A Review of Liaison Activities. Journal of Southern Academic and Special Librarianship. 3

Why is Liaison Activity SO Important to Collection Development? § Because liaison librarians build Why is Liaison Activity SO Important to Collection Development? § Because liaison librarians build a library collection to suit the needs of faculty and students. § Because by liaison activities you can best understand the needs of faculty and students. 4

Why is Liaison Activity SO Important to Collection Development? (cont’d) § By doing liaison Why is Liaison Activity SO Important to Collection Development? (cont’d) § By doing liaison activities, you can build and maintain a balanced collection. § By promoting current awareness of its essential resources and services, students and faculty can make the connection that the library provides the tools necessary for enabling research and attaining academic success. 5

Liaison Activities – Tips For Faculty Liaison § Reference: 100 Ways to reach your Liaison Activities – Tips For Faculty Liaison § Reference: 100 Ways to reach your faculty by Terri L. Holtze, University of Louisville http: //www. ala. org/ala/pio/campaign/academicre search/reach_faculty. pdf 6

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Liaison Activities – Sample Faculty Profile 8 Liaison Activities – Sample Faculty Profile 8

Liaison Activities – Building Relationships § Answer requests and complaints in a timely manner. Liaison Activities – Building Relationships § Answer requests and complaints in a timely manner. § Cultivate relations with those professors who already use the library. § Find ways to promote faculty publications. 9

Liaison Activities Communication § Ensure you get hold of an-e-list of faculty in Korean Liaison Activities Communication § Ensure you get hold of an-e-list of faculty in Korean Studies. § Create a "Faculty Guide to the libraries" with all the essentials: phone numbers, course reserve procedures, etc. § Research and let them know about grant opportunities in their field. 10

Liaison Activities Communication (cont’d) § Ask faculty to include your contact information in their Liaison Activities Communication (cont’d) § Ask faculty to include your contact information in their course syllabi. § Distribute business labels instead of business cards. 11

Liaison Activities – Tailoring to Faculty Interests § Ask for their syllabi and create Liaison Activities – Tailoring to Faculty Interests § Ask for their syllabi and create classspecific lists of resources. § Buy their books! § Create web guides to research tools for their discipline. § Find out what new courses are in the works that may need collection support. 12

Liaison Activities – Collaboration § Co-author an article. § Work together on a bibliography. Liaison Activities – Collaboration § Co-author an article. § Work together on a bibliography. § Teach a session for their class on research methods and resources specific to the class. OR Team-teach a class. § Ask faculty to help provide content for the library's subject guides. § Organize exhibits in collaboration with faculty. 13

Liaison Activities Collaboration (cont’d) 14 Liaison Activities Collaboration (cont’d) 14

Liaison Activities Collaboration (cont’d) 15 Liaison Activities Collaboration (cont’d) 15

My Challenges of Faculty Liaison § Time constraints § Turn-over in faculty and graduate My Challenges of Faculty Liaison § Time constraints § Turn-over in faculty and graduate students § Keeping up-to-date information about Korean Studies 16

Outreach Activities § Reaching out to your local community can be very beneficial for Outreach Activities § Reaching out to your local community can be very beneficial for your library in terms of building networks and potential fundraising. 17

Outreach Activities (cont’d) - Photo Exhibit, University of Toronto 18 Outreach Activities (cont’d) - Photo Exhibit, University of Toronto 18

Outreach Activities (cont’d) - Traveling Exhibits (www. koreasociety. org) 19 Outreach Activities (cont’d) - Traveling Exhibits (www. koreasociety. org) 19

Outreach Activities (cont’d) - Special Occasion 20 Outreach Activities (cont’d) - Special Occasion 20

Outreach Activities (cont’d) - Annual Book Sale 21 Outreach Activities (cont’d) - Annual Book Sale 21

Outreach Activities (cont’d) - Local Newspapers 22 Outreach Activities (cont’d) - Local Newspapers 22

Outreach Activities (cont’d) - Book Donation 23 Outreach Activities (cont’d) - Book Donation 23

Outreach Activities (cont’d) - IFLA Success Stories Database fmp-web. unil. ch/IFLA/ 24 Outreach Activities (cont’d) - IFLA Success Stories Database fmp-web. unil. ch/IFLA/ 24

Recent Trends in Korean Studies § The past fifteen to twenty years have seen Recent Trends in Korean Studies § The past fifteen to twenty years have seen rapid growth in academic interest in Korea throughout most of the world, particularly in North America, Europe, and Asia. § This expansion, fueled by a growing appreciation of the importance of Korea and by substantial financial support from such entities as the Korea Foundation, has featured increasing numbers of universities offering coursework on Korea. 25

Recent Trends in Korean Studies (cont’d) § It has entailed the strengthening of a Recent Trends in Korean Studies (cont’d) § It has entailed the strengthening of a few preexisting hubs of research and graduate training such as those at ü Hawaii ü Harvard ü Columbia § and the rise of new centers at such worldwide locations as ü SOAS and Leiden in Europe ü Kyushu in Japan ü Chicago, Michigan, UCLA, British Columbia and Toronto in North America ü Fudan and Beijing in China ü Australian National University 26

Recent Trends in Korean Studies (cont’d) § Two common trends of concentration: language and Recent Trends in Korean Studies (cont’d) § Two common trends of concentration: language and literature studies § Korean Studies courses offered on the undergraduate level: ü languages, literatures, and advanced reading courses ü classical, medieval and contemporary civilizations and histories, which may not necessarily require knowledge of Korean language ü religion and thought ü society and culture ü Korean traditions of art and architecture 27

Recent Trends in Korean Studies (cont’d) § A number of cross-listed courses offered by Recent Trends in Korean Studies (cont’d) § A number of cross-listed courses offered by various departments in the humanities and social sciences, incl. History, Geography, Religious Studies, Philosophy, Anthropology, Sociology, Political Studies, and Economics. § In recent years its interdisciplinary collaboration has developed some other relevant courses crosslisted with several professional programs incl. Education, Business Administration, Communication, and Journalism. 28

Recent Trends in Korean Studies (cont’d) Korean. Studies: Korean Studies Internet Discussion List koreaweb. Recent Trends in Korean Studies (cont’d) Korean. Studies: Korean Studies Internet Discussion List koreaweb. ws/ks/ 29

Recent Trends in Korean Studies (cont’d) - Articles About Trends in Korean Studies § Recent Trends in Korean Studies (cont’d) - Articles About Trends in Korean Studies § Shultz, Edward J. “Research Issues and the Future of Korean Studies in the United States. ” Journal of Korean Culture 2000: 1 . § Yoo, Jae-sin. “Korean Studies in the U. S. and Its Present and Future. ” Journal of Korean Culture 2000: 1 § Moskowitz, Karl. “Korean Development and Korean Studies: A Review Article. ” The Journal of Asian Studies 42: 4 § Kim, Tong-t’aek. “How to Support Korean Studies Overseas. ” Korea Focus 14: 1 (2006) : 111 -123. 30

Recent Trends in Korean Studies (cont’d) - Articles About Trends in Korean Studies § Recent Trends in Korean Studies (cont’d) - Articles About Trends in Korean Studies § Lewis, James B. 2005. “Recent Trends and Future Prospects for Korean Studies in Europe. ” In: ICKS International Forum on Korean Studies: Current Trends and Future Objectives of Korean Studies, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, July 14 -15, 2005. § Yoon, Hong-key. 2002. “On the future directions of Korean culture studies for teaching and research: A suggestion from New Zealand experience. ” In: the 6 th Pacific and Asia Conference on Korean Studies, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, June 18 -20, 2002. 31

Recent Trends in Korean Studies (cont’d) § Taking an advanced degree in a subjectspecific Recent Trends in Korean Studies (cont’d) § Taking an advanced degree in a subjectspecific field. § Taking a class in their department. § Joining the professional organizations of the faculty, not just library organizations. § Attending Korean Studies workshops. 32

Publication Trends in Korean Studies § Cho, Sue Jean. 2004. “Publications in Korean Studies, Publication Trends in Korean Studies § Cho, Sue Jean. 2004. “Publications in Korean Studies, 1999 -2004. ” § Duncan, John. 2004. “Ph. D Dissertations on Korea Published in the Past Ten Years. ” § Robinson, Kenneth. 2004. “Korean History: A Bibliography. ” § Shulman, Frank Joseph. 2007. “A Century of Doctoral Dissertations on Korea: an Annotated Bibliography of Studies in Western Languages, 1903 -2000. With an Appendix of Dissertations Completed in 20012004. ” 33

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Acquisitions II 2008 Workshop on Korean Studies Librarianship Emory University, Atlanta March 31, 2008 Acquisitions II 2008 Workshop on Korean Studies Librarianship Emory University, Atlanta March 31, 2008 Hana Kim, University of Toronto

1. The Characteristics of a Good Vendor Outline 2. Vendor Survey 3. Book Vendors 1. The Characteristics of a Good Vendor Outline 2. Vendor Survey 3. Book Vendors in South Korea 4. Book Vendors Outside Korea 5. Vendors Dealing w/ DPRK Publications 6. E-Resources Vendors in South Korea 36

The Characteristics of a Good Vendor A good vendor § honours promises, has a The Characteristics of a Good Vendor A good vendor § honours promises, has a stable background, always supplies at the specified quality at fair and competitive prices. § reacts quickly to unforeseen needs of the library. § takes the initiative in suggesting better methods or services. § warns the library in good time if, for whatever reason, the normal delivery time or conditions cannot be met. 37

Now Ask Yourself § Are you receiving the right item, at the right time, Now Ask Yourself § Are you receiving the right item, at the right time, at the right price? üIf your answer is YES, build up longterm relations with those vendors. üIf your answer is NO, it is time for you to re-evaluate your vendors or change for better ones. 38

Vendor Survey - Book Vendors § Specialized Areas § Approval Plan § Government Materials Vendor Survey - Book Vendors § Specialized Areas § Approval Plan § Government Materials § Binding Service § Discount § Materials Formats § Book Pricing § New Book Information § Shipping Cost § Customers § Shipping Methods § Other Services 39

Vendor Survey - E-Resources Vendors § Content § Pricing § Updates § Discount § Vendor Survey - E-Resources Vendors § Content § Pricing § Updates § Discount § Search Options § Materials Formats § Administrative Features § Customers § End-user Features § Other Services 40

Book Vendors in South Korea § Asian Culture Press § Eulyoo Publishing Co. § Book Vendors in South Korea § Asian Culture Press § Eulyoo Publishing Co. § Panmun Academic Services 41

Book Vendors Outside Korea § The Korean Book Centre (L. A. , CA. , Book Vendors Outside Korea § The Korean Book Centre (L. A. , CA. , U. S. A. ) § OPES, Inc. (L. A. , CA. , U. S. A. ) § Total Library Services (Walnut, CA. , U. S. A. ) 42

Vendors Dealing w/ DPRK Publications § Beijing Office, Korea Publications Export & Import Co. Vendors Dealing w/ DPRK Publications § Beijing Office, Korea Publications Export & Import Co. (Beijing, China) § China International Book Trading Corporation (Beijing, China) § Koryo Trading (Gardena, CA. , U. S. A. ) § Rainbow Trading Co. (Tokyo, Japan) 43

E-Resources Vendors in South Korea § Dongbang Media § Korea Contents Lab § Korean E-Resources Vendors in South Korea § Dongbang Media § Korea Contents Lab § Korean Studies Information Co. , Ltd. § LAWn. B § Nuri Media § Zininzin Co. , Ltd. 44

Q&A § Younghee Sohn ysohn@uchicago. edu § Hana Kim hn. kim@utoronto. ca 45 Q&A § Younghee Sohn ysohn@uchicago. edu § Hana Kim hn. kim@utoronto. ca 45

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