- Количество слайдов: 24
Collaborative Techniques & Strategies for Records & Information Management ARMA NOVA Seminar, February 27, 2009 3050 Chain Bridge Road (Rt 123), Fairfax, VA “Collaboration -- It takes more than technology” ◦ Rick Barry, Content Manager & Editor, My. Best. Docs www. mybestdocs. com 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 1
“Collaboration -- It takes more than technology” Rick Barry, Content Manager & Editor, My. Best. Docs. com ◦ Presentation available on www. mybestdocs. com ◦ References to specific product are for illustration purposes and do not necessarily imply endorsement 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 2
Can we talk? What does collaboration Prior considerations • • • mean? Questions competent product representative may ask up front? Organizational culture/atmospherics? Status of IM/RM Invested technology environment? Policies and standards Checklists for future reference 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 3
What does it mean? To cooperate with or willingly assist an enemy of one’s own country and especially an occupying force. • To cooperate with an agency or instrumentality with which one is not immediately connected. • To work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor. • ─Merriam-Webster Online. Dec 15 2008 http: //www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/collaborate 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 4
Let’s Play Ask ‘n’ Tell I ask, you tell What kinds of work tasks can effectively use collaboration? • To what advantages? • What are some downsides? • 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 5
ORGANIZATION 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 6
Know your organization • What is its business? Professional, info services? Individual projects? Software development? Research? Manufacturing? Education? • Vision, values, core aims statements • Organization: Hierarchical or highly structured, Flat or virtual • Incentive/disincentive system • Practice of investing in adequate technical & user training prior to implementing new technologies 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 7
What are the organizational atmospherics? What is the actual management style? Does reality of the organizational culture and staff behavior match up to management vision and values? System of incentives/disincentives 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 8
What are the organizational atmospherics? What does organizational culture foster? ◦ Individual responsibility, risk-taking, independence for product delivery? ◦ Telecommuting or in-office presence? ◦ Heavy use of consultants and temporary staff? ◦ Team or group product building? ◦ Participatory or centralized decision making? ◦ Compartmentalization of information or information sharing? Does it facilitate its vision, values, aims? Is organization adaptive to change? Does the culture foster stakeholder building? 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 9
Stakeholder Building Have you identified RM service clients? Who are your RK stakeholders? How have you engaged them? How might you? Disposition management ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Client representatives Records, archives Security re-grading FOI Knowledge nuggets IT Backups HSM 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 10
IM and RM 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 11
Status of IM and RM Does organization have up-to-date: Records file plan? Retention schedule? Metadata schema? Enterprise IM taxonomy Business model? Knowledge Management mandate/system? • How well are these related? • • 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 12
Does your organization have, plan an enterprise architecture? Enterprise Business, Information, Technology, Applications Architecture Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) NARA's Records Management Service Do. D Business Operating Environment(BOE) See “Principles and Patterns at the U. S. Department of Defense, ” by Dennis Wisnosky SOA Magazine http: //www. soamag. com/I 25/0109 -2. asp IBM/Filenet's federated architecture 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 13
If so… Does it, can it, capture records? ◦ Office systems, email ◦ Collaborative systems ◦ Transaction systems (ERP, legacy applications) ◦ Other recordmaking systems that aren’t recordkeeping systems 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 14
Information Technology 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 15
How is technology used in the workplace? Is your organization an early/late technology adopter? What technologies are used to carry out its business? ◦ Analog: paper, microform, photo, audio ◦ Digital: WP, email, instant msg, PPT, text messaging, vmail, Webs, blogs, wikis, other collaboration technologies What about futures? 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 16
Invested Information Technology Many legacy BP-specific stovepipe systems dating many years from initial installation. They “work”! One or multiple ECM, EDM, ERP, systems with/without RK functionality installed, planned One or more collaboration technologies in place ER system deployed across: ◦ ◦ Whole enterprise, For specific BPs or application systems, or In RMU only No ER system 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 17
Does your organization have: One or multiple Enterprise Content Management, Document Management or Electronic Recordkeeping Systems? Collaborative system(s) not integrated with ECM/EDM/ERK systems? 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 18
Policy 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 19
Does your organization have IM/RM policies covering: Disposition management for all analog and digital content forms: Ownership of records, other info access to info created by employees, privacy How records are declared in automated systems: Author? Pick-list? BP/Function? Auto-class system? Mixed? Internal/external access/disclosure/FOIA policy Information and records standards 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 20
Does your organization have RM policy or position covering: Records declaration: Author? Pick-list? Auto-classification system? (E. g. , IBM Content Manager/Zero. Click autoclassification component. ) Application: all records—analog (paper/audio/photo/) & digital (textual, PPT, email, instant msg, Websites, blogs, wikis, other products of collaborative technologies? How well do policies, implementations relate? 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 21
ISO 15489: Information and documentation - records management ◦ Obtain management commitment ◦ Make full use of the extensive information ◦ Justification for new resources to carry out recordkeeping program ◦ Version updates 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 23
Records Management Applications Standard ◦ Electronic records: Do. D 5015. 02 RMA Standard ◦ Ensure minimum recordkeeping functionality ◦ Ensure ongoing compliance – upgrades/testing ◦ “Free" product testing ◦ Facilitate integration of non-interoperable IT ◦ Others: Model Requirements for the Management of Electronic Records (Mo. Req) ─http: //www. cornwell. co. uk/edrm/moreq. asp 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 24
Guidelines & Check Lists National Archives & Records Administration ◦ Preliminary Planning for Electronic Recordkeeping: Checklist for RM Staff ◦ Preliminary Planning for Electronic Recordkeeping: Checklist for IT Staff Do. D 5015. 2 mandatory requirements (updated 17 October 2008) 2009/02/27 www. mybestdocs. com rickbarry at aol dot com 25