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Collaborative research center steering committee : meeting #1 July 10, 2006 tim@menzies. us LCSEE, WVU 1
Agenda 1. 2. 3. Briefing (15 minutes) Clarification questions Round robin 1. What could be the biggest win? 1. For NASA? 2. For your organization? 2. What could be the biggest problem ? 1. For NASA? 2. For your organization? 4. 5. Open discussion Who’s in? 2
Premise Trends in research funding SARP funding reducing over time NASA Fairmont DDF funding may not reach 2006 leaves Consequences: Less funding for: speculations, extensions to current practice Losing the cutting edge ? Impact on recruitment 3
So … Era of large grants drawing to a close Time to explore “levered” funds E. g. NSF I/UCRC http: //www. nsf. gov/ eng/iucrc/ 4
Just to be clear… There are no current plans to shut down SARP This is not SARP 2. 0 This is not a replacement for SARP This is an orthogonal direction This project is not even officially endorsed by NASA Yet But, in the research model to be presented, NSF experience: $1 invested levers $17 more Why wouldn’t NASA want to use similar leverage? 5
The NSF I/URCR model Small base funding for meetings, facilitation teams < $100 K “Members” * 10 Members buy “votes” : e. g. $10 K = 1 vote Members meet twice to a year to… hear research progress reports vote on new projects Members get gain royalty-free rights to all technologies developed via their funding. Members and researchers develop new technologies Propose to other organizations “Levered funds” 6
Case study: WVU Ci. TRE Government (7 members): FBI, TSA, FAA, NSA (2 organizations), Do. D Biometrics Fusion Center, Do. D – USSOCOM Non-Profits (1 member): National Biometric Security Project Industry (2 members): Computer Science Corp. , Lockheed -Martin Corp. 7
Details Small base funding for meetings, facilitation teams Provided by NASA, not NSF “Members” * 10 NASA centers American aerospace companies American V&V companies WV companies doing related work for the above Members and researchers develop new technologies Propose to other organizations “Levered funds” 8
Hop, Skip, Jump HOP (some small initial steps): Form a steering committee to design the program. Goal : design the program to secure NASA HQ recognition participation from across the NASA enterprise. The members of that committee should be experienced with the practical realities of working with NASA. 9
Hop, Skip, Jump SKIP (more ambitious and larger steps): Once the program is designed, members must be acquired. In this stage, the steering committee or its appointees needs to lobby: NASA centers, government agencies V&V companies and related industry to join the CRC. Note: steering committee members not necessarily members So steering committee won’t select particular projects 10
Hop, Skip, Jump JUMP: here, we have a center up and running researchers are working on member-approved projects. A tentative plan for all this is: HOP: 3 months (now till September) SKIP: 6 months (October to March ‘ 07) JUMP: continues after that 11
First problem: what topic? What is the topic area? Any number of ideas (see next slide) To be discussed at SAS Panel, July 19. 12
First problem: what topic? That excites headquarters Cause that’s where we get national organization That excites IV&V Cause CRC will need admin support from this center That excites centers and contractors Cause that is where the members come from That is relevant to CEV It must be, given the current climate That would still be relevant if CEV was cancelled Some long term goal - reach for the stars! That can be partially reached now Need some short term progress to excite members 13
First problem: what topic? Needs to be good, needs to be pragmatic Needs to excite and motivate E. g. Product line architectures Ultra-large systems Test-engineer-in-a-box Launched with the rocket, on-board, real-time Requirements management in large collaborative environments. Insert your favorite goal here 14
Second problem How to encourage collaboration between groups not famous for their collaboration? And this is why I help from a steering committee 15
Your turn 1. 2. 3. Briefing (15 minutes) Clarification questions Round robin 1. What could be the biggest win? 1. For NASA? 2. For your organization? 2. What could be the biggest problem ? 1. For NASA? 2. For your organization? 4. 5. Open discussion Who’s in? 16