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Cognitive Dimensions of Notations and other Information Devices Alan Blackwell Tutorial for Diagrams 2008
What are Cognitive Dimensions? l A broad-brush theoretical approach l Providing a practical usability tool for everyday analysts and designers l Stressing simple, cognitively relevant system properties l Including trade-offs and design manoeuvres
Aims of the tutorial l Concise, illustrated, introduction to CDs l Providing practical advice … – – l a vocabulary for system analysis and research a checklist for designers a repertoire of design manoeuvres an awareness of potential trade-offs … and research opportunities – other applications of the ‘dimensions’ approach – alternative characterisation of diagram use
Your needs l What are the needs of this audience? l Analysis versus design? l What is the balance of: – – – First heard of CDs at this meeting? Have heard others speak of CDs? Have read papers by Green et al? Have conducted CDs analyses? Other?
Part 1 Overview of CDs; Activities; Structured Information Devices
What are CDs for? l Both summative and formative evaluation l Discussion tools, not deep analysis CDs are not a checklist of ideal features. l All real design is about trade-offs – What is better – a Lamborghini or a tractor? – Do they have design principles in common? l No superlativism
Four types of construction activity l Incrementation – add a new formula to a spreadsheet l Transcription – convert an equation to a spreadsheet formula l Modification – change spreadsheet for a different problem l Exploratory design – programming on the fly (“hacking”)
Three types of interpretation activity l Search – find a value specified in a spreadsheet l Exploratory understanding (sensemaking) – analyse a business plan presented in a spreadsheet l Comparison – (recently noted, as yet unpublished)
Dimensions and Activities D 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 … D 2 D 3 D 4 D 5 D 6 D 7 D 8 …
Profiles D 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 … D 2 D 3 D 4 D 5 D 6 D 7 D 8 …
Why ‘Cognitive Dimensions’? l Why Cognitive? – Aspects that make learning and doing hard for mental reasons – Do not focus on non-cognitive factors l l social context, aesthetics, emotion etc. Why Dimensions? – idealisations (like velocity, potential energy) – conceptually independent (like mass & time)
Defining information devices l Structured information devices involve: – a notation – an environment – a medium l To explain these, we use an example dimension: Viscosity – simplified preview definition: “a viscous system is hard to modify”
Information devices: structure l Environment: – text in a word processor is easy to modify, on pencil and paper is hard to modify l Notations: – inserting text in a novel is easier than in a document with numbered paragraphs & X-refs l Media: – any part of a text on paper can be accessed, but harder on a dictaphone.
Definitions l Notation: – perceived marks or symbols l Environment: – operations or tools for manipulating marks l Medium: – what the notation is imposed on (e. g. paper, sound, the dialling memory of a telephone)
Some refinements l Layers – In a programming language: layer 1 is the language, layer 2 is the editing operations. – Each layer has its own dimensions l Sub-devices – Part of the system that has a different notation, environment and medium (e. g. VCR user writes instructions on Post-It note) – System representational elements such as windows, menus and dialogs should not be confused with the notation of an application.
Summary l CDs are usability profile discussion tools l Interaction is viewed as building and modifying an information structure l Usability depends on the structure of the notation and the tools in the environment l Different activities have different profiles l There are trade-offs between dimensions
Part 2: The Dimensions
Dimensions covered today: l Abstraction – types and availability of abstraction mechanisms l Hidden dependencies – important links between entities are not visible l Premature commitment – constraints on the order of doing things l Secondary notation – extra information in means other than formal syntax l Viscosity – resistance to change l Visibility – ability to view components easily
Not covered in detail today: l Closeness of mapping l – closeness of representation to domain l Consistency – similar semantics expressed in similar forms l Diffuseness – work-to-date checkable any time l Error-proneness – notation invites mistakes l Hard mental operations – high demand on cognitive resources Provisionality – degree of commitment to actions or marks l Role-expressiveness – component purpose is readily inferred – verbosity of language l Progressive evaluation l And more … – several new dimensions still under discussion
Viscosity l Resistance to change: the cost of making small changes. l Repetition viscosity: – e. g. manually changing US spelling to UK spelling throughout a long document l Domino (was “Knock-On”) viscosity: – e. g. inserting a figure in a document means updating all later figure numbers, their crossreferences, the list of figures, the index. . .
Viscosity features l Viscosity becomes a problem when you need to change your plan: it is a function of the work required to change a plan element. l It is a property of the system as a whole l May be different for different operations l Often happens when designers assume system use will only involve incrementation
Viscosity examples l Repetition viscosity example: – When the user has one document in mind, but it is stored as a collection of files, which must be edited separately to change style in all. l Domino viscosity example: – In structures with high inter-dependency, such as timetables. l Combinations of the two are the worst!
Combined domino/repetition l Common in graphic structures, genealogical trees, hypertexts … – e. g. tree showing part of Java. Script hierarchy window document frames location navigator plugins mime. Types
Workarounds & trade-offs l Separate exploratory & transcription stages – e. g. pencil sketch before ink l Introduce a new abstraction – e. g. Auto. Number facility l Change the notation – e. g. quick dial codes for telephone
Hidden Dependencies l A relationship between components such that one is dependent on the other, but the dependency is not fully visible. l The one-way pointer: – e. g. your Web page points to someone else’s how do you know when they move it? l Local dependency: – e. g. which spreadsheet cells use the value in a given cell?
Hidden Dependency features l Hidden dependencies slow up information finding. l Tolerable in exploratory design, but not in modification l May be responsible for high frequency of errors in spreadsheets.
Hidden Dependency examples l GOTO statements don’t have a corresponding COME-FROM. – Block structure brings symmetry l Data-flow makes dependencies explicit l Contents lists are one-way l Fossil deposits (e. g. ‘dot files’, DLLs)
Workarounds & trade-offs l Require explicit cueing – e. g. import and export declarations l Highlight different information – e. g. data-flow language l Provide tools – e. g. spreadsheets which highlight all cells that use a particular value
Premature Commitment / Enforced Lookahead l Constraints on the order of doing things force the user to make a decision before the proper information is available.
Premature commitment features l Only occur if three conditions hold: – target notation contains internal dependencies – access to both source and target is order-constrained – the constrained order is inappropriate l Happens when designer’s view of “natural sequence” is at variance with user’s needs l Results in 2 nd and 3 rd attempts at task
Premature commitment examples l Telephone menu systems l Four-function calculator – ( 1. 2 + 3. 4 - 5. 6) / ( ( 8. 7 - 6. 5 ) + ( 4. 3 ) )
More types and examples l Defining database schemas before the data l Filing systems (library shelving by Dewey) l Surreptitious order constraints – Provisional relationships in E-R diagram l Effect of medium – Exacerbated when ‘marks’ are transient (e. g. in an auditory medium)
Workarounds & trade-offs l Decoupling – e. g. the signwriter paints the sign elsewhere l Ameliorating – premature commitment is not so bad if viscosity is low & bad guesses can be corrected l Deconstraining – e. g. GUI interfaces often remove constraints on order of actions
Abstractions l An abstraction is a class of entities or grouping of elements to be treated as one entity (thereby lowering viscosity). l Abstraction barrier: – minimum number of new abstractions that must be mastered before using the system (e. g. Z) l Abstraction hunger: – require user to create abstractions
Abstraction features l Abstraction-tolerant systems: – permit but do not require user abstractions (e. g. word processor styles) l Abstraction-hating systems: – do not allow definition of new abstractions (e. g. spreadsheets) l Abstraction changes the notation.
Abstraction implications l Abstractions are hard to create and use l Abstractions must be maintained – useful for modification and transcription – increasingly used for personalisation l Involve the introduction of an abstraction manager sub-device – including its own viscosity, hidden dependencies, juxtaposability etc.
Abstraction examples l Persistent abstractions: – Style sheets, macros, telephone memories l Definitions and exemplars – Powerpoint templates, CAD libraries l Transient abstractions: – Search and replace, selection aggregates
Workarounds & trade-offs l Incremental abstractions – low abstraction barrier, tolerates new additions, provides alternatives (but may confuse) l Overcoming abstraction-repulsion – abstractions decrease viscosity, but increase problems for occasional / end-users l Programming by example? – can introduce abstract hidden dependencies
Secondary Notation l Extra information carried by other means than the official syntax. l Redundant recoding: – e. g. indentation in programs, grouping contol knobs by function l Escape from formalism: – e. g. annotation on diagrams
Secondary Notation features l Redundant recoding easier comprehension easier construction. l Escape from formalism more information l Is secondary notation ever bad? – what about the brevity bigots? l Designers often forget that users need information beyond the “official” syntax. – and even try to block the escapes people use
Secondary Notation examples l Redundant recoding – Telephone number layout – Front panel of a car radio – Functional grouping 0114 225 5335 or 0 11 42 25 53 35?
Secondary Notation examples l Escape from formalism – Usage of calendars and diaries. regular event is not happening important scar different handwriting
Workarounds & trade-offs l Decoupling (if insufficient secondary notation) – e. g. print out hard copy, attack it with a pencil l Enriched resources – e. g. Cog. Map spreadsheet enhancement l But extensive secondary notation introduces added viscosity (it gets out of date). – e. g. program comments
Visibility & Juxtaposability l Ability to view components easily & to place any two components side by side. l Visibility: – e. g. searching a telephone directory for the name of a subscriber who has a specified telephone number l Juxtaposability: – e. g. trying to compare statistical graphs on different pages of a book
Visibility & Juxtaposability features l Structure or indexing information is often invisible because designers assumed it wouldn’t be needed. l Often caused by presenting information in windows, then restricting the number of windows. l Becomes far worse with small devices (cell-phones, PDAs, wearable computers? ).
Visibility & Juxtaposability examples l Small windows onto invisible control trees: – e. g. car radios, fax machines, cameras. l Shared use displays: – e. g. clock-radio: time or alarm or radio station l Form based systems:
Workarounds & trade-offs l Working memory – refreshed by revisiting items being compared l External memory – e. g. make a hard copy of one component (a new environment that allows side-by-side viewing) l Adding a browser – e. g. class browser, alternative views l Visibility trades off against clutter, abstraction
Part 3: The Framework Cognitive relevance Tradeoffs & design manoeuvres Application techniques
Cognitive relevance l Desirable profiles:
Notable trade-offs l There are many complex trade-offs; here is a subset: secondary notation hidden dependencies premature commitment viscosity abstraction usage learnability visibility juxtaposability
Some design manoeuvres l Potential design approaches to: – – – reduce viscosity improve comprehensibility make premature commitment less expensive remove need for lookahead improve visibility
Design manoeuvres (1) l Aim: to reduce viscosity l Manoeuvre – add abstractions (so one “power command” can change many instances) l At this cost – increased lookahead (to get right abstractions); – raises the abstraction barrier; – may increase dependencies among abstractions
Design manoeuvres (2) l Aim: to improve comprehensibility l Manoeuvre – allow secondary notation - let users choose placing, white space, font & colour; allow commenting l At this cost – increases viscosity (because layout, colour etc not usually well catered for by environments)
Design manoeuvres (3) l Aim: to make premature commitment less expensive l Manoeuvre – reduce viscosity (so that users can easily correct their first guess) l At this cost – see above, re viscosity
Design manoeuvres (4) l Aim: to remove need for lookahead l Manoeuvre – remove internal dependencies in the notation; – allow users to choose an easier decision order l At this cost – may make notation diffuse, or increase errors – allowing free order needs a cleverer system
Design manoeuvres (5) l Aim: to improve visibility l Manoeuvre – add abstractions (so that the notation becomes less diffuse) l At this cost – see above re abstractions
Application techniques l Formative discussion vocabulary l Designer-led evaluation l User-led evaluation l Persona profiles
Formative discussion vocabulary l Original intention in formulating Cognitive Dimensions framework was to: – raise the level of discourse – combat superlativism – lexicalise (provide a “discussion vocabulary”) l Explicitly presenting these contributions: – assumes relatively sophisticated understanding of design process – risks confound between design of the notation and design using the notation l designers of notations do not always recognise their activity as design
Designer-led evaluation l Evaluation methodology presented for use by professional designers: – – – l Identify medium and notation layers Watch out for sub-devices Define important activity profiles Review dimensions Apply manoeuvers (allowing for trade-offs) Either individual critic or team
User-led evaluation l The Cognitive Dimensions questionnaire – – l explains framework in generic terms encourages users to reflect on experience stops designers avoiding tricky problems guards against misinterpretations The users do the work! – broader range of experience applied l Relies on users who are: – expert – reflective – intelligent
Cognitive Dimensions questionnaire
Profiles and personas with CD Graph
Part 4: Recent Developments More dimensions Theoretical approaches Other ‘dimensions’ frameworks (social, physical)
Remaining dimensions l Closeness of Mapping l Consistency l Diffuseness l Error-proneness l Hard Mental Operations l Progressive Evaluation l Provisionality l Role-expressiveness
Closeness of Mapping l Closeness of representation to domain l A close mapping: – the visual programming language Lab. VIEW, used by electronics engineers, looks like a circuit diagram l A distant mapping: – in the first version of Microsoft Word, the only way to count the characters in a file was to save the file to disc - then it told you how long the file was.
Consistency l Similar semantics are expressed in similar syntactic forms. l e. g. menu-driven domestic information artefacts, such as in-car audio – in a consistent version, same keys move up/down, step to next item, select current item, return to menu – but often slight differences from item to item l N. B. consistency usually affects learnability rather than usability (but see error-proneness).
Diffuseness l Verbosity of language – COBOL is a verbose language: “MULTIPLY A BY B GIVING C” – Forth is a terse language: the command to print a newline is “. ” (a single full stop). l Effect of over-verbosity probably slight – does affect working memory l Terseness is an awkward trade-off – makes it easier to make mistakes
Error-Proneness l The notation invites mistakes i. Poor discriminability: • Fortran identifiers I & O confused with 1 & 0. Inadequate syntax-checking: ii. • Prolog has no declarations; mistypings cause problems detectable only at run-time. Bad dialogue design: iii. • inconsistencies invite errors - e. g. always using ENTER as a default … except in one case.
Hard Mental Operations l High demand on cognitive resources l e. g. threading a maze – every branch choice brings more to remember – physical mazes have memoryless algorithms l but abstract isomorphs are hard: – following circuit diagrams – auditing spreadsheets – finding files in big directory structures
Progressive Evaluation l Work-to-date can be checked at any time l e. g. customisable domestic devices, such as telephones with memories – display rarely says what you have stored – rarely says how far you have got in the process, so if you lose concentration you don't know where you were l novices need frequent checks on work-to-date – even experienced users, when working under stress of frequent interruptions.
Provisionality l Degree of commitment to actions or marks l e. g. use of pencils for design: – architects, typographers etc. use pencils to make faint blurry marks: ‘something more or less like this goes more or less here’ (although this is also related to ambiguity – see later) – can also make precise, hard marks when you want l Reduces premature commitment.
Role-Expressiveness l The purpose of a component (or an action or a symbol) is readily inferred l e. g. superstition when novices use advanced systems – “I always do it that way and it seems to work” – But why?
Theoretical developments l Metrication – 18 metrical benchmarks (Yang et. al. ) l l l e. g. hiddenness-of-dependencies = (Nde sources of dependency explicitly depicted) / (Ndt total sources of dependency in system) Formalisation – ERMIA (Green & Benyon) l Entity-Relationship Models of Information Artefacts – Goal-based system modelling (Roast & Siddiqi) l Cognitive theory of notation use – Abstraction / attention investment (Blackwell) – OSM / CASSM & misfits (Blandford)
Other ‘dimensions’ approaches l Tangible correlates of CDs (Edge) – TUIs as 3 D “manipulable solid diagrams” – Permanence, Bulkiness, Shakiness, Rigidity etc. – See JVLC 17(4), 2006 l CDs for collaboration (Bresciani) – Visual Impact, Clarity, Perceived Finishedness, Directed Focus, Facilitated Insight, Modifiability, Group Interaction Support – See DCRR-007, February 2008 l CDs as interaction pattern language (Fincher) – Work in progress (see PPIG 2002) l Always more dimensions!
More dimensions! l Creative ambiguity – user sees something different when looking again l Specificity – elements have limited interpretations l Detail in context – see how local elements relate to each other l Indexing – The notation includes elements to help the user find specific parts.
More dimensions! l Synopsie (ex-“grokkiness”) – understanding the whole when you stand back and look l Free rides – following notational rules new information l Useful awkwardness – force the user to reflect on the task l Unevenness – easy actions push ideas in a certain direction
More dimensions (from Clarke) l Penetrability – How does an API facilitate exploration, analysis, and understanding of its components? l Learning Style – What are the learning requirements posed by an API to a targeted developer (incremental, stepwise, top down …)? l Work-Step Unit – How much of a programming task can/must be completed in a single task step? l API Elaboration – To what extent can/must an API be adapted to meet the needs of a targeted developer?
Further reading
www. cl. cam. ac. uk/~afb 21/Cognitive. Dimensions/ l Green, T. R. G. (1989). Cognitive dimensions of notations. In People and Computers V, Cambridge University Press. l Green & Petre, M. (1996). Usability analysis of visual programming environments: a 'cognitive dimensions' framework. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 7, 131 -174. l Blackwell and Green (2003). Notational systems - the Cognitive Dimensions of Notations framework. In J. M. Carroll (Ed. ) HCI Models, Theories and Frameworks: Toward a multidisciplinary science. Morgan Kaufmann. l Blackwell (Ed. ) (2006). Ten Years of Cognitive Dimensions. Special Issue of Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, August 2006 Vol 17 No 4.
Illustration material Extended examples: On-line diary system Visual programming languages
A Diary System l Now Up-to-Date (“NUD”) l Manages the following types of data – events l having attributes: name, type, priority etc. – categories of event – sets of visible categories – views l by time unit, or by lists of events
NUD month view
NUD day view
NUD list view
Cognitive Dimensions of main device l Viscosity l Hidden dependencies l Premature commitment l Abstraction barrier / hunger l Secondary notation l Visibility & Juxtaposability
Viscosity (1) l Extending and moving events in month view is just drag and drop
Viscosity (2) l But domino viscosity when inserting: – an event can’t be inserted between existing events – all other events must be manually readjusted – which leads to …
Viscosity (3) l Repetition viscosity – each event has to be opened and have its time retyped
Hidden dependencies l Events are generally independent – But changing a repeating event to a type with no start time silently changes all others as well.
Premature commitment l When creating an event, must define type and classify set of types. l Not too serious, because type can be changed reasonably easily.
Abstraction barrier / hunger l The abstractions to be maintained are: – categories (each event has only one) – sets (may contain any number of categories) – repetitions of events l Categories and sets are defined and handled via a sub-device - analysed later
Secondary notation l Variations in colour, font and style l Sets can define appearance of events in each category l Individual events can over-ride defaults l Difficult to show non-events – cancellations – provisional events
Visibility & Juxtaposability l Juxtaposability: – duplicate windows (not obvious to new users) l Events visible in day and month views l Sets are visible in list view:
Abstraction management sub-device (1) l Repetitions are relatively simple l Defining sets is more interesting
Abstraction management sub-device (2) l Viscosity – low: categories readily created & removed l Hidden dependencies – few dependencies l Premature commitment – you need to categorise your life in advance
Abstraction management sub-device (3) l Abstraction barrier/hunger – must have at least one category and one set – perhaps should express constraint that every event must belong to at least one of each l Secondary notation – none available l Visibility/juxtaposability – sets easily visible; but only one at a time
NUD: Conclusions l Incrementation: l Transcription: l Modification of existing schedule: üGood Less good
Two Visual Programming Languages l The candidates: – Lab. VIEW (National Instruments) – Prograph (Pictorius) l NB: whatever criticisms we make, we think they are good products
The rocket program: BASIC Mass = 10000 Fuel = 50 Force = 400000 Gravity = 32 WHILE Vdist >= 0 IF Tim = 11 THEN Angle =. 3941 IF Tim > 100 THEN Force = 0 ELSE Mass = Mass - Fuel Vaccel = Force * COS(Angle) / Mass - Gravity Vveloc = Vveloc + Vaccel Vdist = Vdist + Vveloc Haccel = Force * SIN(Angle) / Mass Hveloc = Hveloc + Haccel Hdist = Hdist + Hveloc PRINT Tim, Vdist, Hdist Tim = Tim + 1 WEND STOP
The rocket program: Lab. VIEW
The rocket program: Prograph
Viscosity l Modification experiment (Petre & Green) – time required to make equivalent modifications:
Hidden dependencies l Visual languages make connections explicit l But with the trade-off that they need more screen space BASIC: x = 1. . . (possibly many pages of code here. . . ) y = x + 3 Lab. VIEW:
Premature commitment (1) l Commitment to layout is a common problem e. g. x = (-b + sqr(b 2 - 4 ac) / 2 a) l Start with minus b …
Premature commitment (2) l … I’ll need b-squared too …
Premature commitment (3) l … turn that into b-squared minus 4 ac …
Premature commitment (4) l … oops, that’s going to be 4 ac minus bsquared … try moving the 4 ac chunk down and reconnecting to the ‘minus’ box …
Premature commitment (5) l … OK, now I need plus or minus that … l that’s root-b-squared-minus-4 ac but I still haven’t used b … or the rest of the formula!
Other types of commitment l … to choice of construct l … to connections:
Abstraction barrier / hunger l Depends on choice of primitives – probably more than spreadsheet, less than C++ l Lab. VIEW is abstraction-tolerant – can create virtual instruments l Prograph is abstraction-hungry – O-O systems often need new abstractions l No layout abstraction (e. g. grouping)
Secondary notation l Little support for commenting – can only attach comment to a single item l Spatial layout can’t easily be used for grouping l All the visual variables (degrees of freedom) are taken up by the formal syntax
Visibility & Juxtaposability l Visibility of data flow in Lab. VIEW is excellent, many small windows in Prograph obscure flow. l Control branches in Lab. VIEW can’t be juxtaposed:
Lab. VIEW / Prograph: Conclusions l Hidden dependencies: l Viscosity: üRemarkably few Extraordinarily high l Secondary notation: Very poor
Part 4: Practice Exercises
Approach to the Exercises l Analyse simulated devices to see how slight changes in the design affect usability. l Analyse them from the point of view of Cognitive Dimensions: – don't try to suggest technical fixes for the problems – don't look for problems outside the range of Cognitive Dimensions (unless you want to!)
Simple example l Evaluate a proposed design: l Handheld Shopping Assistant: Shop. Ass Select shop: Freddy’s Fruit Victor’s Veg Mike’s Meat Tony’s Toiletries Enter new shop:
Notations and media l Medium: – The PDA screen l Notation 1: – The list of shops l Notation 2: – Shopping lists l Notation 3: – Sub-device for defining a new shop Freddy’s Fruit
Sub-device l Defining a new shop l Database is initially empty. l Shops are indexed by map location to minimise walking time. Define shop … Name: Map reference:
Sample task: buy for a recipe l I’ve looked up my recipe for gammon steak … – 1 big piece of ham – 1 small can of pineapple – aerosol mashed potato l First activity: transcription Select shop: Freddy’s Fruit Victor’s Veg Mike’s Meat Tony’s Toiletries Enter new shop:
Role-expressiveness l Where can I buy pineapple? l The notation doesn’t relate to my task – could use pictures of fruit and veg? – could define shopping categories (but abstraction tradeoff) Select shop: Freddy’s Fruit Victor’s Veg Mike’s Meat Tony’s Toiletries Enter new shop:
Hidden dependency l What if I can’t get any pineapple? l The notation has failed to capture important information about the structure of my task. Mike’s Meat BIG PIECE OF HAM
Abstraction l Database is initially empty. – It’s not possible to create even a basic shopping list without defining a shop. l Select shop: Abstraction barrier: – define a shop first – (like Smalltalk) Enter new shop:
More dimensions l Visibility and juxtaposability: – screen size limit l Premature commitment: – choose shop first? l Viscosity: – get pineapple from a nearer shop Victor’s Veg CAN OF PINEAPPLE POTATO AEROSOL BEAN COUNTERS VISCOUS SOUP BALL BEARINGS
Play it Again l Central heating controller for domestic use: must be simple, with small number of LCD displays. – The Alhambra is a fairly faithful copy of the controller in Thomas’ house. – The Balmoral is an invention. l On which dimensions do they differ?
Form Filling and Menus l It's frustrating to fill out a form by phone; equally frustrating to answer questions to a rigid-minded computer program. – Disobliging Dave’s restaurant - choose each course in turn, with no going back. – Cheerful Charley’s - they leave you a piece of paper - just mark the dishes you want. l Try to choose a dinner that avoids having the same ingredient twice in two courses!
Number Games l How “smart” is this telephone handset? – The Egbert is based on a popular commerciallyavailable telephone. – It has a simple memory feature that allows numbers to be stored and recalled. l How does it rate on the dimensions?
Tiling in Style l An editor for use when designing tile floors. – Scenario A: used by a Tile Consultant, working to a sketch or verbal informal supplied by the customer. – Scenario B: the customer is a direct end-user of the tile editor, exploring possibilities without any preliminary sketch. l Compare two editor modes: Greenwich and Harrogate (one at a time)
Your Own Example l Identify sub-devices l Assess dimensions l Recognise trade-offs l Apply design manoeuvres