- Количество слайдов: 13
CODE OF HAMMURABI the emblem of the Mesopotamian civilization
KING HAMMURABI An important Babylonian king known best for an early law code, that we refer to by his name 1792 -1750 B. C.
ABOUT THE CODE Contained 282 laws and was written in Akkadian - the daily language used by the people of Babylon
The 282 case laws affected almost all spheres of public life
FIRST DISCOVERY One of the fragments Ashurbanipal’s library - Assyria (modern Iraq) Discovered in 1898 by Bruno Meissner
DISCOVERY OF THE STELE December 1901 by a French expedition Susa – was a capital of Elam and Persia (modern Iran) Jean-Jacques de Morgan
WHERE ELSE WAS FOUND AND WHY One copy – temple Shamash at Sippar Another – temple Marduk in Babylon Took the Code of Hammurabi back to Elam as a trophy King of Elam Shutruk-Nahhunte
PURPOSE OF CREATION Made simpler to govern the fast-groving Empire
THE LAWS COVERED Duty of workers Slavery Slender Trend Theft
AMELU (patrician) Different classes had different penalties CLASSES Ardu (slave) MUSCINI (free nonlandower
AFFECT ON US Constitution Basis of legal system Basis of religious laws “innocent until proven guilty” idea
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Made by Svetlana, Dania, Yaroslav and Nastya