- Количество слайдов: 14
Coastal Habitat Mapping South West Regional Habitat Creation Programme
Why create new habitats? Making Space for Water: Coasts Allowing the coastline to move Building natural sea defences – saltmarshes resilience Shoreline Management Plans FCRM strategies
DEFRA targets for operating authorities: No net loss of biodiversity Habitat loss and gain balance sheet Create 800 ha of new habitat over 2008 - 2011 300 ha of saltmarsh and mudflats Coastal habitat mapping project provides baseline.
Coastal Habitat mapping All BAP priority habitats are recorded and mapped Habitat loss and gain database for all projects
Habitats Regulations Natura 2000 sites: SPAs for birds, SACs for habitats 71 sites in the region FCRM major influence on Severn Exe Poole Harbour Hampshire Avon Somerset Moors
Legal obligations - Compensatory habitat Maintain extent and integrity of international sites Mitigate for direct impacts of flood defence work Compensate for coastal squeeze (sea level rise) Direct effects 10’s hectares, indirect effects of coastal squeeze - 1000’s hectares
Severn estuary: FCRM strategy SPA, SAC and RAMSAR squeezed due to 146 kms of flood defences Legally required to safeguard European sites and replace these habitats through the FCRM strategy.
Severn Estuary Sea level rise – 2600 ha loss over the next 100 years 2026 – 700 ha lost, 2056 – 1300 ha 2106 – 2600 ha ¾ mudflat and sandflat (10% of resource) ¼ saltmarsh (40% of resource) Saltmarsh is a priority for habitat creation
Steart peninsula Protected by a shingle ridge Less than 1 in 10 year standard Could create up to 500 ha of new habitat Adjoins Severn estuary SAC and SPA Strategically important
RHCP balancing losses and gains New habitat linked to: FCRM strategies and projects e. g. Steart Collaborative projects: National Trust – Holnicote RSPB - Lower Clyst Local authorities - R Axe East Devon wetlands
Coastal habitats adapting to climate change