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Coast. View Workshop, Lisbon, September 2004 Beach Recreation Planning using Video-derived Coastal State Indicators Coastal Engineering Special Issue on Coast. View
Objective The main aim is to illustrate how video-derived CSIs can be used to help coastal managers for better beach planning /exploitation /management for recreational purposes. When the beach is used for recreational purposes, the beach (and the manager) has to provide (and to manage): • resources (beach surface, environmental quality, . . . ) • services (accesses, showers, . . . ) • safety (hazardous conditions, lifeguard services, . . )
ISO 9001 l. SO 14001 EMAS Q of Tourism Quality Other national indicators
Beach carrying capacity Measurement of parameters involving different aspects to be considered in the evaluation the beach carrying capacity: Beach user density Beach user spatial pattern Beach user temporal pattern Advantages to usual ways of estimation
09: 00 12: 00 15: 00 18: 00 10: 00 11: 00 13: 00 14: 00 16: 00 17: 00 19: 00 20: 00
Available surface (m 2/user) Hourly evolution of beach available surface per user hour
Beach users Points/topics to be included in the paper Beach user density Methodology (UC) Example for low-density beaches (UC) Example for industrialised beaches (UF) Alternative methodology for high-density beaches. Beach user spatial pattern Example for low-density beaches (UC) Beach user temporal pattern Example for low-density beaches (UC) Example for industrialised beaches (UF)
Beach safety Measurement of parameters involving different aspects to be considered in the evaluation the beach safety (hazardous conditions): Due to beach configuration Current and wave conditions Advantages to usual ways of estimation
Beach safety
Beach safety Points/topics to be included in the paper Beach configuration Hazardous conditions due to bathymetry Methodology (UP) Example at Teignmouth (UP) Currents measurements (rip) Example (UU, OSU) Rip mapping Current “estimation” Video-derived bathymetry + wave conditions --- Morphodynamic states --- hazard maps Examples (UF, UU, OSU)
Tentative authors J. A. Jiménez (CIIRC) A. Osorio (UCa) I. Mariño-Tapia (UP) P. Ciavola (UF) S. Quartel (UU) N. Vinther (UCo) N. Aird (UP) C. Albertazzi (RER) R. Holman (OSU) (? )