Скачать презентацию CO SECTORS Then Now Скачать презентацию CO SECTORS Then Now


  • Количество слайдов: 9

CO SECTORS – Then, Now • • • • Understand the real #s on CO SECTORS – Then, Now • • • • Understand the real #s on the demand side Employer networks that didn’t exist before Move from planning to implementation faster, more responsive Accurate solutions for real problems Use subject matter experts from industry to understand real issues Right people in the room Working with employers as a group is critical Listening, hearing, not assuming Models of management, process, procedures created/shared Partners really know their roles/responsibilities Role of coordinator/convener is critical State policies modified to meet real needs on-the-ground Incumbent worker training important in down economy, and possible with partner funding

Sustaining SECTORS Most Proud of: • We listened, they partnered, we didn’t overburden, we Sustaining SECTORS Most Proud of: • We listened, they partnered, we didn’t overburden, we responded quickly • We gained industry buy-in, honest conversations, early and ongoing wins • We created new processes that aligned multiple Workforce areas • We built awareness of issues across industry and partners • Co-opetition • Industry funding • Employers interview training candidates • Agreement to sponsor interns Keys to Success: • Work through messy details of collaboration • Build trust, credibility, use SMEs and right terminology • It’s not the money • Full time project manager • Leverage funding to do what certain funding streams can’t do (e. g. Industry Association $ for nonallowables) • Structure of teams – not top-down decisions • Use other promising practices/models • Collaborate across training providers to meet industry needs

What has staying power? • • • Listening, hearing, acting Industry involvement Desire by What has staying power? • • • Listening, hearing, acting Industry involvement Desire by other stakeholders to stay involved Industry Association hired full time training person Post jobs on Connect CO Changes in how we do business • Common intake • Changes in actual procedures and processes and structures • Early conversations with employers about sustainability + early and ongoing wins = they want this sustained • Now they’re going to Foundations to get funding as one voice • Surveyed employers what is most important to sustain – gives us a roadmap

Employer Engagement – What Works • • • • Meeting with employers at their Employer Engagement – What Works • • • • Meeting with employers at their place of work Bring SMEs with you Read their trade journals Understand corporation dynamics and politics Take notes and get them out the next day Honor the “What’s in it for me” for them; find out what’s valuable to them Partner with existing industry associations/groups Work with local Chambers of Commerce Find your champions Get some early wins; move at the speed of business Approach employers as partners, not just customers Listen, hear, act, repeat Honest conversations Talk about ROI (for them, for you)

How do you get beyond workforce issues? Impacting Education • Resolve immediate issues, hook How do you get beyond workforce issues? Impacting Education • Resolve immediate issues, hook them, engage them in longer term issues and solutions • Understand the common agenda while acknowledging individual performance metrics • Think outside the box about training solutions • Get buy in and ownership from faculty and trainers Impacting Economic Development • Have the sector partnership continue to act as the facilitator and convener for the conversations • Keep industry voice prominent; turf issues are minimized when industry is the driver

Leveraging Statewide Initiatives • Key Industry Networks can play a role in connecting multiple Leveraging Statewide Initiatives • Key Industry Networks can play a role in connecting multiple regional sector partnerships in same industry • Share common information – regional/statewide efforts • Just get the word out to local areas – e. g. STEM initiative

Top 10 Sustainability Strategies 1. Sustain our partnership between education, economic development, workforce centers, Top 10 Sustainability Strategies 1. Sustain our partnership between education, economic development, workforce centers, gov’t and industry (previously just resources to each other, now a p’ship) 2. Have local workforce areas champion sector partnerships via the statewide business services team – locals take initiative, have a champion of sector p’ships at BLT group 3. Adopt, evolve, use technology better 4. Have it figured out, have buy in, have training. . . Move onto to next big thing: Recruitment Strategy (pull together Process/Procedures team with Triage Biz Svces team to create a recruitment strategy – stay focused, pick and stick) 5. Create a coalition of sector partnerships: increase communication, breaks down barriers, allows leverage, shares resources, reduces burden for biz 6. Align with other industry-focused efforts, like KINs; educate them about what we’re doing, the big tent

Top Sustainability Strategies cont. 7. Ensure that workforce system has staff development to create Top Sustainability Strategies cont. 7. Ensure that workforce system has staff development to create and maintain partnerships – from data to convening 8. What do we have? Relationships. Position the workforce system with companies, partners to be the convener, foster relationships. 9. Figure out cost sharing strategies – cash, equipment, manpower, facililities 10. Project Manager – make this a permanent piece 11. Communication strategies – at meetings, after meetings, with partners, with industry, share success, timeline and steps – leads to buy in, stronger relationships 12. Create internal “language tool” – translate, glossary, 2 -pages, 5 -person committee (incl. Kate), timeline, report out, share 13. Share success and ROI to both industry and public partners – case studies and real ROI

Top Sustainability Strategies cont. • Take on the limiting regulations and policies – identify Top Sustainability Strategies cont. • Take on the limiting regulations and policies – identify them, prioritize, give voice to solutions (if you want system to go to sector driven system, x, y, z must change – state and federal)