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CNES: CCSDS - MOIMS Area Information Packaging and Registry WG CNES Report on January CNES: CCSDS - MOIMS Area Information Packaging and Registry WG CNES Report on January 2007 - October 2007 activity Darmstadt meeting – October 2007 Arnaud LUCAS CCSDS Meeting CNES Report, 01/10/2007 CNES 1

Best status ØBEST: l Working on a new release of BEST Internal description (xif) Best status ØBEST: l Working on a new release of BEST Internal description (xif) modified to take multiple output standards into account Available at http: //debat. c-s. fr l Modeller output : l l u. EAST u. DEDSL (PVL or XML DTD) u. XML schema u. XTCE u. DRB (Derby compatible) CCSDS Meeting CNES Report, 01/10/2007 CNES 2

Operational Projects using EAST/DEDSL ØTM/TC description for Megha. Tropiques (India/France) ØTM/TC description for Venųs Operational Projects using EAST/DEDSL ØTM/TC description for Megha. Tropiques (India/France) ØTM/TC description for Venųs (Israel/France) ØMaintenance activity on data description for Helios 2, SSALTO, CDDP and PLEIADES CCSDS Meeting CNES Report, 01/10/2007 CNES 3

XML Registries ØAPIS: l l New Interface based on Eclipse More than 450 interfaces XML Registries ØAPIS: l l New Interface based on Eclipse More than 450 interfaces managed for the PLEIADES project ØR&D study on e. Xist l l Benchmark Use on a multimission data center v. Easy to use v. Good performances using XMLRPC v. Less database administration : all the job done by the Xquery v. Extended libraries (GML capacities) v. Difficulties to match the semantic CCSDS Meeting CNES Report, 01/10/2007 CNES 4

In the Future … ØUse of SAFE for the European GENESI-DR project ? ØR&D In the Future … ØUse of SAFE for the European GENESI-DR project ? ØR&D study proposal on Google tools l GWT l Google Earth + Skies l Search capacities CCSDS Meeting CNES Report, 01/10/2007 CNES 5