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CMS Software and Physic project at HIP V. Karimäki Project evaluation meeting CERN, May CMS Software and Physic project at HIP V. Karimäki Project evaluation meeting CERN, May 22, 2006

Outline ● Our mission ● Project members ● Members' special talents ● Physics simulation Outline ● Our mission ● Project members ● Members' special talents ● Physics simulation overview ● Electron/gamma overview ● Geant 4 work ● Track based alignment of tracker elements ● Grid computing ● Test beam work ● Plans and future challenges 22 May 2006 CMS Software and Physics 2

Our mission • Physics simulation • Detector simulation • Developing reconstruction algorithms • Preparation Our mission • Physics simulation • Detector simulation • Developing reconstruction algorithms • Preparation for physics analysis, discovery potentials • Developing calibration algorithms, particularly track based alignment and ECAL energy calibration • Test beam on-line + off-line software and analysis • To take care of our share of CMS computing challenge • Calibration and analysis of forthcoming real data! 22 May 2006 CMS Software and Physics 3

Project members in CMS Veikko Karimäki, Ph. D physicist 1990 Ritva Kinnunen, Ph. D Project members in CMS Veikko Karimäki, Ph. D physicist 1990 Ritva Kinnunen, Ph. D physicist 1990 Kati Lassila-Perini, Ph. D physicist 1994 Sami Lehti, Ph. D physicist 1997 Tomas Linden, Ph. D physicist 1997 Aatos Heikkinen, Ph. D stud physicist 1996 Tapio Lampen, Ph. D stud physicist 1997 Jukka Nysten, Ph. D stud physicist 2000 Lauri Wendland, Ph. D stud physicist 1999 In addition 2 -4 Summer Trainees at CERN every year Typical carrier path for young members: 1) CERN summer trainee 2) diploma on particle physics 3) Ph. D studies in the project We are all physicists eager to continue our work with real data next year after a very long period of preparations! 22 May 2006 CMS Software and Physics 4

i Lauri, Le Ritva, Tapio, Tomas, Sami, DAQ expert in computing physics H-> alignment i Lauri, Le Ritva, Tapio, Tomas, Sami, DAQ expert in computing physics H-> alignment specialist, simulation& specialist with clusters grid, tracks analysis talent Aatos, Geant 4, expert of hadronic processes Kati, CMS User Support Coordinator, electron rec. 22 May 2006 Jukka N, e/ detection, tracker/ecal beam tests CMS Software and Physics Jukka K, GRID computing, former project member 5

Physics simulation studies http: //www. helsinki. fi/~karimaki/lhc/CMSReconstruction. html • People involved: Ritva, Sami, Kati, Physics simulation studies http: //www. helsinki. fi/~karimaki/lhc/CMSReconstruction. html • People involved: Ritva, Sami, Kati, Lauri, Aatos, Jukka, VK • MSSM H -> H± -> discovery potentials (Ritva, Sami, Lauri) • jet tagging for HLT and off-line (Lauri) • Tagging b jets with NN approach (Aatos, Sami) • Methods to enhance signal to background • CMKIN maintenance, kinematics generators interface (VK) • Extensive contributions to the CMS PTDR Vols 1 -2 • Active reporting in conferences • Referee work, thesis opponent (Ritva) • Ph. D thesis work (Lauri) 22 May 2006 CMS Software and Physics 6

Electron/photon physics & reconstr. http: //www. helsinki. fi/~karimaki/lhc/CMSReconstruction. html • • • Kati, Jukka Electron/photon physics & reconstr. http: //www. helsinki. fi/~karimaki/lhc/CMSReconstruction. html • • • Kati, Jukka N. tracker/ECAL reconstruction photon conversions in tracker ECAL test beam activities energy calibration algorithms • Kati now a User Support Coordinator • Ph. D thesis work (Jukka) 22 May 2006 CMS Software and Physics 7

Geant 4 activities http: //www. helsinki. fi/~karimaki/lhc/CMSReconstruction. html • Aatos (also Tapio contributed earlier) Geant 4 activities http: //www. helsinki. fi/~karimaki/lhc/CMSReconstruction. html • Aatos (also Tapio contributed earlier) • Aatos member of Geant 4 Steering Board Jorma member of the Geant 4 Oversight Board • Aatos co-coordinator of the Geant 4 hadronic processes • nuclear evaporation model implemented (Tapio) • intranuclear cascade model implemented (Aatos) • production runs (Aatos, Tomas) • extensive students education activities (CERN & Helsinki) • organization of ”Finnish Geant 4 symposia” (2002, 2005) • refereeing of Geant 4 related papers in IEEE (Aatos) • acquired expertise is beneficial also for CMS work! 22 May 2006 CMS Software and Physics 8

Track based alignment http: //www. helsinki. fi/~karimaki/lhc/CMSReconstruction. html • Now Tapio and VK (earlier Track based alignment http: //www. helsinki. fi/~karimaki/lhc/CMSReconstruction. html • Now Tapio and VK (earlier Aatos, Tomas, . . . ) • Long term work and learning process • Challenging mathematical formulations • Innovation: H. I. P. algorithm (proved successful) • Contributions to PTDR Vol 1 • Active reporting in conferences (Tapio) • Ph. D thesis work (Tapio) Alignment can be crucial for new discoveries! http: //www. helsinki. fi/~karimaki/lhc/Alignment. Software. html 22 May 2006 CMS Software and Physics 9

Grid computing at HIP http: //www. helsinki. fi/~karimaki/lhc/CMSReconstruction. html • • • Tomas, HIP Grid computing at HIP http: //www. helsinki. fi/~karimaki/lhc/CMSReconstruction. html • • • Tomas, HIP grid coordinator Designed and built Mill cluster at campus site Ametisti cluster, part of M-grid of Finnish universities Active participation in NDGF meetings Several co-operation parties: – Finnish IT Scientific Centre – HIP technology program – Dept of Physical Sciences • Aiming at Tier 2 services for LHC experiments in Finland • Tier 1 for Nordic countries – a common effort • Funding request several MEUR – growing optimism 22 May 2006 CMS Software and Physics 10

Test beam work http: //www. helsinki. fi/~karimaki/lhc/CMSReconstruction. html • • Co-operation with the HIP Test beam work http: //www. helsinki. fi/~karimaki/lhc/CMSReconstruction. html • • Co-operation with the HIP tracker project Helsinki Silicon Beam Telescope (Si. BT) Off-line analysis of test beam data (Tapio) Data acquisition code (Lauri) Developed alignment ideas Also involved in radiation hardness studies Very fruitful collaboration with tracker project! http: //www. helsinki. fi/~karimaki/lhc/CMSReconstruction. html 22 May 2006 CMS Software and Physics 11

Publications • http: //www. helsinki. fi/~karimaki/lhc/publ. And. Notes. html – Despite CMS is not Publications • http: //www. helsinki. fi/~karimaki/lhc/publ. And. Notes. html – Despite CMS is not a running experiment, the group has been active in publishing, especially CMS Notes, Analysis Notes, Internal Notes and contribution to TDR’s: total about 90 publications since the change of millenium – Also refereed articles in scientific journals and conferences: total about 75 publications since the change of millenium 22 May 2006 CMS Software and Physics 12

Conference and workshop organizations The project members have organized a number of symposia and Conference and workshop organizations The project members have organized a number of symposia and workshops: – CERN School of Computing, Aug 21 -Sep 1, 2006, Helsinki – 2 nd Nordic Grid Neighbourhood Conference, Otaniemi, 31. 5. – 2. 6. , 2006 – 2 nd Finnish Geant Workshop, Helsinki, 6 -7 June, 2005 – 1 st Finnish Geant Workshop, Helsinki, 2003 – The 3 rd Nordugrid Workshop, 24 -25 May, 2002 – Workshop on b / tau Physics at the LHC, 30. 5. -1. 6. , 2002 22 May 2006 CMS Software and Physics 13

Plans and future challenges 1 year goal (until the start of data taking mid Plans and future challenges 1 year goal (until the start of data taking mid 2007): • active tuning of the experiment software + documentation • active involvement in optimizing the alignment strategies • active involvement in designing the analysis strategies • collaboration with the HIP tracker project (test beam) long term (data taking and running the experiment): need all (and even more) manpower to: • maintain + improve software with real data • gradually improve the software alignment • control the quality of data • do competitive physics analysis 22 May 2006 CMS Software and Physics 14