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CML-2010, Dubrovnik Galina Gorelova COGNITIVE MODELING AS A TOOL IN THE PROCESS OF KNOWLEDGE LARGE SYSTEMS Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using
Technological Institute at South Federal University, Taganrog 2
CML-2010, Dubrovnik Contents: 1. Introduction: The problem of understanding the process of learning a Large-scale systems. Sustainable development Largescale systems 2. Basic concepts associated with cognitive modeling 3. Formalizing the problem of the study of a larger system 4. Presentation of the main tasks, models and methods in cognitive modeling technology 5. The scheme of interrelated techniques of cognitive methodology 6. Examples of cognitive modeling 3
CML-2010, Dubrovnik Introduction. The problem of understanding the process of learning a Large-scale systems. Sustainable development Large-scale systems Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 4
The purpose of the study of a Large-scale systems? Can sustainable development of a Large-scale systems? The problem of understanding the process of learning a Large-scale systems. Is it possible to "manage" this process? How does the expert having the idea of applying knowledge from one area to study specific complex system? How, in what sequence and why this knowledge is applied? How does it directs the process of learning? What were the results may lead the management of a complex system of knowledge? One theory, a method (or even a group of methods) do not allow to consider all aspects of the problems of a large system. Most consider only the side effects, which directed the attention of the researcher or determined by the social order The methodology of cognitive modeling is developed as a product of synthesis and utilization of systems theory and systems analysis, operations research, , management theory, decision theory, statistics, mathematical programming, intelligent systems, etc. 5
CML-2010, Dubrovnik Object of research : Large-scale Systems (socio-economic, environmental, social engineering, etc. ) Subject of research: The phenomena and processes in Large-scale systems, models and methods for the study of Large-scale systems The main objectives: Study and understanding of the mechanism of phenomena in Large-scale systems, prediction of their possible development paths for the development of governance aimed at sustainable development and the prevention Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 6
CML-2010, Dubrovnik Sustainable development Researching of the problem of «sustainable development» of complicated socio-economic, political and ecological systems in its complex comprehension as interdisciplinary problem and multi-aspect strategy has been determined among the main tasks in the international community in the mid-90 s of the last century. A complex problem and possible approaches of its solution for Russia is presented in the encyclopedic monograph Koptyug et al. New paradigm jf Russia's development in the XXI century (Comprehensive analysis of the problems of sustainable development: ideas and results)/ Ed. V. A. Koptyug, V. M. Matrosov, V. K. Levashov. M. : "Academia", 2000, 416 pp. The most close to the notion of «sustainable development» term in Russia understanding is the concept of «noospheric development» [Vernadcky]. Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 7
CML-2010, Dubrovnik The notion of «Sustainable development» We assume the following [New paradigm…] : «Sustainable development of a system is a complex dynamic feature of class manageability, combining the requirements : 1) hit of development trajectory at a certain time in the target set of states; 2) no trajectory spillover in the prospective time range of a certain number of "safe" states; 3) almost monotone increasing of some indicators of development (for example, quality of life, etc. ) at a certain time interval and then saving them in the specified range of admissible values; 4) an asymptotic stability (stabilize ability) of program trajectory; 5) harmonizing interests of sides» . 8
CML-2010, Dubrovnik Global security - is "vital security interests of the world's population (current and future generations and nature (the Earth's biosphere)) from threats to their survival and sustainable development (of global disasters), taking into account the factors of the global economy" [The New Paradigm. . . , c. 13]: (1) L(t)>L; F(t)>F; J(t)>J; S(t)>S; B(t)>B; Z(t)>Z; R(t)>R t [t 0; t 1], where L, F, J, S, B, Z, R - performance evaluation of global security for safety of world development in the model (1); L - life expectancy; F - consumption per capita food (food person); J - consumption of industrial goods per capita (industrial goods person); S - average social spending per capita (services person); B - biomass of terrestrial vegetation; Z - the level of pollution; R - remaining at the end of the XXI century natural resources (volume traditional, nonrenewable, and non-traditional, reclaimed, natural resources). Maximum value of L, F, J, S, B, Z, R are selected on the basis of medical, sociological and environmental research in international projects or on the basis of estimates given in the decisions of international forums and organizations 9
CML-2010, Dubrovnik 2. Basic concepts associated with cognitive modeling The content and program of research of complex systems can be specified as a model of a metasystem research Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 10
CML-2010, Dubrovnik Характерные признаки большой системы и ее сложности 1. Система открытая, взаимодействует с внешней средой 2. В системе есть активные элементы Сложность структуры 1. 1. Большое количество элементов и связей (многослойная, иерархическая и т. п. ); 1. 2. Большое количество взаимодействий между элементами и окружающей средой (часто слабые взаимодействия повышают сложность системы) 2. Сложность поведения внутреннего, внешнего (иногда непредсказуемость поведения), динамика системы 4. Закономерности систем: 4. 1. взаимодействия частей и целого (целостность, интегративность); 4. 2. иерархической упорядоченности систем (коммуникативность, иерархичность - эта группа закономерностей тесно связана с закономерностью целостности, с расчленением целого на части, взаимодействием системы с окружающей средой, т. е. надсистемой, и подчиненными системами; 4. 3. функционирования и развития систем (историчность, самоорганизация); 4. 4. осуществимости систем (эквифинальность, закон необходимого разнообразия, потенциальная эффективность). Степень информированности лица, принимающего решение 3. Вычислительная сложность 5. Проблемы принятия решений: 5. 1. структурированные, 5. 2. слабоструктурированные 5. 3. неструктурированные 6. Информационная ситуация: 6. 1. принципиальная неопределенность (квантовая механика); 6. 2. неопределенность, генерированная общим большим числом объектов, включенных в ситуацию (например, 10 9); 6. 3. неопределенность, вызванная недостатком информации и ее достоверности в силу технических, социальных и иных причин; 6. 4. неопределенность, порожденная слишком высокой платой за определенность; 6. 5. неопределенность, порождаемая ЛПР в силу недостатка его опыта и знаний факторов, влияющих на принятие решений; 6. 6. неопределенность, связанная с ограничениями в ситуации принятия решений (время, финансы и др. ); 6. 7. неопределенность, вызванная поведением среды или противника, влияющего на процесс принятия решений В процессе познания системы происходит «раскрытие неопределенности» - когнитивная структуризации знаний эксперта 11
CML-2010, Dubrovnik 3. Formalizing the problem of the study of a larger system The content and program of research of complex systems can be specified as a model of a meta -system research Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 12
CML-2010, Dubrovnik Сognitive integration The main feature of our research - cognitive integration in the system of both known and newly developed methods and models All of this is incorporated in a formal meta-studies and decision-making. Original model - the model proposed in the works Kulba V. V. (ISP RAS): MO (Y, U, P) - identifies a model system i which the vector Y - endogenous variables, characterizing the phase state of the object, U - vector of controlled variables, P - vector of resources allocated; ME (X) - a model of the environment, X - exogenous variables; MOE - model of interaction between the object and the environment; MD (Q) - a model of system behavior, Q - the perturbing effects; MMO and MME - model for measuring the state of the system and the environment; MU - model management systems (not included in the meta, if only to solve the problem the study site); Mн - a model of expert; A - generally the choice processes of change of the object Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 13
CML-2010, Dubrovnik MOE MO (Y, U, P) ME (X) Mн 14
CML-2010, Dubrovnik Cognitive integration Important! Addressing the challenges of sustainable development of complex systems requires an interdisciplinary approach! In our studies, this campaign is implemented by means of cognitive modeling, cognitive integration of disparate knowledge in various fields of knowledge. The main distinguishing feature of our research - cognitive integration in the system of both known and newly developed methods and models created in the process of cognition of the object entity. The ideal goal - creating a tool which implements a union and to help you develop and validate a strategy for sustainable development of Large-scale Systems development of Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 15
CML-2010, Dubrovnik Cognitive integration - a process that takes place in the minds of the expert. And - this is important! carried out by a continuous, iterative process of decisionmaking expert, supported by special tools. We are now on the way to develop the appropriate supporting mathematical and software tools for this. And try to understand explain why and how such integration occurs. And how it can be practically used. Apparently, the latter is an area of contact research in the field of cognitive psychology, linguistics, neurophysiology, intelligent systems, artificial intelligence and so on. Thus, the process of cognition of the object entity and its results are included deliberately by us in the process of cognitive modeling Currently, under the cognitive modeling, we understand the interlinked problems of system Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 16
CML-2010, Dubrovnik 4. Presentation of the main tasks, models and methods in cognitive modeling technology Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 17
CML-2010, Dubrovnik 2. System tasks of cognitive analysis «Traditional» task of cognitive analysis 1. Identification of the object 2. Analysis of the ways and cycles 3. Scenario analysis 4. Solve the inverse problem Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making «New» task of cognitive analysis 5. Analysis of sustainability 6. Observability 7. Controllability 8. Connectedness, complexity 9. Optimization 10. Adaptability 11. Self-organization 12. Disasters 13. Sensitivity studies 14. Search for solutions games 15. Decision-making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 18
CML-2010, Dubrovnik EXAMPLE Figure 1. Identification of the object 3. Scenario analysis Figures 2. Scenario № 1 (q 1=+1) Scenario № 2 (q 1=+1, q 3= - 1) 19 Scenario
CML-2010, Dubrovnik The task: 1. Identification of the object 3. Cognitive models 3. 1. Known cognitive models (3) Cognitive map: Parametric vector of function graph: (4) where: G is a cognitive map, and i=1, 2, …n is a set of vertices (objects of the studied system, for example, production, population, resources, etc. ); is a set of edges - relationship between objects in the system (positive, negative, zero in observing situation), g = 1, 2, . . . k, F = F (X, E) = F (xi, xj, eij) is edge transformation functional that relates to each edge a sign, or a weight coefficient wij, or a function F(xi , xj , eij) = fij Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 20
CML-2010, Dubrovnik 3. 2. Hierarchical cognitive models IG = <Gk, Gk+1, Ek, >, k ≥ 2, V(0) (5) where: Gk=<{vi(k)}, {еij(k) }>, where: Gk - is a cognitive map Vi(k) k-level, V(1) ={vi(1) } – set of vertices of the lower level, V(k) ={vi(k)} – the set of vertices k level, Relationship between the vertices of е one level- the arc ij(k), Е(k) = {еij(k)}; relations between vertices of different level– е k, k+1, Ek = {еk, k+1}. Vi(1) Figure 3. Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 21
CML-2010, Dubrovnik 3. 3. Simulation games on hierarchical cognitive maps in the interaction of complex systems Interaction systems: Model of multistep games V(0) V(k) V(1) Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Figure 4. Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 22
CML-2010, Dubrovnik The task: 3. Scenario analysis 4. 1. Impulsive modeling scenarios for the system on cognitive models A model of a pulsed process mapping scenario (5) where хi(n) - the value of impulse at the vertex vi in the previous moment - cycle modeling (n), хi(n+1) - a researcher interested in the (n +1) moment; fij – impulse conversion function; Pj(n)- the value momentum at the vertices vj, adjacent to the vertex vi; Qi(n) - vector of disturbances and control actions made to the top of vi at the time n. A set of realizations of impulse processes is called "scenario" and points to the possible developments of situations. The situation is characterized by a pulse simulation set { Х, Q} in each step of modeling. Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 23
CML-2010, Dubrovnik The algorithm is based on a puls simulation calculation formulas (6), obtained from the expression (5): (6) where: A - matrix of relations of the graph G; I - identity matrix Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 24
CML-2010, Dubrovnik The task: 5. Analysis of sustainability 4. 2. Stability analysis Sustainability (Known Theorems) (1) Vertex Vj is stable in value, if the sequence of values |(x (t): | t = 0, 1, . . . ) is bounded. Vertex Vj is resistant to disturbance, if the sequence of pulses is limited to |(rj (t): | t = 0, 1, . . . ). A weighted digraph is resistant to perturbation (value) if every vertex has this property. (2) Theorem on the stability of the perturbation. A weighted digraph G, the characteristic values are different, it is resistant to perturbation for the propagation of any disturbance if and only if every characteristic value of G modulo at most one. (3) Theorem on the stability of the initial value. A weighted digraph G is stable in the initial value for a simple process of propagation of the perturbation if and only if the digraph G is stable to perturbations, for a simple process of propagation of the perturbation and the unit is not a characteristic value of G. The system is called structurally stable if the topological nature of the trajectories of all systems close to it is the same as a standard. Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 25
CML-2010, Dubrovnik Structurally stable Odd loop (positive feedback) has a positive product of signs of all of its constituent arcs, odd (negative feedback) - negative Odd cycle is the simplest model of structural instability, as any change in the initial parameter in any of its top leads to unbounded growth module parameters vertices cycle Figure 5. Any change in the parameter of any vertex of odd cycle only leads to the oscillation parameters of peaks Figure 6. The vertex xi is absolutely stable for a given pulse process, if the sequence of absolute values of the parameters in the top (| xi (n) |; n = 0, 1. . . ) is bounded Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Figure 7. Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 26
CML-2010, Dubrovnik The task: 8. Connectedness, complexity Example 4. 3. Topological analysis V 2 V 4 V 3 V 5 V 4 V 1 Figure 8. V 4 V 1 V 3 V 1 V 2 V 3 V 2 V 5 Figure 9. V 3 Figure 10. V 4 Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 27
CML-2010, Dubrovnik The task: 15. Decision-making 4. 4. Model decision problems: the problem of the optimum value (7) X Xдоп ; Y Yдоп where φ (Mh, t) - function of the effectiveness of the optimum value of the parameters Mh distribution of random variables Y and time t; f (Y, Mh, t) - density of Y, C (Y) - useful areas S values Y. + Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 28
CML-2010, Dubrovnik 5. The scheme of interrelated techniques of cognitive methodology and Software system of cognitive modeling Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 29
CML-2010, Dubrovnik I Stage Block 1. Definition and formalization of the setting research objectives process and decision-making on sustainable development of complex system Results: A cognitive draft of the investigated problem, the development of studying meta-model (1) Block 2. Is the first stage of cognitive structuring. Retrospective study. Diagnosis of the socio-economic system for correspondence with noospheric trends in accordance with the first and second requirements of sustainability Results: The cognitive picture of the problem (retrospection is a systematic description of the object, structure and composition of the socio-economic system characteristics, correlation of the socioeconomic characteristics in socio–economic, political, ecological systems of the region; diagnosis is a result of comprehensive analysis of the object forming the basis of a predictive model of the region, a conclusion about stability and the noospheric tendency of the region development II, III Stage Block 3. Is the second stage of cognitive structuring. Development of hierarchical cognitive models of individual subsystems of the socio-economic mechanism in the region is the identification of the object in the environment Results: Hierarchical cognitive model of social and economic system, integrated and detailed; visualization of the results Block 4. Is the third stage is the interrelated systemic tasks solution (cognitive modeling). Analysis of the cognitive models structure, controllability and stability of the system, pulse modeling, the study of the sensitivity of the model, updating of the model Results: Adjusted cognitive model intended for prediction, management and decisionmaking. Characteristics of the model connectivity features on the basis of a simplicial analysis, the conclusion of the stability, the possible scenario developments Block 5. Working out strategies of stable and safety development of socio- economic system variants Results: Recommendations for of strategy of stable development realization and proposals for appropriate management mechanism forming Figure 11. Scheme of cognitive modeling of socioeconomic system 30
C O 1. Cognitive Input factors construction, interactive mode The establishment of relations between factors and to establish the nature of these relations G N CML-2010, Dubrovnik Input statistics, data processing and data analysis Input model I T 2. Structure of the cognitive model analysis I 3. Stability analysis V E M O D E (structural, to the disturbance, to the initial values) N G E Searching the ways of a given type X Analysis of simplicial complexes E P R 4. Impulsive modeling Search and analysis of cycles Analysis of Sensitivity of the Analysis of evolutionary development, planning of the experiment 5. The model adjustment The task of managing impacts and the moments of their depositing model L I Search for connected components 6. The choice of admissible development scenarios, the inverse problem solution, recommended solutions economic justification T Figure 12. Change the topological structure of the model Indicators of change Change attitudes 7. All results analysis and comparison, decision making, recommendations development Software system of cognitive modeling (ПС КМ) 31
CML-2010, Dubrovnik 6. Examples of cognitive modeling Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 32
CML-2010, Dubrovnik While identifying the object was originally developed bigger cognitive map, the objects which in the future if necessary, turned in the individual cognitive maps. For example, in the enlarged map of regional socioeconomic mechanism of object "industrial output" can be discovered in the cognitive maps, and includes cognitive map "Small Business « Example № 1. Figure 13. «Socio-economic mechanism at the regional level» Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 33
CML-2010, Dubrovnik Figures 14. Pulse processes while bringing disturbance in node V 2 (manufacture growth), q 2=+1 q 2 =+1 Charts are located in such a way that the beginning of the pulse process for them was at the same level (for ease of analysis of images) Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 34
CML-2010, Dubrovnik Pulse processes while bringing disturbance in node q 2=+1, q 7=+1 (manufacture growth, interregional and foreign exchange) Figures 15. Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 35
CML-2010, Dubrovnik Figure 16. Pulse processes while bringing disturbance in node q 9=+1 (Population growth) Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 36
CML-2010, Dubrovnik Example № 2. Modeling System “Small business" Small business is one of the major reserves of dynamic economic development of regions of the Southern Federal District, as the prevailing economic structure and the redundancy of labor resources of individual regions objectively determine the possibility of development of this sector. Of particular importance to this segment of the economy has to meet the challenges of sustainable and sound development of the region, providing employment, crime prevention, solving local government in light of the Federal Law "On General Principles of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation» № 131 -FZ of 06. 10. 2003 g Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 37
CML-2010, Dubrovnik Cognitive map "Small Business" Figure 17. Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 38
CML-2010, Dubrovnik Analysis of simplicial complexes "Small Business" Analysis of simplicial complexes The concepts of cognitive maps «Small business» (MP): V 00 - Number of small enterprises V 01 - Investitsii MP V 02 - Turnover MP V 03 - Number of employees at the MP V 04 - Profit MP V 05 - Quality products, services, MP V 06 - Innovations V 07 - Professional quality employees V 08 - Consumer demand V 09 - Competition V 10 - Availability of credit V 11 - Infrastructure V 12 - NGO programs support the development of MP V 13 - Imperfect tax system V 14 - Corruption V 15 - Administrative barriers Figure 18. Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 39
CML-2010, Dubrovnik Example № 3. The cognitive maps "Regional socio-economic system in terms of adaptation peoples of southern Russia to the transformational change" Figure 19. Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 40
CML-2010, Dubrovnik The concepts of cognitive maps "Regional socioeconomic system in terms of adaptation peoples of southern Russia to the transformational change" V 0 - sustainable development of the region, V 1 - successful adaptation of peoples, V 2 - An individual's ability to adapt, V 3 - resources adaptation capacity V 4 - economic condition V 5 - social status V 6 - globalization, V 7 - regionalization, V 8 - geopolitical factors V 10 - a violation of cultural traditions and imposition of new, V 11 - demographics, V 12 - national and ethnic structure of population Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using V 13 - ethnic hierarchy of the urban population V 14 - social organizations of Southern Russia V 15 - Islamic organizations V 17 - Cossack society V 18 - Diaspora V 19 - conflict-generating, V 20 - class contradictions V 21 – youth V 22 - scientific and educational complex south of Russia, V 23 - authorities V 24 - territorial features V 25 - deviant behavior, V 26 - media V 27 - clan, V 28 – migration 41
CML-2010, Dubrovnik Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using Example № 4. Scheme of interaction models of computing devices, tasks and expert МЭ = {Q, W, ПР} Q Figure 20. МВЗ={ФGВ, ФGЗ, E} Y ФGЗ GЗ, XЗ, FЗ ФGВ GВ, XВ, FВ E ФGВ = <GВ, XВ, FВ> - a model of computing devices in the form of a parametric functional Ф -graph, in which: GB = <VВ, EВ> - cognitive map, graph in which vertices Ve = (v. Вi) - the set of vertices agents (individual computers), EВ = (e. Вij) - the set of arcs connecting the vertices (v. Вi, v. Вi v. Вj), i, j = 1, 2, . . . n. В; Arriving at the input VU task - oriented acyclic functional Ф -graph GЗ = <VЗ, EЗ> - a model problem where VЗ = (v. Зi) - the set of vertices (separate tasks or parts of them), EЗ = (e. Зij) - the set of arcs connecting the vertices (v. Зi, v. Зj), i, j = 1, 2, . . . n. З; MВЗ = (ФGВ, ФGЗ, E) - a model of interaction of the ВС graph and graph problems E = (e. Вi. Зj) - the set of arcs connecting the vertices of problems with the vertices of a graph of computing devices; Q, X = (xi), i = 1, 2 , . . . , k - input system (factors); Y = (y 1 , . . . , yi , . . . , ym) - output of the system, the numerical characteristics of the purposes of the study ("optimization", "optimization criteria, " "objective function » . . . ) 42
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CML-2010, Dubrovnik The results of the various phases of studies The consistently reported at conferences, published in journals and monographs. This report is a certain generalization of the results and reflections on theme of "cognitive modeling of complex systems" Cognitive Mechanisms for Decision Making Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using 44
CML-2010, Dubrovnik Thank you for your attention! Galina Gorelova Technological Institute at South Federal University, Taganrog Nekrasovskiy 14, 347922, ГСП 17 -А Russia g. v. gorelova@gmail. com 46