- Количество слайдов: 33
Clinical Supervision By Dave Wilson, Executive Director MERIT Resource Services
What is/are your Goal (s)? ¡ “If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else. “ Yogi Berra
BASICS ¡ Overall goals l l Ensure the agency is running smoothly Assisting Trainees in becoming CDP’s Monitor CDP’s Provide effective training so Clinical Staff are an extension of Agency philosophy
Five Rules for Supervisors Learn from the right Mentors ¡ Work with good Trainees/CDP’s ¡ Allocate time and Staff ¡ Any Decision is better than no Decision ¡ Have Fun ¡
Competences for Supervisors/Foundations Theories, roles and modalities ¡ Leadership ¡ Supervisory alliance ¡ Critical Thinking ¡ Organizational Management and Administration ¡
Competences for Supervisors/Performance Counselor Development ¡ Professional and Ethical Standards ¡ Program Development and Quality Assurance ¡ Performance Evaluation ¡ Administration ¡
Rules and Regulations ¡ DBHR Rules l l Administrator must employ sufficient qualified personnel to provide adequate treatment Administrator must ensure that all persons providing counseling services are registered, certified or licensed by DOH
Rules and Regulations, cont… Administrator must ensure full time counseling staff do not exceed 120 face to face contact hours per month ¡ Administrator must assign the responsibilities for clinical supervision to a person (s) within the organization ¡
Rules and Regulations, cont… ¡ Administrator must ensure there is a current personnel file for each staff that provides or supervises for patient care, including: l l l Annual bloodborne pathogen training Verification of qualifications for assigned position Copy of CDP certificate (for CDP’s)
Rules and Regulations, cont… l l For Supervisors, documentation to substantiate the person meets the qualifications of an approved supervisor Written performance evaluations for each year of employment
Rules and Regulations, cont… An approved Supervisor must be assigned to each CDPT ¡ The approved Supervisor must provide the CDPT with documentation of the Supervisor’s qualifications ¡
Rules and Regulations, cont… Supervisors must decrease their own face to face contact hours by 20% for each CDPT ¡ Supervisors are responsible for all patients assigned to their CDPT (s) ¡ CDP’s must review and authenticate all clinical documentation of CDPT’s ¡
Approved Supervisor Requirements ¡ DOH Rules l l l Minimum of 4, 000 hours of experience as a CDP 28 clock hours of supervisory training my be substituted for 1, 000 hours experience Cannot be a blood relative, significant other, co-habitant, or former counselor to the CDPT
CDPT Training Goals Become a CDP ¡ Provide services while in training ¡ Pass the CDP Test ¡ Gain insight into core competencies ¡ Learn skills necessary to function as a CDP ¡ Complete DOH CDPT Requirements ¡
Core Competences/Foundations Understanding Addiction (4) ¡ Treatment Knowledge (4) ¡ Application to Practice (9) ¡ Professional Readiness (6) ¡
Core Competences/Practice Clinical Evaluation (13) ¡ Treatment Planning (12) ¡ Referral (7) ¡ Service Coordination (19) ¡ Counseling (24) ¡ Client, Family and Community Education (9) ¡
Core Competences/Practice Documentation (7) ¡ Professional and Ethical Responsibilities (9) ¡ ¡ Total (123)
CDPT Training Plans ¡ DBHR (on their website) l ¡ http: //www. dshs. wa. gov/DASA/service s/certification/Forms/CDPTrainee. Forms. shtml MERIT l l davew@meritresources. org georged@meritresources. org
Supervising CDPT’s Training – scheduled ¡ Training Opportunities – unscheduled ¡ File Reviews ¡ Letters, Summaries and other signatures ¡
¡ “When you arrive at a fork in the road, take it. ” Yogi Berra
Supervising CDP’s Teaching the “un-teachable” ¡ Personnel File Reviews ¡ Ongoing training ¡ Sitting in on Group and Individual sessions ¡ “You can observe a lot by just watching. ” Yogi Berra ¡
Ten Most Common Mistakes Not allocating TIME to be a supervisor ¡ Not reviewing CDP work – spot checks ¡ Not recognizing that all employees have different abilities and work at different speeds ¡
Ten Most Common Mistakes, cont. Operating on a belief that CDPT’s “are good to go” after their initial 50 hours ¡ Not sitting in on sessions as a supervisor ¡ Staffing cases in the hallway ¡
Ten Most Common Mistakes, cont. . Not having Staff Meetings/Trainings ¡ Believing that all your employees will act like responsible adults ¡ Being in a rush when coauthenticating CDPT paperwork ¡ Not having fun ¡
Make Your Agency a Great Place to Work (Gallup’s 12 Qualities) ¡ ¡ ¡ I know what is expected of me at work. I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right. At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day.
Make Your Agency a Great Place to Work ¡ In the last seven days, I have received recognition and praise for doing good work. ¡ My supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me as a person. ¡ There is someone at work who encourages my development.
Make Your Agency a Great Place to Work ¡ At work, my opinions seem to count. ¡ The mission/purpose of my company makes me feel my job is important. ¡ My associates (fellow employees) are committed to doing quality work.
Make Your Agency a Great Place to Work ¡ ¡ ¡ I have a best friend at work. In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress. This last year, I have had opportunities at work to learn and grow.
Review ¡ “It's like deja-vu, all over again. ” Yogi Berra
Five Rules for Supervisors Have Fun ¡ Learn from the right Mentors ¡ Work with Good Trainees/CDP’s ¡ Any Decision is better than No Decision ¡ Allocate Time and Staff ¡
Questions? ¡ “If you ask me anything I don't know, I'm not going to answer. ” Yogi Berra
Thanks ¡ ¡ “I never said most of the things I said. ” Yogi Berra davew@meritresources. org
Resources TAP 21 - samhsa. gov ¡ TAP 21 -A - samhsa. gov ¡ DBHR – dshs. wa. gov ¡ MERIT Resource Services – Policy and Procedure Manual ¡ Gallup Poll ¡ Yogi Berra ¡