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Clinical Academic Trainees’ Conference 3 November 2012 Foundation Trainees Dolores Conroy Ph. D Director of Research Fight for Sight
Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) • AMRC is a membership organisation of the leading medical and health research charities in the UK • 124 member charities • over £ 1 billion in 2011 -12 to medical research • eye disease, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease as well as rarer conditions like cystic fibrosis and motor neurone disease
AMRC Funding for Medical Research
Charity Funding for Clinicians Certificate of Completion of Training Specialist Training Integrated Academic Training Path Competition Academic Clinical Fellowship Foundation Programme Charity funding Funding max 3 years Clinical Training Fellowship 3 years Competition Clinical Lectureship Funding max 4 years Clinical Scientist Award Charity funding
Clinical Research Training Fellowships Entry requirements Application should usually be after Foundation year 2, but before award of a CCT Grant duration 3 years to complete a Ph. D, 20% time on NHS sessions Award may include Salary of applicant according to appropriate clinical salary scale and tuition fees Research consumables, directly attributable to the project, usually less than £ 10, 000 per year, but larger amounts will be considered if fully justified.
Clinical Research Training Fellowships • • • Fight for Sight British Heart Foundation Diabetes UK Arthritis UK Motor Neurone Disease Alzheimer’s Society Parkinson’s UK Stroke Foundation Cancer Research UK Action Medical Research Dunhill Medical Trust Welcome Trust
MRC jointly funded CRTFs The MRC provides opportunities for additional CRTFs collaborations with Charities Alzheimer's Society Asthma UK British Association of Dermatologists/British Skin Foundation British Infection Association British Lung Foundation/Mick Knighton Mesothelioma Fund Chronic Granulomatous Disorder Society Cystic Fibrosis Trust Fight for Sight Kidney Research UK MND Association Lady Edith Wolfson Fellowships Multiple Sclerosis Society The Novo Nordisk UK Research Foundation Pancreatic Cancer UK Prostate Cancer UK Sparks Stroke Association Target Ovarian Cancer
MRC jointly funded CRTFs • • • Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Royal College of Ophthalmologists/Novartis Royal College of Physicians/Dinwoodie Trust Royal College of Radiologists Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh • The Novo Nordisk UK Research Foundation • Ulverscroft Vision Research Group mrc. ac. uk/Fundingopportunities/Fellowships/Jointlyfundedclinicalresearchtraining/MRC
Assessment Criteria There are three stages to the assessment process: • External peer review • Shortlisting • Interview The referees and interview panel members are asked to consider the: Standing and potential of the person Suitability and scientific merit of the research project