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Л1_География КНР_2.ppt

  • Количество слайдов: 45

Climate of China • • 3 climate zone High annual temperature amplitude Great difference Climate of China • • 3 climate zone High annual temperature amplitude Great difference in precipitation Annual precipitation vary from 10 мм to 3000 мм

January temperature January temperature

July temperature July temperature

Amplitude 41℃ Amplitude 17℃ Amplitude 41℃ Amplitude 17℃

Precipitation Precipitation

Precipitation in summer Precipitation in summer

Monsoon Monsoon

Winter monsoon Winter monsoon

Summer monsoon муссон Summer monsoon муссон

 • Beginning of monsoon • Beginning of monsoon

Climate of China’ regions North Climate type Temperate monsoon South Subtropical monsoon North-West Temperate Climate of China’ regions North Climate type Temperate monsoon South Subtropical monsoon North-West Temperate continental Tibet highland

Sand storms Sand storms

Haze Haze

Water resources of China • • • 6% of world water resources 50 thousands Water resources of China • • • 6% of world water resources 50 thousands of rivers Total river length – 220 thousand km Total drainage - over 2, 7 billion. km 3 over 2800 lakes with surface area over 1 km 2

Main rivers of China River Basin area(km 2) Length (км) Annual flow (100 млн. Main rivers of China River Basin area(km 2) Length (км) Annual flow (100 млн. м 3) Yantze 1808500 6300 9513 Huanghe 752443 5464 661 Songhua 557180 2308 762 Liaohe 228960 1390 148 Zhujiang 453690 2214 3338 Haihe 263631 1090 228 Huaihe 269283 1000 622

Huanghe Huanghe

Янцзы Янцзы

Янцзы около г. Чунцина Янцзы около г. Чунцина

Grand Canal Grand Canal

松花江 黄河 长江 西江 塔里木河 黄河源 North River flow South high North-West Inner flow 松花江 黄河 长江 西江 塔里木河 黄河源 North River flow South high North-West Inner flow Tibet Spring of rivers

Biggest freshwater lake Biggest freshwater lake

Biggest salt water lake Biggest salt water lake