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Climate Change - State and Federal Activities Krish Ramamurthy Chief, Division of Permits Bureau of Air Quality PA. DEP
Topics l l l Greenhouse Gas Emission Profile in Pennsylvania Actions Pending PA Legislation Multi State Efforts Federal Activities
Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) l l l Carbon Dioxide - CO 2 Methane - CH 4 Nitrous Oxide - N 20 Sulfur Hexaflouride - SF 6 Hydrofluorocarbons - HFCs Perfluorocarbons - PFCs
Global Warming Potential & Atmospheric Lifetime Global Warming Potential (GWP) – – – Carbon Dioxide – 1 Methane – 21 Nitrous Oxide – 310 (PFC-116) – 9, 200 Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC-23) – 11, 700 Sulfur Hexaflouride – 23, 900 Atmospheric Lifetime (Years) Carbon Dioxide – 50 -200 – Methane – 12 – Nitrous Oxide – 114 – Sulfur Hexaflouride - 3, 200 - Fluorocarbon – >50, 000 –
PA is the 3 rd largest emitter of CO 2 in the United States.
Per Capita Emissions (2003) l Average U. S. Per Capita CO 2 Emissions – l 20 MTCO 2 e PA Per Capita CO 2 Emissions – 22 MTCO 2 e
PA ranks 21 st in per capita CO 2 emissions in the United States.
Pennsylvania emits approximately 1% of the world’s Greenhouse Gases.
Largest Source of PA Emissions 1. 2. 3. Electricity Production Residential/Commercial/Industrial Transportation
What has PA done to address Climate Change? Under Governor Rendell: l 8/13/04 – The Commonwealth issues a contract for 10% of its electricity (10, 000 MWH) to be supplied by renewable electricity. l 11/30/2004 – Governor Edward G. Rendell signed into law the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard, a two-tiered portfolio standard that ensures that in 15 years, 18 percent of all of the energy generated in Pennsylvania comes from clean, efficient sources.
l 12/15/2004 - Governor Rendell signed an executive order, “Energy Management and Conservation in the Commonwealth, ” (Number 2004 -12) that ensures maximum efficiency in energy management and conservation in state facilities through the implementation of a centralized energy strategy. l 9/29/2005 - Governor Rendell announced a plan to replace 25 percent of the state’s vehicle fleet with hybrids by 2011.
l 8/29/2006 - Governor Rendell redoubled Pennsylvania’s green electricity purchase to 20 percent from 10 percent (presently at 28 percent). l 10/27/06 – The Commonwealth issues its first statewide contract for heating and transportation biodiesel.
l l 10/24/2007 – The Commonwealth issued its second statewide contract for heating and transportation biodiesel. Summer 2008 – DEP will be publishing a solicitation for a grant pilot program. – Greenhouse Gas Inventories and Climate Change Action Plans for PA municipalities
Pending PA Legislation House Bill 110 (Pennsylvania Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act) & Senate Bill 266 (Pennsylvania Climate Change Act) l Both bills are pending in the General Assembly's 2007 -2008 regular session If passed, these bills would require PA to: l Perform a GHG inventory l Create a voluntary GHG registry l Establish a stakeholder group or advisory committee l Create a climate change action plan to reduce GHGs
l Energy Independence Strategy – a plan that will push Pennsylvania into the top tier of states taking steps to cut consumer energy costs, and significantly expand the alternative fuel, clean energy and conservation sectors. 1. Save consumers $10 billion in energy costs over the next ten years 2. Grow Pennsylvania’s energy economy 3. Reduce Pennsylvania’s reliance on foreign fuels
Multi-State Efforts l l l 5/3/2007 - Pennsylvania joined with 30 states to create The Climate Registry (TCR). 12/5/2007 – PA DEP files a petition with the EPA requesting the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions from aircraft. 1/3/2008 - PA and 13 other states have joined California in a lawsuit against the EPA.
Is CO 2 a Regulated Air pollutant? l l l On April, 2007, Supreme Court declared that CO 2 is an “air pollutant” under the Clean Air Act (Massachusetts v. EPA). Enviros maintain that CO 2 is already “regulated air pollutant” under Clean Air Act since Electric Generating Units are required to report CO 2 emissions under Acid Rain provisions. EPA’s position is currently CO 2 is not a “regulated air pollutant” under CAA. – Needs “endangerment finding” and issue regulations under CAA
Pending Federal Actions l l EPA intends to make a formal finding of endangerment from GHG emissions from Vehicles. Several NSPS regulations are under review where GHG emissions will be addressed. EPA’s proposed revised NSPS in May 2007 for Petroleum Refineries. EPA received several comments that EPA is required to address CO 2 and Methane emissions from refineries. EPA is required by court order to issue a final rulemaking by April 30. EPA is scheduled to propose NSPS revisions for Portland Cement Kilns by May 31. EPA is grappling with whether to include GHG in that rulemaking
Pending Federal Actions l l EPA is also under a court remand to decide whether to require GHG limits for Electric Generating Units and Industrial boilers. There is no deadline to make this decision. EPA earlier announced their intent to establish an emission threshold for GHG emissions triggering New Source Review
Pending Federal Action l EPA intends to develop regulations under Safe Drinking Water Act to ensure that injection of CO 2 does not contaminate underground source of drinking water. l EPA’s Mandatory Reporting Rule Development – Proposed rule by September 2008, final rule by June 2009
Pending Congressional Climate Change Bills l l l Several Climate Change Bills Introduced in the 110 th Congress. 12/6/07 - The Senate Environment and Publics Work committee passed the Lieberman-Warner climate bill (S. 2191) It would create a cap-and-trade system for carbon emissions and mandate a 70 percent cut in greenhouse gas pollution by 2050.
“Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act of 2008” (S. 2191) Bill Summary l Economy-wide coverage: l Upstream on petroleum, natural gas, as well as manufacturers of F-gases and N 2 O l Downstream on coal facilities (that use over 5, 000 tons of coal per year) l GHG emission targets for covered sectors (targets decline in each calendar year): l 2012: 5, 775 Mt. CO 2 e; 2020: 4, 924 Mt. CO 2 e l 2030: 3, 860 Mt. CO 2 e; 2050: 1, 732 Mt. CO 2 e (70% below 2005 emissions levels from covered facilities) l Establishes a market-driven system of tradable emission allowances
What’s in Store for the Future l l l Higher emphasis on Conservation of Energy and maximizing energy efficiency. GHG Emission reporting for Stationary Sources. Federal Cap & Trade program? – Economy wide or Select Sectors? NSPS for GHG emissions for several Source Categories? BACT limits for GHG emissions for new sources?