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Climate Change Policy: Positioning Universities for New Opportunities Presentation to the Member Representatives of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research April Burke, Wendy Naus and Frank Steinberg Lewis-Burke Associates LLC October 14, 2009
Status of FY 2010 Appropriations n CJS (NSF, NOAA and NASA) n FY 09 Pres. House NSF NOAA NASA $6. 49 $7. 0 $6. 936 $6. 916 n $4. 3 $4. 473 DOE OS $4. 77 $4. 94 $4. 9 DOE EERE $1. 93 $2. 32 $2. 25 $2. 23 $4. 6 Senate Energy and Water (DOE) n $4. 77 Senate action pending Final FY 2010: n $17. 8 $18. 68 $18. 2 $18. 68 Amounts in billions n n $4. 9 billion Office of Science $2. 24 billion EERE Continuing Resolution n Through Oct. 31
Status of Climate Change Debate n Issues on the table: n n n n Cap and trade Adaptation Climate services Research/USGCRP Energy efficiency Renewables Nuclear n Timing: n n House – Holding pattern, passed “Waxman-Markey” in June Senate – Depends who you ask: n n Maj. Leader Reid – Push to 2010? Boxer – Markup in October
Status of Climate Change Debate: Senate Environment & Public Works (Boxer) • Steering the timeline • Cap and trade/allowance allocations Finance (Baucus) • Cap and trade/allowance allocations • Coal interests Commerce (Rockefeller) • • Foreign Relations (Kerry) • Adaptation/aid for developing countries/offsets Agriculture (Lincoln, new chair) • Concerned with increased costs to farmers/industry Energy & Natural Resources (Bingaman) • Energy piece already reported out of Committee Adaptation National climate service USGCRP/science (Kerry bill) Coal concerns/carbon capture
House vs. Senate Bill Waxman-Markey (H. R. 2454) Kerry-Boxer (Senate Draft) Emission Targets • 17% below 2005 levels by 2020 • 83% by 2050 • 20% below 2005 levels by 2020 • 83% by 2050 Initial Allocations • 15% auctioned, proceeds to individuals • 25% auctioned, proceeds to Treasury • Details to be work out by Finance Adaptation • • • National Climate Service • 3 -year OSTP planning process to create • Likely housed within NOAA • Virtually no mention of interagency engagement or universities • Placeholder language currently, actual language to be developed by Commerce Climate Research/ USGCRP • Includes USGCRP reauthorization • May include USGCRP reauthorization (not in current draft) State planning Public health Natural Resources International Climate Services • Placeholder language currently, covering the same topics as the House bill
House vs. Senate Bill Waxman-Markey (H. R. 2454) Kerry-Boxer (Senate Draft/Bingaman Energy Bill) Renewable & Efficiency Standard • Combined Efficiency and Renewable Electricity Standard • 6% growing to 20% by 2039 • Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Standard • 3% growing to 15% by 2039 Energy Research • Energy Innovation Hubs funded from allowances (0. 45%) • ARPA-E funded from allowances (1. 05%) • Allowances for Hubs and ARPA-E not yet determined • ENR bill includes placeholder language on Grand Challenges Research Initiative Energy Efficiency • More standards, communityfocused incentives • ↑Appliance, Building, Transportation, and Industrial Efficiency • More incentives and demonstration programs • ↑Appliance, Building, Vehicle, Industrial, and Grid Efficiency Nuclear Power • Hardly mentioned • Supported as one of many clean energies • Direct call to promote and expand nuclear in Kerry-Boxer and ENR bill
Emerging Adaptation Opportunities n n n State Programs to Build Resilience – Distribution of allowances to state governments to implement projects, programs or measures to build resilience to impacts of climate change. Public Health – Federal Government assist in preparing health systems to respond to impacts of climate change; ensure sufficient information; enhance preparedness; and assist developing nations. Natural Resources – Efforts to protect, restore and conserve natural resources (including wildlife) in response to climate change; possible financial support and incentives for such programs.
Emerging Adaptation Opportunities (continued) n n International – Financial support for bilateral assistance to help vulnerable countries in development of adaptation plans, policy and financing; support adaptation research in/for most vulnerable developing countries. Climate Services – Will be responsible for coordinating and providing services to users, decision-makers and stakeholders. Many states/decision-makers are not prepared to use this information.
Take Away Messages n n n Opportunities will emerge with the enactment of climate legislation. Adaptation is the future; the community needs to position itself to be helpful and inform decision-making. Get creative, partner, and make new friends with non-traditional atmospheric research agencies (DOD, NIH, USDA, State, etc. ).