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CLIL In Primary School By Barbara Buchholz MA College of Initial Teacher Education, Eisenstadt, Austria, presented at CLIL workshop Vienna University, July 2005
This presentation looks at • Primary curriculum (very briefly) • CLIL in primary school (i. p. Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills - BICS) • Action research in general • An action research project on BICS – A case study at an Austrian primary school © Profil
What does the Curriculum say? 1. English language acquisition should be experienced within concrete and situative activities based on children‘s everyday life. (Aller Anfang 5/98: 12) 2. The English language should be applied integratively within other school subjects (Sciences, Maths, Music, Physical Education). . . (ibid. page 15) 3. In these subjects English should be used as a means of instruction over certain periods of time in order to explain, describe or show simple facts. . . (ibid. page 14) A call for CLIL. . . ?
The Curriculum frame • • • English as a foreign language (EFL) is compulsory from year 1 No additional lesson time provided for EFL in year 1 & 2; one lesson per week in year 3 & 4 EFL is integrated in other school subjects (except German) Main objectives focus on communicative FL skills Didactic principles include monolingual and cross-curricular English Language Teaching (ELT) A breeding ground for CLIL. . . ?
Integrating FL = CLIL ? ! “How is the FL to be integrated? “ The answer to this question is a matter of definition (and of teachers‘ views) A A matter of time slots in general primary tuition: There are five minutes left until the break, so let‘s do a little English. . . B A matter of subject swapping: In our music lesson we‘ll learn an English song today. C A matter of teaching the obvious: Let‘s talk about animals: fish swim, birds fly. . . D A matter of content based language teaching: Today you‘ll learn about the water cycle. _________________________________ A, B, C or D? “The discussion around that question is still ongoing and needs serious attention. “
What is relevant for Primary CLIL? BICS Language Lexis REFRAMING Structures Extension YOUNG LEARNERS‘ CLASSROOM FL L 1 Environment Influence DISCOURSE Primary teachers‘ FL competence Native speaker assistant‘s support
Action Research - Definition Action Research is a family of research methodologies which pursue action (thus is change - improvement) and research (thus is enhancing understanding) at the same time. It uses a cyclic process alternating between strategic action and systematic reflection. (Dick, 2000)
The Action Research Spiral Action research is perfectly suitable for case studies. In most cases action research is pure qualitative research.
The Action Research Cycle Problem identification & questions Results, analyses & interpretation Reflection & data collection Exploration Action Research Hypothesis Application in practice Planning of action steps
The Research Organisation Participants • 25 primary pupils aged 9 (third grade English emphasis • • class, i. e. 2 English lessons per week plus EFL integration from year 1) A teacher colleague as non-participating teacher observer A pupil‘s mother as outside observer A native speaker assistant as ‘language consultant‘ and outside observer Myself as class teacher, inside observer and participating teacher-researcher
The Research Organisation Setting & Time • Original settings in primary school, classroom, school yard, gym • Normal English lessons respectively • Integrated English instruction sequences • School breaks • Research period: February to September 2002
The Research Methodology Instruments, techniques & sources • Research diary & fieldnotes • Lessons observations • Peer observation • Audio tape recordings • Students‘ inventories • Students‘ interviews • Students‘ protocols (initiated after first spiral) • Classteacher‘s documents (lesson plans, records, protocols) • Relevant literature and curriculum • Triangulation & discussion (teachers and students)
Problem Identification “Long-term” problem: Students’ avoidance to speak English Initial Problem: Although receptive FL communication skills are sufficiently present, most students lack the productive component. Thus resulting in the fact that oral interactive communication as such cannot take place and Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills (BICS) are not existing. Therefore, young FL students need special communication training, particularly in speaking. Research questions
Problem Identification Initial research questions • • • Why do students predominantly speak German during English lessons? Why do students permanently switch codes, even though the classroom language is English? What can be done to improve the classroom discourse situation? Exploration
The Research Process Exploration & Reflection First inquiry steps • Self – reflection • Literature • Documents Teacher talk in lessons ‘Quick translations‘ vs ‘Explain in English‘ Amount/occasions of peer talk in class Buckmaster vs Krashen Peltzer-Karpf‘s studies on bilingual primary education Studies by Johnstone, Gerngroß Vygotsky‘s ‘Zone of Proximal Development‘ (ZPD) Lesson plans: exact definition of language goals Course books, teaching material etc (languages mix)
The Research Process Exploration - First inquiry steps • Research Diary Ø • Preliminary Inquiries Ø Ø Ø Concentrate teacher‘s own perceptions: When exactly do children switch codes? Are emotions helpful or distractive? Does hearing German have any negative impact? Teacher observer‘s appraisal: ‘Differing‘ views Exploratory teacher discussion: ‘Common‘ fact Students‘ discussion: ‘Lack of chunks‘ First conclusion
The Research Process First conclusion As the classteacher I had to accept, that there was a need to change my own unstructured approach and more or less random use of L 1 / L 2. Teacher and students had to avoid language mix without any exception. In order to achieve this, appropriate action steps were to be developed. They should meet students‘ needs. Hypothesis
Hypothesis Creating a monolingual FL classroom language environment will provoke (predominant) monolingual FL classroom discourse that is conducive to develop basic interpersonal communication skills (BICS) for content and language integrated learning (CLIL). End of first spiral
First spiral results Research Issues • Language management • Language education • Language contents Classroom Timing Grouping Social interaction Consequence measures Awarding Communication tools Output remedies Subject-specific terms Supplementary material
Further spirals - Action Strategies Language Management • The EZ • Flag-Is-Up The ‘ English Zone‘ – an ‘as-if‘ monolingual model Spatial division of language environment No German at all – and for all! Free access, voluntary stay Inclusion of devices (PC, piano, reading corner, pet) Expanded EZ Regular ritual – action and shouts Hoisted flag and classroom door
Further spirals - Action Strategies Language Education • • • Social interaction Games, drama, cooperative tasks Matchstick system Group monitors - group awards Red card ‘Refugees‘ and ‘penalty‘
Further spirals - Action Strategies Language Contents • Posters Speech models Metaphors Visuals • Stickers Dialogue sets ‘Word-pool‘ • CTA Come-Together-Activity Music or FL background
Further spirals – Data collection • Language Management • Language Education • Language Content Teacher‘s reflection (permanent) Outsider observation Teacher observation Peer observation Tape recordings Students‘ discussion Teacher observation Peer monitoring Students‘ protocols Teacher observation Outsider observation Students‘ discussion
Further spirals – RESULTS Language Management EZ & Flag üSurprising success – very high motivation to speak üAverage 85% of pupils used EZ even in the breaks ü 75% more speaking activity (words & phrases) üActive use of passive vocabulary doubled (words) üHigh effort was made – no one wanted to leave the zone üNLP and role-play happened unconsciously üSpeaking blockades were overcome – no ‘stuck-states‘ üVoluntary brain wreck exposed students‘ idleness in former settings ü 17 pupils built an ‘English Zone‘ even at home - Arguments about peer observation rules Students‘ observation records were biased Danger of temporary restriction of EZ‘s appeal
Further spirals – RESULTS Language Education üStronger impact of all interactions in the EZ üLess pressure – EZ could be left üMore flexible implementation üChildren ‘invented‘ English learning strategies (in L 1) Matchsticks ü 75% appreciated justification/rewarding system üCode-switching rate decreased from 25% to 2% ü Students as organisers – raised self-esteem Interaction - Applicable only in EZ Red card üVery strong effect – only 4 cases in 2 weeks - Deterring rules (the penalty - ‘a housewife‘s job‘? ) Action step dropped
Further spirals – RESULTS Language Contents Posters Stickers CTA Music & English - üVery high motivation through active participation üChildren‘s genuine conversation phrases recorded üCreative hands-on learning with script and text üContextualized language application done by students üAll children involved autonomously at flexible levels üBoosting effect on English peer talk (15% - 65% average) üWide scope for inspiration (choice of CTA topics - CLIL) üDecreasing embarrassment in speaking English üConcentration plus fun maintained – no one left out üDiversion, improvisation, pantomime – adventurous but serious language learning, self-directed and rewarding üMonolingual FL classroom discourse periodically realised! CTA results not transferable to working situations Posters/stickers and CTA need lots of space and time
The Action Research Cycle Problem identification & questions Results, analyses & interpretation Reflection & data collection Research Exploration Action Research Evaluation Hypothesis Application in practice Planning of action steps
Research Evaluation Inventories & interviews Students‘ feedback on action steps
Research Evaluation Inventories & interviews Students‘ feedback on the observers
Research Evaluation Inventories & interviews Did you improve your English?
Research Evaluation Inventories & interviews How do you like speaking English now?
Discussion & students‘ comments • I didn‘t know how to speak English and what to say. . . • It‘s so cool to really speak English. . . • We want to keep the English zone in our classroom. . . • I‘ve always wanted to know what‘s „Halt den Mund!“ in English. . . • First they (group monitors) were unfair, but it worked out finally. . . • The CTA is my favourite game. . . In English only. . . • Now I‘m not afraid anymore of travelling to England. • It was great to see that I speak a lot better than my elder brother. • I helped my mother translating an English pop song.
Teachers‘ quotes • I never thought that this is going to happen… (Teacher observer) • It was amazing when children started speaking unconsciously… (Native speaker assistant) • I could not believe what I saw in that class… (Headteacher)
Parents‘ quotes • I‘ve also benefited from that project by adding a big deal of everday English to my business vocab. . . (Outside observer) • My children are building an “English zone“ at home. . . (Mother) • My younger son is challenging his elder brother – he speaks much better English … (Father)
Conclusion Answering Research Question 1 Why do students predominantly speak German among each others during English lessons? • Thoughtlessness • Pure idleness • Lack of motivation • Lack of vocabulary • Lack of language structures • Embarrassment • Fear of being laughed at
Conclusion Answering Research Question 2 Why do students permanently switch codes, even though the classroom language is English? • Lack of concentration • Lack of motivation • No vocabulary available • No language structures available • Teacher uses L 1 • Shyness • Inhibition & fear of being corrected too often
Conclusion Answering Research Question 3 What can be done to improve the classroom discourse situation? • Set clear goals and reflect on achievements • Set spatial language environment zones • Make vocabulary available (stickers) • Make language phrases accessible (posters) • Use L 2 only • Set flexible steps towards self-directed learning • Motivate for practice (topics beyond schoolbooks) • Provide tools for peer- and self-control
Action Research Aims Achieved • Overall FL competence improved • Receptive and productive FL use increased • Better quality lessons • Monolingual English classroom periodically End present • BICS predominantly realised
When children find themselves in the company of others who speak other languages, they will make an effort to understand use the new language. (Brumfit, 1991) Exploit this benefit for your English lessons!
This action research project was carried out during my MA study in Education (Foreign Languages FOR YOUR THANK YOU Pedagogy Focus ) at Norwich University, England 2001 – 2004 Barbara Buchholz ATTENTION !