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Client-Driven Pointer Analysis Samuel Z. Guyer Calvin Lin June 2003 THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN 1
Using Pointer Analysis l Pointer analysis: not a stand-alone analysis Supports other client analyses Pointer Analyzer l Client Error Analysis Detector Memory Model Output Errors Current practice: l l Client analysis – we’ll focus on error detection Pointer analysis algorithm – choose precision CIFI Context & Flow Insensitive CIFS Flow Sensitive CSFS Context & Flow Sensitive 2
Motivation l Real-life scenario: Check for security vulnerabilities in Black. Hole mail filter CSFS CIFI Pointer Analyzer l Memory Model Error Detector Fast slower; 25 X memory; Out ofanalysis; 85 possible No results errors Manually inspect reported errors l l l One thing in common: a string processing routine Clone procedure = ad hoc context sensitivity Using CIFI, all 85 false positives go away Can we automate this process? 3
Our solution Problems l l Cost-benefit tradeoff – severe for pointer analysis Precision choices are too coarse Choice is made a priori by the compiler writer Solution: Mixed precision analysis l l l Apply higher precision where it’s needed Use cheap analysis elsewhere Key: Let the needs of client drive precision Customized precision policy created during analysis 4
Client-Driven Pointer Analysis l Algorithm: l l l Start with fast cheap analysis: FI and CI Monitor: how imprecision causes information loss Adapt: Reanalyze with a customized precision policy Custom CIFI Policy Pointer Analyzer Memory Model Information Loss Client Analysis Error Reports Monitor Dependence Graph 5 Adaptor
Overview l Motivation l Our algorithm Automatically discover what the client needs l Experiments Real programs and challenging error detection problems l Related work and conclusions 6
False Positives Remote access vulnerability Example: ! stdin sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); read(sock, buffer, 100); execl(buffer); main Lattice ^ l execl socket ? ! ? error no error maybe read ^ 7
Client-Driven Pointer Analysis Custom CIFI Policy Pointer Analyzer Memory Model Information Loss Client Analysis Error Reports Monitor Dependence Graph 8 Adaptor
Analysis framework l Iterative dataflow analysis l l l Pointer analysis: flow values are points-to sets Client analysis: flow values form typestate lattice Fine-grained precision policies l Context sensitivity: per procedure l l l CS: Clone or inline procedure invocation CI: Merge values from all call sites Flow sensitivity: per memory location l l FS: Build factored use-def chains FI: Merge all assignments into a single flow value 9
Client-Driven Pointer Analysis Custom CIFI Policy Pointer Analyzer Memory Model Information Loss Client Analysis Error Reports Monitor Dependence Graph 10 Adaptor
Monitor l l Runs alongside main analysis Monitors information loss l Detects polluting assignments Merge two accurate flow values ambiguous value l Tracks complicit assignments Passing an ambiguous value from one variable to another l Records in a dependence graph For both pointer and client analyses 11
Dependence graph (I) l Polluting assignment Add a node for the variable – annotate with a diagnosis l Complicit assignment Add an edge from left side back to right side Context insensitive foo( ) Flow insensitive x = foo(param ) Complicit x = y; x x param CS: foo y x FS: x 12 x
Dependence graph (II) l Indirect assignments Pointer dereference x =(*ptr) Polluted target Polluted pointer ptr or y x ptr x 13
Adaptor Dependence Graph Precision policy CS: foo FS: ptr ? l FS: x CS: bar CS: foo CS: bar FS: x FS: ptr After analysis. . . l l Start at the “maybe error” variables Find all reachable nodes – collect the diagnoses Often a small subset of all imprecision 14
In action. . . l Monitor analysis stdin execl main execl ? ! ? l Polluting assignments l Diagnose and apply “fix” l l read In this case: one procedure context-sensitive Reanalyze 15 socket
Programs l 18 real C programs l l l Unmodified source – all the issues of production code Many are system tools – run in privileged mode Representative examples: Name Description Priv Lines of code Procedures muh IRC proxy ü 5 K (25 K) 84 5, 191 blackhole E-mail filter ü 12 K (244 K) 71 21, 370 wu-ftpd FTP daemon ü 22 K (66 K) 205 23, 107 named DNS server ü 26 K (84 K) 210 25, 452 nn News reader û 36 K (116 K) 494 46, 336 16 CFG nodes
Methodology 5 typestate error checkers: l l l Represent non-trivial program properties Stress the pointer analyzer l Compare client-driven with fixed-precision l Goals: l l First, reduce number of errors reported Conservative analysis – fewer is better Second, reduce analysis time 17
CI-FS CI-FI Results CS-FS CS-FI Remote access vulnerability ? 29 100 X 10 X ? ? 0 7 0 0 28 0 1 1 31 7 0 0 mu 0 0 18 29 0 6 0 18 0 6 0 85 ? ? 5 26 26 15 15 28 5 2 0 0 41 4 31 89 88 4 5 93 0 41 nn e Lit SQ ine ng cfe er erv hs ss d me na (II) -ftp wu xy vo pri nt lie hc ss (I) -ftp wu le ho ck bla ke ma he ac ap on fcr tp ref pu II) h( I) er el nn h( 0 ng 7 0 0 mu Increasing 6 number of CFG nodes pfi 7 ? 26 85 0 0 ? 0 7 0 1 ? 15 stu Normalized analysis time 1000 X Client-Driven 18
Why it works Name muh apache blackhole Total procs Remote Access File Access FSV RFSV FTP 6 84 313 8 71 2 2 2 10 5 4 4 17 1 2 1 4 421 4 1 3 31 494 2 1 1 30 wu-ftpd 205 named 210 cfengine nn l # procedures context-sensitive Notice: l l Different clients have different precision requirements Amount of extra precision is small 19
Related work l Pointer analysis and typestate error checking l Iterative flow analysis [Plevyak & Chien ‘ 94] l Demand-driven pointer analysis [Heintze & Tardieu ’ 01] l Combined pointer analysis [Zhang, Ryder, Landi ’ 98] l Effects of pointer analysis precision [Hind ’ 01 & others] l More precision is more costly l Does it help? Is it worth the cost? 20
Conclusions l Client-driven pointer analysis l l l Precision should match the client and program Not all pointers are equal Need fine-grained precision policies Key: knowing where to add more and what kind Roadmap for scalability Use more expensive analysis on small parts of progams 21
Thank You 22
Time 23
Precision policies # procedures context-sensitive Name RA File FSV RFSV % variables flow-sensitive FTP RA 6 muh apache 8 blackhole 2 2 2 File FSV 10 0. 89 0. 18 5 0. 24 0. 91 FTP 0. 07 0. 1 RFSV 0. 31 1. 07 0. 83 0. 04 0. 32 4 wu-ftpd 4 17 0. 63 0. 09 0. 51 0. 53 0. 23 named 1 2 1 4 0. 14 0. 01 0. 23 0. 20 0. 42 cfengine 4 1 3 31 0. 43 0. 04 0. 46 0. 48 0. 03 nn 2 1 1 30 1. 82 0. 17 1. 99 2. 03 0. 97 24
Thank You 25
Error detection problems l Remote access vulnerabillity: Data from an Internet socket should not specify a program to execute l l File access: Files must be open when accessed Format string vulnerability (FSV): Format string may not contain untrusted data l l Remote FSV: Check if FSV is remotely exploitable FTP behavior: Can this program be tricked into reading and transmitting arbitrary files 26
Annotations (I) l Dependence and pointer information l l Describe pointer structures Indicate which objects are accessed and modified procedure fopen(pathname, mode) { on_entry { pathname --> path_string mode --> mode_string } access { path_string, mode_string } on_exit { return --> new file_stream } } 27
Annotations (II) Library-specific properties Dataflow lattices property State : { Open, Closed} initially Open property Kind : { File, Socket { Local, Remote } } ^ Closed ^ l Local Open File ^ Socket ^ 28 Remote
Annotations (III) l Library routine effects Dataflow transfer functions procedure socket(domain, type, protocol) { analyze Kind { if (domain == AF_UNIX) IOHandle <- Local if (domain == AF_INET) IOHandle <- Remote } analyze State { IOHandle <- Open } on_exit { return --> new IOHandle } } 29
Annotations (IV) l Reports and transformations procedure execl(path, args) { on_entry { path --> path_string } report if (Kind : path_string could-be Remote) “Error at “ ++ $callsite ++ “: remote access”; } procedure slow_routine(first, second) { when (condition) replace-with %{ quick_check($first); fast_routine($first, $second); }% } 30
Type Theory l Equivalent to dataflow analysis (heresy? ) Flow values Types Transfer functions l Different in practice l l l Inference rules Remember Phil Wadler’s talk? Dataflow: flow-sensitive problems, iterative analysis Types: flow-insensitive problems, constraint solver Commonality l l No magic bullet: same cost for the same precision Extracting the store model is a primary concern 31
Is it correct? Three separate questions: l Are Sam Guyer’s experiments correct? l Yes, to the best of our knowledge l l l Is our compiler implemented correctly? l l l Checked PLAPACK results Checked detected errors against known errors Flip answer: who’s is? Better answer: testing suites How do we validate a set of annotations? 32
Annotation correctness Not addressed in my dissertation, but. . . l Theoretical approach l l l Practical approach l l l Does the library implement the domain? Formally verify annotations against implementation Annotation debugger: interactive Automated assistance in early stages of development Middle approach l Basic consistency checks 33
Error Checking vs Optimization l Optimistic l l False positives allowed It can even be unsound Tend to be “may” analyses l l “Black and white” Certify programs bug-free l l Explore costly analysis Spectrum of results No guarantees Cost sensitive l 34 Must preserve semantics Soundness mandatory Tend to be “must” analyses Performance is relative l Cost tolerant l Pessimistic l Correctness is absolute l l l Compile-time is a factor
Complexity l Pointer analysis l l l Dataflow analysis l l l Address taken: linear Steensgaard: almost linear (log n factor) Anderson: polynomial (cubic) Shape analysis: double exponential Intraprocedural: polynomial (height of lattice) Context-sensitivity: exponential (call graph) Rarely see worst-case 35
Find the error – part 3 l State-of-the-art compiler struct __sue_23 * var_72; struct __sue_25 * new_f = (struct __sue_25 *) malloc(sizeof (struct __sue_25)); _IO_no_init(& new_f->fp. file, 1, 0, ((void *) 0)); (& new_f->fp)->vtable = & _IO_file_jumps; _IO_file_init(& new_f->fp); if (_IO_file_fopen((struct __sue_23 *) new_f, filename, mode, is 32) != ((void *) 0)) { var_72 = & new_f->fp. file; if ((var_72 ->_flags 2 & 1) && (var_72 ->_flags & 8)) { if (var_72 ->_mode <= 0) ((struct __sue_23 *) var_72)->vtable = & _IO_file_jumps_maybe_mmap; else ((struct __sue_23 *) var_72)->vtable = & _IO_wfile_jumps_maybe_mmap; var_72 ->_wide_data->_wide_vtable = & _IO_wfile_jumps_maybe_mmap; } } if (var_72 ->_flags & 8192 U) _IO_un_link((struct __sue_23 *) var_72); if (var_72 ->_flags & 8192 U) status = _IO_file_close_it(var_72); else status = var_72 ->_flags & 32 U ? - 1 : 0; ((* (struct _IO_jump_t * *) ((void *) (& ((struct __sue_23 *) (var_72))->vtable) + (var_72)->_vtable_offset))->__finish)(var_72, 0); if (var_72 ->_mode <= 0) if (((var_72)->_IO_save_base != ((void *) 0))) _IO_free_backup_area(var_72); if (var_72 != ((struct __sue_23 *) (& _IO_2_1_stdin_)) && var_72 != ((struct __sue_23 *) (& _IO_2_1_stdout_)) && var_72 != ((struct __sue_23 *) (& _IO_2_1_stderr_))) { var_72 ->_flags = 0; free(var_72); } bytes_read = _IO_sgetn(var_72, (char *) var_81, bytes_requested); 36
Challenge 2: Scope l main Call graph: ! l Objects flow throughout program sock = (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); socket l No scoping constraints read(sock, buffer, 100); l Objects execl(ref); referenced through pointers We need whole-program analysis 37
The Broadway Compiler Application Source code Library Annotations Header files Source code l Broadway Error reports Analyzer Library-specific messages Application+Library Optimizer Integrated source code Broadway – source-to-source C compiler Domain-independent compiler mechanisms l Annotations – lightweight specification language Domain-specific analyses and transformations Many libraries, one compiler 38
Security vulnerabilities l How does remote hacking work? l l l Most are not direct attacks (e. g. , cracking passwords) Idea: trick a program into unintended behavior Automated vulnerability detection: l l How do we define “intended”? Difficult to formalize and check application logic Libraries control all critical system services l l Communication, file access, process control Analyze routines to approximate vulnerability 39
End backup slides Conditions if(cond) x = = f( , ) 40