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Client Business Case – A Large, Federal Systems Integrator’s Implementation of Microsoft Dynamics Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Dena Tompros, Independent Consultant
Agenda u u u u u Problem Statement The Paradigm Shift Client’s Goals Client’s Requirements Implementation Approach Data Accountability, Management & Automation Policy & Governance Evolutionary Implementation Best Practices & Lessons Learned 2 2
“The Problem” u u Client organization formed by multiple acquisitions Each company had their own BD process & culture Each company had their own application or “way” of pipeline tracking Need to synchronize “The Strategic Orders Plan” across a multi-$B organization No centralized view of pipeline management, reporting or accountability
Dena’s Moment
The Paradigm Shift u Previously = Opportunity Tracking u Revised business approach = Customer Relationship Management ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Near term opportunities Company-level core recompetes Win. Award, Excel, Joe Schmo’s desktop DB Sporadic tool usage, not mandated/enforced Limited flexibility to change or add fields Data everywhere -- Unable to generate reports easily Result: Winning through great proposals l (Lower Pwin on NEW, transformational opps) Long-term, market view of pipeline opportunities ¾ Near term opportunities, if critical ¾ Group-level opportunities, requiring cross-company visibility ¾ Usage mandated for BD & Capture Staff, enforced through Performance Reviews ¾ Central repository & collaboration source for customer interactions ¾ “The source” for management reporting ¾ Result: Winning with upfront capture planning and discriminating solutions l (Higher Pwin) CRM is a management & user paradigm shift – significant culture change required 5
CRM is More Than a “System” All components must work together for an effective implementation People = Data Management, Incentives, Culture “Business Process & Policy” MS CRM “Technology, ” customized to Client Process 6
Client Goals u u u u u Build & manage the entire OG pipeline Automate the Client Business Development Process Capture customer intelligence Manage campaigns Contact management & call planning Enable collaboration among Communities of Interest & across teams Simplify & streamline reporting Easily update system fields & reports on the fly Enable Enterprise Information Integration Microsoft CRM (for Government Contractors)* selected
Client’s Enterprise ‘Big Picture’ Financials Business Development Human Resources DELTEK CRM Peoplesoft Communications Sharepoint Common Applications Layer Exchange Safelnk Mail Sharepoint Portal Business Objects Active Directory Separate Extranet WEBEX Microsoft Office IT SECURITY LAYER Safelnk RSA VPN Intrusion Detection Separate Intranet Firewalls Integrated Anti-virus Spam Blocking PKI TRANSPORT LAYER AT&T MPLS AT&T LD CISCO IP Phone Verizon Wireless T-Mobile Wireless RIM Blackberry 8
CRM Components & Potential Interfaces CRM Mobile Bus Dev Workflow CRM “Snap” VOIP Integration Office 2007 Integration Pwin Standardization Opportunity Management Deltek Financial Management & Reporting Lifecycle Management Contract Management Collaboration Phase Review Management System (PRMS) (weekly batch) Competitor Intelligence & Partner Teaming Microsoft CRM 3. 0 (web-based) Management Reporting/ Business Intelligence Client Version Enhanced Reporting SRS DB Contact & Activity Collaboration Management Delivered Functionality Process Automated Phase II & Beyond Functionality Man ag Das ement hbo ard Pending business case & Infrastructure Readiness Consolidated Business Intelligence Sharepoint Portal Potential Interfaces 9
Implementation Approach – Requirements Gathering u Business & System Requirements Approach ¾ ¾ ¾ u 4 requirements meetings with BD execs from across Group Emphasis on customization to Group BD Processes & lingo Requirements defined with 644 line items Data Elements for Management Reports identified Required fields defined, tied to BD process phases & management reports Top-Down Desired Management Information ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Pipeline Report (A, B, O opportunities) B&P (Requested vs. Authorized) B&P (Authorized vs. Spent – dependency on interface with financial system) Phase Review Status (Planned, Conducted Management Lifecycle Reviews) Win/Loss Status Pipeline Health (A/A+B by a variety of business segments) Key Opportunities (>$100 M) Orders Plan (Fs & As – dependency on interface with Financial System) Desired Management Reports drove required interface strategy & multi-phase Implementation Approach 10
Pipeline Management – Data Accountability Element of OG Pipeline CRM Utilization Accountability F Not in CRM – tracked by Ops using Deltek Finance, Contracts & Ops A Included in CRM Recompetes, ECPs, delivery orders, task orders – Contracts, Ops & BD New A’s – BD B Included in CRM BD O Included in CRM BD Components of BD Pipeline are Managed outside of BD 11
Data Process Management & Automation BD/Capture Enters Pipeline Opportunities HERE throughout BD Lifecycle Contracts Enters ‘non-BD pipeline’ components HERE Contracts Enters Updates to WON contracts HERE upon Proposal Submission Post-Award PHASE IV: Sharepoint web form Opportunity Management, Customers, BD Process Contract Mods Engineering Changes Task Orders Contract Management (Awarded Value by contract year, NBAE/B&P Spent) XML push to CRM push to Deltek upon award Deltek pushes ‘updates’ of to be defined fields to CRM post-award 12
Key Requirement Challenge - #1 Security u u Problem: Create an application structure that limits access to “protected” opportunities in the classified customer space Resolution: ¾ ¾ Created hierarchical parent/child orgs for user base – assigned users based on BU/LOB; classified group in BU ‘protected’ bucket Created security workflow for “protected” opportunities supporting: CIA, DIA, FBI, NSA, NGA, NRO This is easily configured 13
Security Workflow Steps: 1. Opportunity Authors are designated as protected/unprotected authors by the user group to which they are assigned. 2. Opportunities from User/Authors that are designated as “protected” authors AND/OR represent one of the Agencies listed on the Security Policy as protected (NGA, NRO, CIA, DIA, NSA, FBI) , automatically are submitted to security review Using the following process: a) b) Security documents review comments in "Notes" section to create a security log. [Need Security SLA to ensure timely completion] c) 3. System auto-assigns “Owner” to Security upon ‘save’ of opp meeting above criteria. Security reassigns to original user/author for assignment or correction. If correction is called for, the user/authors will make desired changes and resubmit back to Security (repeat process Step 2). 2 A requires code – all other workflow easily configured 14
Implementation Approach – Con’t u Development/Configuration ¾ ¾ e. Partners configured customized system prototypes following requirements sessions 4 prototypes enabled & encouraged active user feedback to the end product Configuration changes took hours, not days to weeks of a s/w dev cycle A few requirements needed custom code l l l u identified early on & planned in prototype delivery cycle Included Pwin Generator, Required field mandate for LCM programs, Automatic phase change, pipeline report transformation logic (from contract year to calendar year) Tested by client project team as first step in User Acceptance Test Data Conversion ¾ ¾ Project Team mapped 2 different systems to MS CRM e. Partners identified data transformation requirements e. Partners conducted multiple data conversion loads Client manually entered spreadsheet data in Plan Most Time HERE u System Test – Conducted by Client (ensure you have resources & define scenarios for test execution) u Training/Deployment – e. Partners & Client ¾ ¾ ¾ Key to Success Developed Help Desk Strategy & conducted training pre-deployment Trained 100 BD/Capture users over 1 week & activated user accounts evening before training Implement Policy & Governance Approach to drive utilization Configuring the Tool is Easy – Getting Business Buy-in is the Challenge 15
Need to formalize BD policies to support CRM best practices u Data standards ¾ ¾ ¾ u u Program names, company names, etc. – acronyms or not? These standards will affect search parameters Document & publish a formal data dictionary Extend FABO planning guidance to entire BD workforce IDIQ reporting standards Requirements for documentation of customer information Company practices and use of CRM to support business ¾ Carrot/Stick Incentive examples: l B&P approval requires opportunity in CRM; phase/opportunity/bid approval review artifacts to be generated ONLY by CRM l Bonuses contingent on individual pipelines represented in CRM Need Carrot & Stick Incentives, Tightly Enforced 16
Recommended CRM Policy & Governance u *ALL Contract opportunities within the CSOG shall be entered once & tracked in CRM. u *IDIQ/GWAC Vehicles & their associated Task Orders shall be entered & tracked in CRM. u Opportunities shall be managed in accordance with ‘Client’ Systems Lifecycle Management. The BD Process Document serves as a reference guide. u *ALL opportunities shall have a CRM record prior to a B&P Request or the conduct of a Phase Review. u ALL opportunities shall be entered in an “Unclassified” form in CRM and may be subject to a Security Review. u *ALL opportunities in the “ 1 -Exploratory” and “ 2 -Qualified” BD Process stage shall be owned and updated by Business Development. The associated BD Executive is responsible and accountable for their accuracy. u *All opportunities in BD Process Stages “ 3 -Target” through “Won/Lost/Cancelled/No-Bid” are owned by the Capture Organization. The associated Capture Executive shall be responsible and accountable for their accuracy. u *At least one contact shall be entered for each opportunity. u *ALL Opportunities shall be updated weekly by Friday Close of Business. *Reflect Business Process Changes – Who enforces & how? 17
CRM Evolutionary Implementation u Delivery in Phases with evolving capabilities: Reqmt TBD Phase III Phase IV 6/26/06 12/22/06 1 Q 07 TBD-07/08 MS 3. 0 (GC) Core + Client Customizations GC Upgrade Reporting Upgrade COMPLETE • Opportunity Pipeline • BD Process/LCM Mngmt • Contact Management • Partner/Competitor Intel • DB & reporting rewrite Ease of use enhancemts COMPLETE • Revise required fields • Automated reporting • Revise 2007 LCM calculations Threshold • Misc Enhancements Integration & add’l reports • Expand Automation • Portal Integration • Expanded, custom reports • Deltek Integration • User Data Clean-up • Pwin Generator • Train core users Evolve business processes to support strategic goals over time 18
Best Practices & Lessons Learned u Business: ¾ ¾ ¾ u Have your BD/Capture leadership in place & stabilized before customization Define, document & train on any business transformation prior to system implementation Have a Stakeholder Committee agree, set, and commit to uphold CRM policy Include Business Operations in Stakeholder Committee Identify a series of incentives/disincentives to ensure compliance Technical: ¾ ¾ Have your enterprise strategy well-defined when implementing your CRM solution Have all users on the same network for ease of authentication l Otherwise, need to establish 2 -hop Kerberos authentication Ensure your Roles & Permissions are clearly defined and testing includes role validation Include the Help Desk in pre-deployment testing & training for application familiarity & validation of issue escalation process Management Buy-in & Enforcement = User Adoption 19
Final Thoughts……. It’s a learning process Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment. -Wil Rogers “Hopefully You’ve Learned from Mine…” - Dena Tompros 20