Click Down Arrow at Lower Right Corner to bring in next item. I. Origins: 1. Judaic Context 2. Christ the Person II. History: 1. Apostolic Age 2. Christian Hellenism III. Liturgy & Sacraments 1. Sacramental Iconography 2. The Divine Liturgy in the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, Israel
I. Origins 1. The Essential Judaic Context: Scriptural-Liturgical Context of Christ: Genesis, the Psalms, the Prophets & Wisdom Literature as received by Judaism are the context of Christianity 2. Jesus, Christ - entered this context - He is the “new wine” in every Context. EXAMPLES: • Adam & the Fall: Christ, the new Adam Amarteia? He does not “miss the mark” (sin) • Promise to the Fathers: • Royal Messianism: He is the King-Prophet-Priest He is the Davidic Messiah Christ’s Kingdom
Capacity of the Physical to be “Spirit-bearing” Restored B i r t h B a p t i s m M i r a c l e s T e a c h i n g Crucifixion & Resurrection: Axis Mundi in Time “End of Time” (Salvation History) Councils of Nicea & Constantinople: the “Creed” Reflection & Understanding: i. e. , the Paul & the 12 Apostles W r i t t e n T e x t C a n o n L i s t Direction of Time Beginning of 2 nd Century
II. Historical Sub-Contexts #1. The Apostolic Age (33 AD. . . ): Pentecost thru death of those taught by the Apostles. . . continuation of Apostolic teaching • 33 AD - Crucifixion & Resurrection. • Those Jews who accept Christ as the Resurrected Messiah are eventually ejected from the Temple • Liturgy as the re-entry & “remembrance” of the acts of God, along with use of incense, vestments, etc. , are continued by the ejected Christians. Vespers is an example of continuity / discontinuity of context & content. St. Peter (6 th Cent. icon from Mt. Sinai Monastery)
Paul’s Mission to the Gentiles • His letters are earliest Christian Scriptures after the Septuagint. • His letters contain more “theology” than any other part of the New Testament, with the exception of John “the theologian’s” Gospel & Revelation • Why is it possible to “live in Christ ? ” 1. because Christ is fully human, like us, but as we were meant to be The “intention of God & right intentions of mankind” come together in Him 2. because of how humans are created (for oneness with God), AND 3. because Christ is also fully God.