Скачать презентацию Clay County Education Foundation Excellence in education in Скачать презентацию Clay County Education Foundation Excellence in education in


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Clay County Education Foundation “Excellence in education in Clay County District Schools” Clay County Education Foundation “Excellence in education in Clay County District Schools”

The Clay County Education Foundation is the official 501(c)(3), direct support organization for the The Clay County Education Foundation is the official 501(c)(3), direct support organization for the Clay County School District. Its mission is to enhance the curriculum to support excellence in education in Clay County Public Schools through programs and materials that are compatible with the Comprehensive Plan of the Clay County School Board.

Classroom Enrichment Mini Grants… Provide innovative materials and methods to enhance the curriculum and Classroom Enrichment Mini Grants… Provide innovative materials and methods to enhance the curriculum and improve the academic performance of students. The emphasis has been on math and reading comprehension and now includes science and critical thinking skills. All materials and programs correlate to the Sunshine State Standards and the FCAT.

Low Performing Mini Grants Through a matching grant, these mini grants fund alternative methods Low Performing Mini Grants Through a matching grant, these mini grants fund alternative methods of delivery for students to improve academic performance in reading, math, science, and writing.

Citigroup Teacher Grants… Pair a veteran teacher with a new teacher on a project Citigroup Teacher Grants… Pair a veteran teacher with a new teacher on a project of their choosing involving their classes in order to encourage collaboration and reduce teacher isolation as well as improve student performance.

Scholarships are awarded to promising students who need financial assistance to attend college or Scholarships are awarded to promising students who need financial assistance to attend college or other institutions of higher learning.

Take Stock in Children Is a mentoring/scholarship program that rewards students who complete the Take Stock in Children Is a mentoring/scholarship program that rewards students who complete the program with a two- or four-year scholarship to a state school.

Enrichment Activities… Such as theater productions, visiting authors in the schools, and classroom libraries Enrichment Activities… Such as theater productions, visiting authors in the schools, and classroom libraries for entire grade levels are funded.

Classroom Libraries n Classroom libraries correlated with Sunshine State Standards to encourage reading and Classroom Libraries n Classroom libraries correlated with Sunshine State Standards to encourage reading and increase vocabulary and critical thinking skills have been funded for whole grade levels.

The Black Stallion Literacy Project n n n All fourth grade students receive their The Black Stallion Literacy Project n n n All fourth grade students receive their own copy of The Black Stallion by Walter Farley and participate in activities correlated to the Sunshine State Standards. Each school receives a video of the movie and a 6 -ft poster. All students and chaperones attend the exciting performance of “The Arabian Nights. ”

The Shoe Fund was begun when a director discovered that some children did not The Shoe Fund was begun when a director discovered that some children did not have decent shoes to wear to school. Through the school clinic and the social workers, over 1000 pairs have been distributed to needy children.

Matching Funds… Fund special projects that enhance the curriculum as requested by any Clay Matching Funds… Fund special projects that enhance the curriculum as requested by any Clay County District School such as total foreign language immersion, sign language for autistic students, musical instruments, robotics competition.

Medical Assistance… Is provided on a limited basis for students with no other resources Medical Assistance… Is provided on a limited basis for students with no other resources when requested by a social worker.

School Supplies In partnership with the University of Phoenix, the Foundation provides school supplies School Supplies In partnership with the University of Phoenix, the Foundation provides school supplies for children in need and special classes, as requested by teachers. .

Teacher & Support Employee of the Year Recognition The five Teacher of the Year Teacher & Support Employee of the Year Recognition The five Teacher of the Year finalists and the five Support Employee of the Year finalists are given a certificate of appreciation and a check at the Awards Dinner each year.

Friends of Education Dinner Sponsored by the Educational Community Credit Union and other community Friends of Education Dinner Sponsored by the Educational Community Credit Union and other community corporate sponsors, this annual dinner recognizes: n. Scholarship Recipients, n. Mini Grant Recipients, nand Teacher and n. Support Employee of the Year finalists.

Revenue Sources n n n License for Learning Grants and Awards Corporate Contributions Community Revenue Sources n n n License for Learning Grants and Awards Corporate Contributions Community Contributions Entertainment Book Payroll Deduction

Clay County Education Foundation n n It takes all of us working together! Clay County Education Foundation n n It takes all of us working together!