Классификация компьютеров.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 8
CLASSIFICATION OF COMPUTERS Работу выполнил: Тимершаяхов Ильмир
ALL COMPUTERS SHARE ON BIG AND SMALL The class of big computers is made by systems which possess big computing power and are intended for simultaneous service of several users. In turn, small computers are intended for assistance to the person in daily work with the current information
BIG COMPUTERS SHARE ON: Supercomputers - the information processing possessing huge computing power, based on the multiprocessor principle. As a rule, such cars are issued in single copies and are used in areas where the fast analysis of big flows of information is required.
BIG COMPUTERS SHARE ON: Servers - powerful computers in computer networks which carry out service of the computers connected to them, provide the resources for use by other users and provide an exit in other networks. Often servers specialize on service of workstations in some certain area. Depending on appointment define such types of servers: application server, file server, arkhivatsionny server, fax server, e-mail server, print server, server of teleconferences.
SMALL COMPUTERS ARE SUBDIVIDED ON: The personal A basic purpose - performance of routine work: information search, drawing up standard forms of documentation, preparation of any texts etc. General availability and universality of personal computers is provided due to existence of the following characteristics: friendliness of the interface of interaction with the person, the small cost, small dimensions and absence of special requirements to environment conditions, openness of architecture, a large number of software for various scopes, high reliability of work.
SMALL COMPUTERS ARE SUBDIVIDED ON: The portable. These computers are easily transferred. They are often issued in the form of small suitcases or folders.
SMALL COMPUTERS ARE SUBDIVIDED ON: The production. Are intended for use under production conditions. They are built in technological process of production of any production, exercise control of technological lines and machines.
BESIDES SPECIFIED POSSIBILITIES OF THE COMPUTER ARE CHARACTERIZED BY SOME OTHER PARAMETERS: word length and forms of representation of numbers; capacity of external memory; characteristics of external devices of storage, exchange and input-output of information; capacity of communication devices of the COMPUTERS hubs among themselves; ability of the COMPUTER at the same time to work with several users and to carry out at the same time some programs; types of the operating systems used in the car; program compatibility with other COMPUTERS types, i. e. ability to carry out the programs written for other COMPUTERS types; possibility of connection to communication channels and to the computer network; reliability and so forth.
Классификация компьютеров.pptx