
  • Количество слайдов: 27


Aircraft Documents (required to be on board) 1. Certificate of Airworthiness 2. Certificate of Aircraft Documents (required to be on board) 1. Certificate of Airworthiness 2. Certificate of Registration 3. Pilot Operating Handbook/Owner’s Manual 4. Weight and Balance 5. Journey Log 6. Proof of Liability Insurance 7. Pilot License, Medical and Radio License CASARA

Notes about Aircraft Documents • The Certificate of Registration will specify whether for Private Notes about Aircraft Documents • The Certificate of Registration will specify whether for Private or Commercial Purpose • Private aircraft must have had an inspection within the last year • Commercial aircraft have inspections every 50 or 100 hours depending on the schedule specified in the Company Maintenance Manual • The Weight and Balance should include the original document and any amendments CASARA

Notes about Aircraft Documents • The Journey Log will specify when the last inspection Notes about Aircraft Documents • The Journey Log will specify when the last inspection was completed and in Commercial aircraft, when the next inspection is due • The Proof of Insurance for Private aircraft should name the pilot • From the date of the aviation medical, the medical validity period is to the first day of the 61 st month for pilots under 40 and to the first day of the 25 th month for pilots over 40 CASARA

Notes about Aircraft Documents • The Annual Airworthiness Information Report (pink or yellow in Notes about Aircraft Documents • The Annual Airworthiness Information Report (pink or yellow in colour) need not be on board, only in the possession of the owner CASARA

Weight and Balance • A Weight and Balance Form for the proposed flight must Weight and Balance • A Weight and Balance Form for the proposed flight must be completed and confirmed that the aircraft is within weight limits and centre of gravity limits • There are several aircraft manufacturer types of weight and balance calculation methods but following are some of those common to CASARA aircraft CASARA

Weight and Balance using a Loading Graph • The first example used by many Weight and Balance using a Loading Graph • The first example used by many Cessna aircraft is a loading graph to select the moment of each item • The total weight and the total of the moments are calculated • Using the weight vs moment graph, the common point is found • If within the moment graph, the aircraft is within weight and centre of gravity limits. CASARA

Sample Loading Graph CASARA Sample Loading Graph CASARA

Centre of Gravity vs Moment Envelope CASARA Centre of Gravity vs Moment Envelope CASARA

Weight and Balance using Arms Aft of Datum • Using this method requires a Weight and Balance using Arms Aft of Datum • Using this method requires a calculator to multiply the weight x the arm = moment • Add up the total weight and total moment • Divide the moment by the weight to find the centre of gravity • If the Weight and C of G common point falls within the C of G envelope, your aircraft is legal CASARA

Weight vs Centre of Gravity Envelope CASARA Weight vs Centre of Gravity Envelope CASARA

Weight and Balance Plotters • Some varieties of aircraft require the use of a Weight and Balance Plotters • Some varieties of aircraft require the use of a load plotter to calculate a safe weight and balance • Each aircraft type has a different model of plotter which the pilot must become familiar with • Following is just an example of a weight and balance calculation using a load plotter CASARA

Weight and Balance Plotter Sample Problem CASARA Weight and Balance Plotter Sample Problem CASARA

Weight and Balance Calculation • Following is an example of a weight and balance Weight and Balance Calculation • Following is an example of a weight and balance worksheet • Any written record is suitable as long as your calculations are understandable • One copy of the weight and balance for the flight should be left with your Search Coordinator or Searchmaster and another copy taken on board your aircraft CASARA

Weight and Balance Worksheet CASARA Weight and Balance Worksheet CASARA

Navigation Log • Most zones have the Navigator do most of the calculations for Navigation Log • Most zones have the Navigator do most of the calculations for the trip • The CASARA Nav Log will record all the necessary data for the trip • Considering that time-to-launch is very important, only have the navigator complete the items necessary for the type of search you are doing • Following is a CASARA Nav Log • The CASARA Pilot should be able to quickly confirm your navigators planning of the trip CASARA


Terrain and Obstacle Avoidance • Safety is the number one priority in CASARA • Terrain and Obstacle Avoidance • Safety is the number one priority in CASARA • The navigator and pilot select a safe transiting altitude and a safe search altitude • Transiting altitudes may also be selected by a Search Coordinator or Searchmaster • Your visual search altitudes, 500, 1000, etc. are above terrain and obstacles and the pilot must determine the safe altitudes above sea level CASARA

Terrain and Obstacle Avoidance Considerations in choosing a safe Transiting Altitude include: • Obstacle Terrain and Obstacle Avoidance Considerations in choosing a safe Transiting Altitude include: • Obstacle and terrain clearance • Avoidance of other transiting aircraft • Avoid flying through or descending into other active search areas • In your search briefing, learn the active areas and aircraft idents • Turn your landing light(s) on CASARA

Terrain and Obstacle Avoidance Considerations in choosing a safe Search Altitude include: • Check Terrain and Obstacle Avoidance Considerations in choosing a safe Search Altitude include: • Check obstacles in VNC’s, Canada Flight Supplement Section C and Notams for new towers or towers with lights unserviceable • Have your navigator mark special obstacle or terrain concerns on the map • Plan for rising or uneven terrain • Plan for downdrafts in mountainous areas • Communicate with adjacent search aircraft, if turns have been approved outside your assigned search area • Turn the landing light(s) on CASARA

Flight Plan/Flight Itinerary • Once all the necessary navigation has been calculated, a Flight Flight Plan/Flight Itinerary • Once all the necessary navigation has been calculated, a Flight Plan or Flight Itinerary form should be completed • Although filing a Flight Plan with Nav Canada is recommended, leaving a Plan or Itinerary with CASARA Base or Search Headquarters is acceptable • See Aeronautical Information Manual RAC Section 3 for assistance in completing a Flight Plan or Flight Itinerary • The AIM is now available on the internet at www. tc. gc. ca/Civil. Aviation/Publications/tp 14371 /GEN/1 -1. htm CASARA

Nav Canada Flight Plan/ Flight Itinerary Form CASARA Nav Canada Flight Plan/ Flight Itinerary Form CASARA

Bingo Time Calculations • Bingo Time is the time at the farthest point in Bingo Time Calculations • Bingo Time is the time at the farthest point in your planned search, to return for landing, arriving with reserve fuel only • Bingo Time is critical in CASARA SAR operations so the pilot and navigator know when it is time to return to base or to another suitable landing place for fuel • Following is the Bingo Time calculation from the CASARA Nav Log CASARA

Bingo Time CASARA Bingo Time CASARA

Pre. Flight Briefing • It is mandatory that the CASARA Pilot give his crew Pre. Flight Briefing • It is mandatory that the CASARA Pilot give his crew a pre-flight briefing to cover safety and operational items • This briefing should be done at the airplane just prior to flight • The briefing may be observed by a Safety Officer to confirm everything was covered • At this time, the Safety Officer may also check your aircraft and personal documents CASARA

Pre Flight Briefing Checklist 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. CASARA First Pre Flight Briefing Checklist 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. CASARA First Aid Kit Fire Extinguisher Seat Belt Use Survival Equipment Clear of the Controls Emergency Landing Emergency Exit Actions in an Emergency 9. Radio Use in an Emergency 10. Evacuation in a Water Ditching 11. ELT Location and Operation 12. Proper Clothing 13. Sunglasses 14. No Smoking 15. Search Object Details and Direction

Flight Preparation End of Phase 4 CASARA Flight Preparation End of Phase 4 CASARA