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Civic, Social and Political Education Junior Certificate Syllabus OUTLINE Education Department NUIM GJ 1
Civic, Social and Political Education Junior Certificate Syllabus Introduction 1. The importance of CSPE * CSPE aims to prepare students for active participatory citizenship. * This is achieved through exploring the CSP dimensions of their own lives. * An outcome is that they can make judgments and decisions through a reflective citizenship based on human rights and social responsibilities. * Society is changing and complex. Education Department NUIM GJ 2
Civic, Social and Political Education Junior Certificate Syllabus Introduction 1. The importance of CSPE * CSPE enables individuals to understand their rights and responsibilities and the nature of democracy. * Attention to the concepts, attitudes and values central to citizenship develops the moral and critical faculties of the pupil. * CSPE seeks to equip young people with the skills and understanding of processes which enable them to see, decide, judge and act. Education Department NUIM GJ 3
Civic, Social and Political Education Junior Certificate Syllabus Introduction 1. The importance of CSPE * The use of active and co-operatively structured learning methodologies enables and empowers the pupil to become an active and participating young person. * CSPE aims concord wholly with the aims of the Junior Certificate Education Department NUIM GJ 4
Civic, Social and Political Education Junior Certificate Syllabus Introduction 2. The scope of CSPE * There are CSPE dimensions across the Junior Cert. programme. The subject increases the potential for cross-curricular work. * How schools themselves operate impacts on young people’s understandings of CSP dimensions of their lives. Through its ‘hidden curriculum’, a school provides aspects of CSPE even when this is not explicit. Education Department NUIM GJ 5
Civic, Social and Political Education Junior Certificate Syllabus Introduction 2. The scope of CSPE * The subject provides a concentrated focus on all aspects of CSPE with particular emphasis on the importance of active, participatory citizenship to the life of the young person in society. * The subject aims to give students a central reference point for those aspects of CSPE which they learn about in other subjects, and through their daily school-life. Education Department NUIM GJ 6
Civic, Social and Political Education Junior Certificate Syllabus Introduction 2. The scope of CSPE * Course content is written in the form of unit descriptions rather than a list of topics. This gives scope and flexibility to teachers and students to select and deal with issues such as gender equity, racism and xenophobia, interculturalism, the environment, development, work and unemployment, poverty and homelessness, minorities, and conflict situations such as that in Northern Ireland. Education Department NUIM GJ 7
Civic, Social and Political Education Junior Certificate Syllabus Introduction 3. The Structure of the Course One class period per week - approximately 70 hours over 3 years (40 minute classes) Four units of study 1. The Individual and Citizenship 2. The Community 3. The State - Ireland 4. Ireland the World Education Department NUIM GJ 8
Civic, Social and Political Education Junior Certificate Syllabus Introduction 3. The Structure of the Course * Developmental sequence - neither discrete nor mutually exclusive - topics, ideas and concepts will overlap. * Not all topics listed need to be studied, nor must they be studied sequentially. * Flexible approach suggested - consult the guidelines Education Department NUIM GJ 9
Civic, Social and Political Education Junior Certificate Syllabus Introduction 3. The Structure of the Course * Student should undertake at least TWO class/group action projects. * An action project is one where the pupils are actively involved in developing an issue or topic which has arisen in class. * Connect the topics and issues with their own lives. Education Department NUIM GJ 10
Civic, Social and Political Education Junior Certificate Syllabus 2. Aims and Objectives of CSPE Aims * to make pupils aware of the csp dimensions of their lives and the importance of active, participatory citizens in the life of the state * to encourage and develop practical skills which enable pupils to engage in active, participatory social interaction, and to adopt responsible roles as individual, family member, citizen, worker, consumer, and member of various communities within a democratic society Education Department NUIM GJ 11
Civic, Social and Political Education Junior Certificate Syllabus 2. Aims and Objectives of CSPE Aims * to develop the autonomous potential of pupils as socially literate, independent and self-confident young people * to encourage pupils to apply positive attitudes, imagination and empathy in learning about , and encountering, other people and cultures * to enable pupils to develop their critical and moral faculties in agreement with a system of values based on human rights and social responsibilities Education Department NUIM GJ 12
Civic, Social and Political Education Junior Certificate Syllabus 2. Aims and Objectives of CSPE Aims * to develop knowledge and understanding of processes taking place at all levels of society which lead to social, political and economic decision-making. Education Department NUIM GJ 13
Civic, Social and Political Education Junior Certificate Syllabus 2. Aims and Objectives of CSPE Objectives outlined in terms of KNOWLEDGE CONCEPTS SKILLS ATTITUDES-VALUES Education Department NUIM GJ 14
Civic, Social and Political Education Junior Certificate Syllabus 2. Aims and Objectives of CSPE Objectives Achieved through active participatory class-work where the emphasis is on learning-by-doing. Students should experience: 1. Research - discovery activities 2. Group-work – discussion activities 3. Simulation activities 4. Action activities Education Department NUIM GJ 15
Civic, Social and Political Education Junior Certificate Syllabus 2. Aims and Objectives of CSPE KNOWLEDGE of: * the development of the person as a social being * various social groups to which every person belongs * rights and responsibilities of every person as a citizen * structure, function and workings of selected civic and political organisations, institutions and systems – how they interact and how individuals can participate in them Education Department NUIM GJ 16
Civic, Social and Political Education Junior Certificate Syllabus KNOWLEDGE of: * selected issues of personal, social and political development at all levels – personal, local, national and global * how decisions at all levels are made and applied, particularly within the context of a democratic political system Education Department NUIM GJ 17
Civic, Social and Political Education Junior Certificate Syllabus CONCEPTS Central concept is that of Citizenship - the realisation of the civic, social and political dimensions of the life of the individual person through active participation in society informed and clarified by seven key concepts Education Department NUIM GJ 18
Civic, Social and Political Education Junior Certificate Syllabus CONCEPTS The seven key concepts are: Democracy Rights and Responsibilities Human dignity Interdependence Development Law Stewardship Education Department NUIM GJ 19
Civic, Social and Political Education Junior Certificate Syllabus SKILLS · Identification – awareness · Analysis – evaluation · Communication · Action Education Department NUIM GJ 20
Civic, Social and Political Education Junior Certificate Syllabus ATTITUDES - VALUES · a personal commitment to active, constructive, participative citizenship · a personal commitment to the concepts underlying the CSPE course · an appreciation of critical awareness and independence of thought based on the knowledge and skills learnt during the course ·an appreciation of, and respect for, differing viewpoints, ideas and cultures and an ability to empathise with the situation of other individuals and groups Education Department NUIM GJ 21
Civic, Social and Political Education Junior Certificate Syllabus ATTITUDES - VALUES · awareness of, and respect for, the rights and responsibilities of all individuals and groups in society · a respect for critical thought processes and non-violent ways of resolving conflict and achieving change in society · a commitment to oppose prejudice, discrimination and social injustice at all levels of society Education Department NUIM GJ 22
Civic, Social and Political Education Junior Certificate Syllabus ASSESSMENT Assessment in in two modes: 1. (40%) There is a terminal written examination at the end of the third year of the course. (One level) 2. (60%) Submission of either a: Report on an Action Project or Course-work Assessment Book Education Department NUIM GJ 23