City project Australia Sydney Name: Arina Kiryushina Form: 7 A Teacher: O. O. Kobzeva
Capital city of Sydney Continent: Australia Population: 5 million Language: English Currency: Australian dollar (AUD)
Tourism on t i mill 10 t uris o s The Aus bigg e Aust st city in ralia n be ralia t hes ac
Homes Blo so ck ats f fl Cot tag es ysc Sk ers rap
Transport heavy tra ffic etro ian m stral Au e bus f so d dre hun s
Leisure f park ctive attra s ily p am surf ics icn ing
Food Aust cuisine local ralia n res taura nts
Resources http: //www. australiaholidays. ru/Avstraliya/Vidy-otdyha/Restorany http: //australia-ru. com/ http: //forexaw. com/TERMs/State/Other States/l 1113_Australia http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Australia http: //guide. travel. ru/australia/ http: //www. vokrugsveta. ru/encyclopedia/index. php? title=%D 0%90%D 0%B 2%D 1%81%D 1%82%D 1% 80%D 0%BB%D 0%B 8%D 1%8 F http: //www. australia. com/ru/ http: //ru. science. wikia. com/wiki/%D 0%90%D 0%B 2%D 1%81%D 1%82%D 1%80%D 0%BB%D 0%B 8%D 1%8 F http: //www. newworldencyclopedia. org/entry/Australia http: //www. answers. com/topic/australia http: //www. worlds. ru/australia/history-glubinka_polnyjj_autbeek. shtml http: //yandex. ru/images/search? text=australia http: //pilbaraecho. com. au/wp-content/uploads/2012/01 http: //hipway. ru/storage/hipway. avatar/travel_2410_4 f 97 f 8388 dc 91_o. jpg http: //top-desktop. ru/files/gorodaistrany/1152/18. jpg http: //jenontheedge. com/wpcontent/uploads/2012/03/Sydney_Opera_House_Close_up_HDR_Sydney_Australia. jpg http: //padmajatravels. com/images/Australia/Super%20 Sydney%20 Day%201%20 Sydney%20 Skyline. j pg