- Количество слайдов: 26
WORKSHOP OUTLINE § § § 1. 0 Introduction 2. 0. Key Questions 3. 0. Issues 4. 0. Choices 5. 0. Discussion 6. 0. Next Steps
INTRODUCTION Workshop Purpose § Discuss proposed secondary suite recommendations § Focus on Key Questions: What/Where/Why/How?
KEY QUESTIONS What? Allow Secondary Suites meeting certain criteria: • In single family dwellings in the R 1 -A, R 1 -B, and R-2 zones • Not small lot single zones or duplexes.
KEY QUESTIONS What? § Allow in Houses built before 2001 § No added parking stall related to secondary suite required Note: Secondary suites are already allowed in Pre-1970 houses if certain conditions are met throughout the City as well as Gonzales where they are allowed in houses of any age if conditions are met.
Where? Residential Zones Affected by the Proposed Secondary Suite Policy Expansion
KEY QUESTIONS § § § Why? Expands potential supply of modest groundoriented housing to address different household needs Addresses life and safety issues for residents Enables more households to reside in neighbourhoods with limited change in built form and character
KEY QUESTIONS § § § Why? Makes better use of existing community services Recycles existing buildings Enables legalization of an illegal suite
Key Questions n n How? Proposed zoning bylaw amendments Proposed new licensing Enforcement approach Monitoring and review/refinement
KEY ISSUES § Objectives of policy - approved regional, municipal and corporate plans and strategies § Relationship to neighbourhood plans - consistent with policies for “Areas of Greatest Stability” § “City-wide” vs. neighbourhood approach - best practices: clarity, fairness and scope
KEY ISSUES n Harmonization with existing zoning, conversion guidelines, small lot zoning - fits with existing zoning and conversion regulations as well as guidelines n Demolition and inappropriate new houses - unintended consequences monitored - choices based on land values and building costs n Enforcement and complaints - multiple suites vs. secondary suites
CHOICES Parking Recommendation Remove on-site parking requirement for a secondary suite o o YES NO
CHOICES Dwelling Unit Age Recommendations Amend dwelling construction date requirement to 2001 o o Report every 5 years to recommend construction date adjustment (coinciding with census) o Retain 5 -year wait period before permitting a secondary suite in existing houses with major alterations o o o YES NO
CHOICES Licensing Recommendation Amend the Business License Bylaw for residential rental buildings including secondary suites o o YES NO
CHOICES Enforcement Recommendations By November 2, 2006 - The Regulatory Services Division present recommendations as follow: To address suites (secondary and multiple) constructed/altered without permits (building, electrical, plumbing) or not located in appropriate land use zones To develop a general awareness campaign on enforcement issues with the community specifically addressing the protocol for existing and future secondary suites
OPTIONS A Accept staff recommendations of June 2006, including convening a statutory public hearing for amendments to the Zoning Regulation Bylaw No. 80 -159 B Extend the project’s consultation/information phase, including: • Convening a non-statutory public hearing • Conducting a statistically-valid survey • Providing more public information C Defer further consideration of secondary suites report and direct staff to prepare a report on further studies suggested with an estimate of resources, time frames, and implications for other planning priorities D Decide no further action and continue status quo of considering individual site rezoning applications
OPTION A A Accept staff recommendations of June 2006, including convening a statutory public hearing for amendments to the Zoning Regulation Bylaw No. 80 -159 Necessary Next Steps… 1 If choose to accept staff recommendations, additional finance and staff resources will be necessary 2 The City Solicitors be instructed to prepare necessary bylaw amendments of the zoning section and that these be forwarded for consideration at a public hearing 3 Upon adoption of all bylaw amendments, staff in Community Development, Planning, Regulatory Services, and Finance revise all pertinent changes to public-related materials
OVERVIEW: SECONDARY SUITE POLICY COMPARISON Requirements Current Policy Current Gonzales Policy House Size Floor space > 150 m 2 (1, 615 ft 2) Ceiling height ≥ 2. 13 m (7 ft) Same On-site: 1 additional space accessed independently No Requirement Built Pre-1970 No Age Restriction Built Prior to 2001 adjustments every 5 years N/A $100 Base Fee* with Consequential Amendment to Bylaw *including Gonzales Complaint Basis / Possible Proactive Enforcement Exterior Changes Parking Dwelling Unit Age Licensing Enforcement 1. 2. No additions before & after conversion Allow doors/windows on façade not facing street N/A Complaint Basis Proposed Policy Expansion
BACKGROUND § § § Housing strategies Gonzales secondary suites experience to date Definition of a secondary suite
HOUSING STRATEGIES Capital Regional District Objectives Actions 1. Regional Growth Strategy Building Complete Communities Improve Housing Affordability To achieve a wider choice of affordable housing types To increase residential densities Establish municipal targets through desired development guidelines The ground oriented housing target for Victoria is the provision of an additional 3500 units by 2026 Accommodate 15% (minimum) of the region’s cumulative new dwelling units within Victoria to 2026 2. Regional Housing Affordability Strategy (RHAS) Strategy 2 To establish pro-affordability policies and regulations across the region REGULATORY: Permit greater densification, inclusionary zoning, and secondary suites
HOUSING STRATEGIES City of Victoria Objectives Actions 3. Official Community Plan: Toward An Affordable Housing Community The City should… Affordable Housing To provide renters with affordable rental housing & a choice of rental accommodation types Promote the safety and security of housing Relax regulatory controls as a creative approach to provide affordable housing The City should… Diversity of Housing Options To encourage conservation of established family housing within neighbourhoods Sustain a mix of housing types to meet the changing demands of the population Promote rehabilitation & maintenance of existing family housing 4. Neighbourhood Plans Residential Policies To retain residential character to allow for some change in “areas of greatest stability” Currently, support and permit conversions (including secondary suites) To increase affordable rental housing stock Relax Building Code provisions to enable secondary suites 5. Building Code Housing
HOUSING STRATEGIES City of Victoria Objectives Actions 4. Corporate Strategic Plan (2004) Develop a Comprehensive Housing Strategy Strategies Develop a Secondary Suites Policy Other Efforts to date: Goal 2 n Support from Housing Advisory Committee (January, 2004) Enhance the Quality Expand the Secondary Suites Policy of Life for all Citizens n Committee of the Whole (March, to ensure an adequate supply of of Victoria 2005) safe and affordable housing options n Open House (June, 2005) for residents n Consultant Report to Committee Align the City’s Housing Plan with (June, 2006) the CRD’s Regional Housing n Workshop (August, 2006) Strategy (RHS) Define targets for types of housing needed Identify appropriate incentives for development
WHAT’S HAPPENED IN THE GONZALES NEIGHBOURHOOD SINCE NOVEMBER 2003 Type of Construction No. of Properties Demolition / Replacement with Secondary Suite 2 Conversion to Include Secondary Suite 15 Total New Secondary Suites 17
GONZALES NEIGHBOURHOOD NEW SFD WITH SECONDARY SUITE 257 Richmond Road Secondary Suite Information Year Constructed (House & Suite): 2006 Total Floor Area: 51. 7 m 2 (556 ft 2)
GONZALES NEIGHBOURHOOD EXISTING SFD WITH SECONDARY SUITE Secondary Suite Information Year Constructed: 2005 Total Floor Area: 72. 4 m 2 (779 ft 2) 1852 Crescent Road