City of Fort Collins Wind Power Program March 24, 2004 John Phelan, PE Energy Services Engineer
City of Fort Collins ä ä ä City of 125, 000 people at the foot of the Northern Rockies Home to Colorado State University Highly educated, environmentally aware population Fort Collins Utilities provides electricity, water, wastewater and stormwater services Fort Collins Utilities has provided wind energy options to customers since 1998
Fort Collins Utilities Energy Supply Transmission Platte River Power Authority Distribution Customers Fort Collins Utilities
Medicine Bow Wind Site Development äFort Collins Pilot Program launch - 1996 äTwo 600 k. W turbines on-line - April 1998
Medicine Bow Wind Site Development äSite expansions äSix 660 k. W turbines in 1999 äTwo 660 k. W turbines in 2000 äTotal of 10 turbines with a capacity of 6 megawatts
Where is the voluntary wind program today? ä More than 900 residential subscribers ä More than 60 commercial subscribers ä Customers pay 2. 5¢ per k. Wh premium ä 40+ million k. Wh generated & sold to date
2003 Electric Energy Supply Policy ä Objectives: Reduce the environmental impact of electricity generation through conservation, energy efficiency, load management and the increased use of renewable energy
2003 Electric Energy Supply Policy ä Specific goals and targets include: ä Reduce per capita electric consumption 10% by 2012 ä Reduce per capita peak electric demand 15% by 2012 ä Increase renewable energy fraction to 2% in 2004 and 15% by 2017
2002 Customer Survey Customers show strong support for conservation and renewables
Renewable Energy Policy Goals ä ä Reduce environmental impacts Promote development of renewable generation Diversify sources of regional generation Optimize investment in renewable energy
Renewable Energy Options ä Near term, ä Various options considered ä Develop new wind plant ä Add capacity to Medicine Bow ä Buy into other wind projects ä Renewable Energy Certificates (green tags) Regional transmission constraints, costs of transmission and grid integration ä renewables = wind
New Renewable Energy Product from PRPA ä PRPA has developed a new green energy product based on rebundling renewable energy certificates with traditional commodity energy
Renewable Energy Certificate
Equivalent Wind Energy Characteristics ä Lower cost, avoid charges for integration and transmission ä Promotes development of new wind capacity ä Flexible purchasing terms ä What is the VALUE of renewable energy?
Fort Collins Wind Program Characteristics Medicine Bow Phase I Wind Voluntary Wind Customers 0. 1¢ premium Medicine Bow Phase II Wind 2. 5¢ premium PRPA Equivalent Wind 0. 5¢ premium ± Fort Collins Renewable Energy 1. 0¢ premium ± Rate Based Wind Energy
Fort Collins Energy Future ä Energy Policy demonstrates environmental leadership and provides direct economic and environmental benefits to Fort Collins citizens
Questions? ä More information: ä 970 -221 -6700 ä www. fcgov. com/utilities/wind-power. php ä www. prpa. org ä utilities@fcgov. com