City life in future
The city of the future will be cleaner and greener because of solar and hydrogen energy. It will be heavily equipped with solar panels. Solar panels will begin to appear in unlikely places. They will cover sidewalks, line the outside of buildings, and double as fully functional windows. The buildings using solar energy will produce more electricity than they consume.
Elevated hydrogen trains will be powered by solar energy. The future cars will run on hydrogen, electricity, biofuels and even air. There may even be a few future flying cars that sail above traffic during rush hour. The typical future city will also be filled with people using jetpacks instead of driving their own vehicles or in addition to their vehicles.
In the cities of the future, every building will have smart technology. Homes and buildings will operate as living organisms, monitoring performance and adapting to our needs in real time, saving us energy and money Future robots will have taken over many tasks.
Skyscrapers will have floating greenhouses or high-rise vegetable patches and green roofs. There will be buildings that roll around on rails. Buildings will be equipped with comprehensive water management systems, allowing them to collect rainwater, monitor water use, and efficiently recycle water.
City life in the future will be a bit different than it is today. Future phones and laptops will have merged into small hybrids with Wi. Fi. Life in the future city will have people even more plugged in than they are today. Virtual conferencing using virtual reality will be standard.
This is the way I see the city of the future.