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Cities and the industrial revolution 1 Cities and the industrial revolution 1

I. Trends that underpinned* the industrial revolution The agricultural revolution: As early as 1650, I. Trends that underpinned* the industrial revolution The agricultural revolution: As early as 1650, Holland pioneered* new techniques such as heavy manuring*. New breeding* techniques were also developed. These improvements* were soon taken up in England elsewhere* in Europe. Enclosure, which occurred* in the second half of the 18 th Century, was particularly influential in England: large fields were divided into privately controlled plots* of land. Community access to these fields was restricted*. as early as: dès to underpin: sous-tendre trend : tendance to pioneer: ouvrir la voie manuring: fumage breeding: élevage / reproduction improvement: amélioration elsewhere: ailleurs to occur: avoir lieu 4 Population growth: France: 18 million inhabitants in 1715 to 26 million in 1789 Italy: 11 million in 1700 to 16 million in 1770 England: 5 million in 1700 to 9 million in 1800 plot : parcelle to restrict: restreindre increase: augmentation This increase* in population was accompanied by high levels of urban to rural migration. 2

II. Factors that influenced the spatial organisation of cities Population growth 4 An increase II. Factors that influenced the spatial organisation of cities Population growth 4 An increase in the production of goods*: goods : biens This was obviously due to technological progress. But population to boost: augmenter, renforcer growth also contributed to boost* goods production by generating shift: changement, modification more demand for different types of goods. Shifts* in patterns* of employment: Workers who had traditionally been self-employed in rural areas pattern: motif, structure factory: usine outskirt: banlieue, périphérie moved to cities: their status changed as they often became employed by large factories*. In England, most of these new railroad: une voie ferrée industries were located within the city, not in the outskirts*. toll: un péage Infrastructure improvement: - A major expansion of railroads* thanks to the iron industry. - New roads financed through tolls*: Turnpike roads and trusts. - Canals 3

III. The industrial city Spatial Structure A closer look at Middlesbrough 4 Middlesbrough’s population III. The industrial city Spatial Structure A closer look at Middlesbrough 4 Middlesbrough’s population rose from 5, 000 in 1840 to 75, 500 in 1891. Its iron production was exported all over the world. “One of the striking* features* of the development of many town The river Tees, North of the original city centre, stopped the city centres in the UK during the 20 th century was the substantial* from expanding northwards*. Therefore, a new centre had to be planned* further South. increase in buildings and areas devoted to* municipal A new city hall* (civic centre) was built. In many ways, this new administration and culture: the move from single ‘town halls’ to building was erected to reflect local pride*. The Mayor of entire ‘civic centres’”. (Larkham, 2004) Middlesbrough is reported to have said « we are proud of our smoke » (1887). iron: acier to stop (sj. ) from (vb+ing): empêcher. . de. . northwards : vers le nord striking: frappant planned: aménagé feature: caractéristique pride: fierté substantial: important city hall / civic centre: mairie devoted to: dédié à civic centre: mairie northwards : vers le nord courtroom: tribunal library: biblothèque 4 fire engins: camions de pompier

Liverpool: Neath: Birmingham: Working class housing (green) is located next to* the docks* (blue). Liverpool: Neath: Birmingham: Working class housing (green) is located next to* the docks* (blue). Wealthy* people lived peripheral areas. Some people managed to* The industrial zone (green) is located along* the river (light blue*). The boundary of the built up area in 1828 is shown in red. escape* the central areas, but often lived in a “transition area” (red) Working class* housing (dark blue*) is on the other side of the Black areas are major industrial concentrations. Housing is found until they had enough money to move further out*. railway* (red). all around* the factories, in the central area of the city. boundary : frontière around: autour along: le long de working class: classe ouvrière railway: voie ferrée light / dark : clair / foncé next to: à côté de docks: docks (port) wealthy: aisé to manage to: parvenir à to escape: s’échapper further out: plus loin 5

IV. The consequences of urbanisation The main consequence of urbanisation was overcrowding*. “In the IV. The consequences of urbanisation The main consequence of urbanisation was overcrowding*. “In the first half of the 19 th century, the answer was all too often by subdividing existing property and cramming* more accommodation* into backyards*. Cities became more densely packed*, creating dead-ends* and foul* alleys*, and damp* cellars* offered miserable accommodation. In Liverpool, about a quarter of the population lived in courts* in the early 1840 s, and perhaps ten per cent lived in cellars. ” (source) overcrowding : surpeuplement to cram: entasser accommodation: logement backyard: arrière-cour packed: bondé dead-end: cul-de-sac foul: immonde alley: allée damp: humide cellar: cave courts: cour narrow: étroit Back to back housing (uncontrolled) 6

 Hygiene Because of overcrowding, hygiene problems became widespread*. Of particular concern were the Hygiene Because of overcrowding, hygiene problems became widespread*. Of particular concern were the regular cholera outbreaks*. John Snow was the first to identify the link* between water supply and cholera, as shown below. Using maps*, Snow found that the number of deaths was highest around water pumps. widespread : répandu oubreak: éruption link: lien map: carte 7

 Poverty In 1902, Charles Booth published a groundbreaking study*. Life and Labour of Poverty In 1902, Charles Booth published a groundbreaking study*. Life and Labour of the People of London threw light on a worrying issue*: over a third of the capital’s population lived in poverty at that time. By pioneering survey* techniques, Charles Booth made a major contribution to social sciences. Similar studies were undertaken* in other cities, particularly the one led* by Seebohm Rowntree in York. His findings* were a groundbreaking study : une étude a worrying issue: un problème inquiétant identical. survey: enquête to undertake: entreprendre to lead / led: mener finding: résultat (d’une étude) 8

 Urban sprawl* From the second half of the 19 th century, public transport Urban sprawl* From the second half of the 19 th century, public transport networks* were improved and extended. The world’s first underground* opened in London in 1843. This allowed* people who could afford* new suburban housing to move out of cities. This trend obviously* encouraged speculation. Developers* used public transport as an argument in their adverts*. urban sprawl: l’étalement urbain network : réseau underground: (ici) métro to allow: permettre to afford: pouvoir se permettre de obviously: évidemment developer: promoteur advert: publicité 9

IV. The Political context According to* André Maurois, the industrial revolution paved the way IV. The Political context According to* André Maurois, the industrial revolution paved the way for* a political revolution. According to many specialists, the 18 th and 19 th centuries were characterised by laissez-faire. In a paper published in 1969, Gordon E. Cherry identified three factors that contributed to the development of town planning: (1) the growth* of towns (2) the concentration of urban problems, (3) the uneven* development of industry. (4) Most importantly, he argued that until the early 1830 s, the according to: d’après to pave the way for… : ouvrir la voie à… growth: croissance uneven : inégal to realise: se rendre compte to act: agir to reverse: renverser (5) situation in most towns could be referred to as “municipal (6) anarchy”. (7) Despite this, officials realised* they needed to act* in order to (8) reverse* these trends. 10

“ Traditional local government bodies were concerned* not so much* with town improvement and “ Traditional local government bodies were concerned* not so much* with town improvement and the provision of social amenities* as with the management of properties and the regulation of privileges. The inherited system of poor relief had not been designed to cater* for the casualties* of an industrial urban society, while predominant philosophy of individualism generated a deep suspicion of government intervention. ” (Gordon E. Cherry) (Poor relief was the system which provided social security in England From the 16 th Century until the Welfare State* was to be concerned with: être concerné / interessé par not so much with…as with… : pas tant par … que par. . . to cater for…: pourvoir aux besoins de… casualty: victime Welfare State: Etat Providence established In the early 1940 s. ) 11

one-way: à sens unique “ […] The process of reform is never a one-way* one-way: à sens unique “ […] The process of reform is never a one-way* influence of Ideology upon* practice* or the empirical ‘pressure of facts’ upon ideology, but a continuous interaction between the two, in which both are continually modified. ” (Perkin, 1977) “Victorian governments, experimenting in new forms of regulation, […] had granted* to officials […] very general and loosely defined* authorities to make laws* or to judge cases and had permitted officials to develop and apply* their own standards* and interpretations of the public interest* […]. ” upon: sur practice (noun): pratique to grant: accorder loosely defined: vaguement défini law: loi to apply: appliquer standard: norme Numerous* ad hoc bodies* were set up in the 19 th century to tackle* numerous: de nombreux specific problems. a body: (ici) une organisation During the 19 th century, some services (water & electricity) were ‘nationalised’ and their management* was passed onto local authorities* (municipal ownership*) to tackle: s’attaquer à (un pbm) management: gestion local authority: municipalité 12 ownership: propriété

V. Early legislation Housing / living conditions in Victorian* cities have generated a huge* V. Early legislation Housing / living conditions in Victorian* cities have generated a huge* amount* of literature in the past couple of centuries*. The works of Charles Dickens are probably the most famous* Victorian (adj. ) : de la période Victorienne (1837 -1901) ones. In England, the first pieces of legislation dealing with cities huge: énorme focused* on housing* and public health*. amount: quantité century: siècle famous: célèbre to focus (on): focaliser housing: logement public health: santé publique Steps 2 and 3: Step 4: Step feet for 8 houses, at - Yard width: at least 151: - standards were raised further and included - Entrance 25 feet be minimum 5 feet least should for 18 houses minimum widths for at least 15 feet back lanes - -Yard’sminimum area: 150 square feet Yard width should be 13

VI. Utopian experiments Several industrialists* attempted at* creating successful new communities* from the late VI. Utopian experiments Several industrialists* attempted at* creating successful new communities* from the late 1800 s. Robert Owen was the first person to implement such a project. The village he built in New Lanark provided* quality housing for his workers. New community: a new settlement, a new village or town industrialist : industriel (nom) to attempt at: tenter de to provide: fournir, pourvoir 14

Port Sunlight, built by the Lever family. The plan is influenced by continental projects: Port Sunlight, built by the Lever family. The plan is influenced by continental projects: it features* wide* A number of other projects followed*: boulevards lined with* chestnut trees*. Houses are built as cottages, in short rows* (terraces*) or as semidetached*. Density did not exceed 20 dwellings per hectare whereas* in neighbouring* areas, it could reach* 50 dpa. to follow: suivre to feature : (ici) être doté de wide: large row: rangée terrace: rangée de maison (terraced housing) Saltaire, built by Sir Titus Salt (1851 -1876) semi-detached house: maison mitoyenne whereas: tandis que neighbourhing: avoisinant to reach: atteindre 15

legacy : héritage Garden Cities : The legacy* of Ebenezer Howard is often referred legacy : héritage Garden Cities : The legacy* of Ebenezer Howard is often referred to as a town planner*. In fact, he was a shorthand writer*. His book, To-Morrow: a peaceful path to real reform, was originally Published in 1898. It was then published a second time as Garden Cities of To-Morrow in 1902. Today, Garden-cities are primarily* associated with a certain type of planning, architecture and design. At the time when they were devised* however, they reflected a wider* project that also took governance* into account*. town planner: urbaniste shorthand writer: sténographe primarily: principalement devised: inventé, imaginé wider: plus large governance: gouvernance to take … into account: prendre … en compte 16

Howard’s project is summed up* in his famous “three magnets*” diagram. to sum up Howard’s project is summed up* in his famous “three magnets*” diagram. to sum up : résumer magnet: aimant slum: taudis fog: brouillard drought: sécheresse drainage: assèchement 17

legacy : héritage The land used to build the first Garden Cities was purchased* legacy : héritage The land used to build the first Garden Cities was purchased* at agricultural price – in other words, at a very low price. The whole* city was owned* by the municipality: one of the main aspects of Garden Cities is that they aimed at* avoiding* the problems associated with private property. Residents would pay rents* to the municipality rather than to private landlords*. The money raised through rents was reinvested to improve infrastructure and community facilities*. town planner: urbaniste shorthand writer: sténographe primarily: principalement devised: inventé, imaginé wider: plus large governance: gouvernance to take … into account: prendre … en compte 18

According to Howard, the population of Garden Cities should not exceed 30. 000 inhabitants. According to Howard, the population of Garden Cities should not exceed 30. 000 inhabitants. His project is based on polycentricity. His cities are self-sufficient* (they provide a balance* of homes and jobs) and are connected by public transport. In theory, Howard’s Social City could grow indefinitely*. self sufficient: auto-suffisante balance: équilibre indefinitely: indéfiniment 19

Howard had no architecture skills*: the plans for his Garden Cities were drawn by Howard had no architecture skills*: the plans for his Garden Cities were drawn by Raymond Unwin and Barry Parker who were both architects. The diagram below, published in Howard’s book, is only a “suggested plan” for a ward*. skill: compétence ward: quartier 20

Raymond Unwin published Nothing gained by overcrowding in 1909. This book proved that it Raymond Unwin published Nothing gained by overcrowding in 1909. This book proved that it is possible to improve the layout* of 1910. houses without having to decrease* densities. Unwin’s plan (right) 1911. only used 17% of the land for roads instead of* the usual* 40% in 1912. traditional plans (left). 1913. His other main contribution to planning practice was the creation 1914. of the “close”. This model has been widely used since, particularly 1915. in the 1930 s when vast council housing estates* were built. layout: disposition decrease: réduire usual: habituel council housing estate: ensemble de logements sociaux 21