- Количество слайдов: 18
CIS Humanoid Hand Team Members: Tom Billings, Mike Stock, Scott Shugh, Ananya Majumder, Kit Buckley
Current Status - Structural l Polymorph l 3 hands have been made l 1 st generation One piece l Exterior cable guards l l Pros No welded joints l Light weight l l Cons Fabrication time l Exterior guards weak l
Current Status - Structural l 2 nd generation Digits fabricated individually l Bored holes through finger for cables l l Pros More attention to each piece l Secure cable routes l l Cons Too heavy l Palm is main joint l
Current Status - Structural l 3 rd generation Same fabrication process as 2 nd generation l Lighter palm l l Pros l Meets weight requirement l Cons l Question sustainability of palm strength
Full Hand: Proposed Structure l Composite design incorporating polymorph fingers with a rapid prototyped palm.
Rapid Prototyped Palm l l Anticipated Cost - $20 Pros l l l Lighter More detailed Repeatable Allows for interchanging fingers Cons l l Less flexible if design changes Cost relative to polymorph
Touch Sensors Last time we were considering force sensors. l We have determined that touch sensors will be easier to work with. l
Touch Sensors l l l We have decided to use the TACT 004 Standard Tactile Switch ordered from futurlec. com Cost: 30 c/switch Dimensions will allow the switch to be placed in a small indentation made in the fingertip.
Control Communication l Parallel l Only one interrupt line l Permanent damage of motherboard could result l Phased out interface l Microcontroller l Multiple interrupts l Standalone application l Serial/USB output
Freescale l 16 -Bit HCS 12 XDT 512 Student Learning Kit l l Each kit includes required hardware, Code. Warrior Development Software, and informational CD. Highly documented Similar to ‘in-house’ Motorola microcontrollers used in EECE 218 and EECE 276 $95
PIC l PCW Student Development Kit l Includes: l Student Version PCW IDE Complier Limited to PIC 16 F 877 A Board l Allows programming in C or Assembly l l Intro to PIC© C and Examples l Necessary hardware l l Cost: Including: PIC 16 F 77 A Board and Breadboard $149
Easy. Driver v 3 l Uses A 3967 Driver Chip l Optimized by always stepping in 1/8 th steps l Simplifies motor operation to 2 input pins directing forward, backward, and no motion l Max Current: 750 m. A l Overheating issues when approaching 750 m. A l 30 V Output Rating l Price: $14. 95
Other Driver Options Exist L 293 D • Output current of 600 m. A per channel • Documentation available • Listed as $2. 75 each on digikey
Bi-polar Stepper Motors l MO-095 l l l MO-097 l l l Holding torque = 0. 068 Nm Rated current = 750 m. A Step Angle 1. 8 degrees $18 Holding torque = 0. 198 Nm Rated current = 400 m. A Step Angle = 1. 8 degrees $22 MO-101 l l Holding torque = 0. 343 Nm Rated current = 500 m. A Step Angle 1. 8 degrees $49
Cost l Structural Costs l Polymorph: $40 per 500 g l l Rapid Prototype: $5 per cubic inch l l Heavy Test Fishing Lining: $0. 10 per yard Cable Housing: $20 per 25 feet Bipolar Stepper Motor: $22 -40 per motor l Touch Sensors: $0. 30 per sensor Control l l 4 motors: $88 -$120 Feedback l l 5 yards: $10 Mechanics l l For palm (5 in 3): $25 Elastic shock cords: $2 per yard l l For 5 fingers (125 g): $10 Microcontroller: $150 Total Cost Estimate: $350