Definition Gastritis [gas-tri´tis] inflammation of the lining of the stomach. Gastritis is one of the most common stomach disorders, and occurs in acute, ch ronic, and toxicforms.
What Causes Chronic Gastritis? Examples: Ø Ø Ø Ø long-term use of certain medications (aspirin and ibuprofen) excessive alcohol consumption bacteria that cause stomach ulcers (H. pylori) certain illnesses (kidney failure) a viral infection in a weakened immune system persistent, intense stress bile flowing into the stomach (called bile reflux)
What Are the Symptoms of Chronic Gastritis? You may have this condition and not experience any symptoms. People who do have symptoms often experience the following: üupper abdominal pain üindigestion or bloating ünausea and vomiting übelching üloss of appetite or weight loss
How Is Chronic Gastritis Diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your medical history and symptoms. A series of tests may also be necessary, including: qa stomach ulcer bacteria test qa stool test to look for stomach bleeding qa blood count and an anemia test qan endoscopy (a stomach exam using a camera attached to a long tube that is inserted into your mouth and down into your digestive tract)
How Is Chronic Gastritis Treated? Medications The most common medicines to reduce gastric acid are antacids (Alka-Seltzer and Tums), H 2 antagonists (Zantac), and protonpump inhibitors (Prilosec) available both over-the-counter and by prescription. Reducing or eliminating aspirin and similar medicines is also recommended in order to decrease stomach irritation.
How Is Chronic Gastritis Treated? Diet Foods to avoid include: Øfried foods ØFrench fries or other vegetables fried in oil Øcitrus juices Øcoffee Øalcohol
How Is Chronic Gastritis Treated? Recommended foods generally include foods with little oil, fat, caffeine, or citrus: üall vegetables and fruits, except citrus fruits ülow-fat dairy products ülean meats üpasta and rice prepared with little or no fat