Chronic fatigue syndrome
What is it? Constant fatigue, lethargy, weakness, you want to go to sleep immediately after wake up. . . All these are signs of chronic fatigue. CFS sick not only hard workers, but also lazy.
How to stay healthy ü Try to alternate activities ü Get a normal healthy sleep ü Don`t drink too much coffee ü Avoid alcohol and cigarettes ü Eat regularly and fully ü Don`t watch TV for a long time ü You should carefully follow drinking regime
üSudden weakness üFatigue doesn`t pass after rest üThe efficiency lowered The main symptoms
üFrequent sore throat üPain and weakness in muscles üInsomnia or drowsiness üForgetfulness üHeadache üDepression Low symptoms
Depression One of the hallmarks of CFS is depression. During this time important support of loved ones. The main thing - don`t give up! VS
AIDS or CFS Even in the early stages of AIDS has many symptoms, is very reminiscent of CFS. It is important not to confuse these difficult ills with the syndrome.
üNormalization of the regime of rest and exercise üSpecial diet üVitamins B 1, B 6, B 12 and C, ü Along with water massage treatments and phy sical therapy üActive methods of normalization of the psychoemotional background Treatment
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