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Christmas Traditions and rituals in Poland Christmas Traditions and rituals in Poland

Wigilia Christmas Eve (Wigilia) in the Polish tradition is the most solemn and most Wigilia Christmas Eve (Wigilia) in the Polish tradition is the most solemn and most heart-wrenching evening of the year. The word "Wigilia" comes from Latin and it means the vigil. On Christmas Eve, we gather in the circle of closest relatives to await the coming of Jesus.

Christmas Eve supper Polish tradition tells us to sit down to supper, when the Christmas Eve supper Polish tradition tells us to sit down to supper, when the first star shines in the sky. This star is a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem. At the beginning of Christmas Eve we read the passage of the Gospel speaks of Jesus' birth (Luke 2, 1 -20) and we start the supper with prayer. Then all share the wafer (opłatek), and wish each another health and happiness. The symbol of Christmas Eve are dishes of fish, especially carp. We also have beetroot soup with ravioli, mushrooms and cabbage, boiled or baked fish, noodles with poppy seeds, dried fruit compote, etc. In some regions, Polish food 12 dishes are served, which is to symbolize the 12 apostles. An even number of people should seat down to supper.

Free seat at the table Well-known and widespread in Poland is now the custom Free seat at the table Well-known and widespread in Poland is now the custom of leaving a free space at the Christmas Eve table. This place is meant primarily for casual visitor. Leaving empty space at the table expresses also the memory of our loved ones who can not spend the holidays with us. The seat may also commemorate the deceased family member.

Sharing the wafer The most important part and the climax of the Christmas Eve Sharing the wafer The most important part and the climax of the Christmas Eve in Poland is the custom of breaking the wafer. This activity occurs after reading the Gospel of the Nativity of the Lord. We tell each other wishes of good luck and forgive injuries. Broken white wafer is a beautiful sign, expressing love and unity of vigil participants gathered. It brings people together, even the most quarreled.

Pasterka – Shepherds’ Mass Closing Mass on Christmas Eve is celebrated in the church Pasterka – Shepherds’ Mass Closing Mass on Christmas Eve is celebrated in the church exactly at midnight. According to tradition, it commemorates the arrival of shepherds in Bethlehem, and the submission of their homage to the newborn Messiah. The custom of exercising Christmas liturgy in the Church at night was introduced in the second half of the fifth century. It arrived in Poland together with Christianity.

Kolęda – the carol A custom introduced by the Church, is visiting the parishioners Kolęda – the carol A custom introduced by the Church, is visiting the parishioners during the Christmas holidays made by the pastor or parish priests. They bring good news, bless the house and its inhabitants, and in return, they receive a symbolic sacrifice formerly called the carol.

Singing carols An integral part of Christmas Eve, and throughout the Christmas period was, Singing carols An integral part of Christmas Eve, and throughout the Christmas period was, and is singing songs about Jesus' birth. We have a lot of them in Polish tradition. The oldest date back to medieval times.

Cribs The crib of Bethlehem, the birthplace of Christ, together with the manger, from Cribs The crib of Bethlehem, the birthplace of Christ, together with the manger, from the outset was a place of special piety and worship of Christians. Among the many traditions of Polish nativity scenes, the most famous are the so-called Krakow cribs, valued and known since the nineteenth century, whose architecture is modeled on the historic buildings of Krakow cribs have become common puppet theatres, in which the miniature candle-lit scenes there were filled with all sorts of moving figures.