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Christian Leadership 1 Ecclesiology 1 Week 1 - What is the Church? Be sure to pick up a notebook from the table.
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Give the definition of the Universal Church and the 3 -step proof to support your answer (provide references and quotes).
Introduction • Goal of CL?
Introduction • • Goal of CL? Why study theology of the church (ecclesiology)?
Introduction • What is the Church?
Introduction • What is the Church? • Defined one way ➔ Christian life is primarily a matter of very formalistic worship services • Defined another way ➔ you have the basis for a significant role in God’s work
Introduction • Two Sources of Confusion • Being bound by the traditional framework • Blurring the distinction between Old and New Testament theology
Traditional Framework • Read and Critique • Charles Ryrie, A Survey of Bible Doctrine. The chapter called, “What is the Church? ” pp 140 ff. (1989) • Let’s read it. . .
Traditional Framework • Critique of Ryrie • His main problem is that he attempts to define the church with an external definition.
Traditional Framework • Critique of Ryrie • His main problem is that he attempts to define the church with an external definition. • It is customary in many theologies to construct a restrictive definition of what constitutes a local church.
Traditional Framework • Critique of Ryrie • His main problem is that he attempts to define the church with an external definition. • It is customary in many theologies to construct a restrictive definition of what constitutes a local church. • Ryrie’s point #2 (Baptism). . .
Acts 14: 23 Traditional Framework they had When • appointed elders for them in every Critique of Ryrie church, having • His main problem is that he attempts to define the church prayed with fasting, with an external definition. they commended • It is customary in many theologies to construct a Lord in them to the restrictive definition of what constituteswhom they had a local church. believed. • Ryrie’s point #2 (Baptism). . . • Ryrie’s point #3 (organization of church, Acts 14: 23). . .
Traditional Framework • Critique of Ryrie • His main problem is that he attempts to define the church with an external definition. • It is customary in many theologies to construct a restrictive definition of what constitutes a local church. • Ryrie’s problem: He is starting from what is a traditional, but not biblical, definition of the church, and seeking to defend it.
The NT Definition of the Church • Look at two things: • Our primary biblical argument comes from direct New Testament teaching on what the church is. • Secondly, we should look at the words and metaphors that the New Testament uses to describe the church. This will shed additional light on the nature of the church.
The NT Definition of the Church • What is the Universal Church? • Colossians 1: 18 - He is also head of the body, the church. . . • Teaches that the church is Christ’s body • 1 Corinthians 12: 13 - For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. . . • Teaches that we become part of Christ’s body through the baptism by the HS.
The NT Definition of the Church • What is the Universal Church? • Ephesians 1: 13 - In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation—having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise • Teaches that we are put into Christ by the HS the moment we believe the gospel.
The NT Definition of the Church • What is the Universal Church? • The Universal Church is the collection of all true believers who are in Jesus Christ. This would include Christians alive and dead, on earth and in heaven, water baptized and unbaptized, etc. Eph. 1: 13 Col. 1: 18 1 Cor 12: 13
The NT Definition of the Church • What is the Universal Church? In a Church Institution 10, 000 7, 00 0 True Believers
The NT Definition of the Church • What is the Universal Church? • Words and Metaphors used for church in the NT 1. “Church” - Greek ekklesia. Comes from two words: kaleo (to call) with the prefix ek (out). Thus, the word means “the called out ones. ” 1. The English word “church” does not come from ekklesia, but from the word kuriakon, which means “dedicated to the Lord. ”
The NT Definition of the Church • What is the Universal Church? • Words and Metaphors used for church in the NT 2. “Body of Christ” - Since believers have been united with Christ through spiritual baptism, they are sometimes corporately referred to as the body of Christ. (Romans 12: 45; 1 Cor 12: 12 -21; Col. 1: 18; Eph 5: 30)
The NT Definition of the Church • What is the Universal Church? • Words and Metaphors used for church in the NT 3. Other metaphors and allusions for the church • The Temple of God - 1 Cor. 3: 16; Eph. 2: 21, 22; 1 Peter 2: 5 • The Jerusalem From Above or the Heavenly Jerusalem Gal. 4: 26; Hebrews 12: 22
The NT Definition of the Church • What is the Universal Church? • Words and Metaphors used for church in the NT 3. Other metaphors and allusions for the church • The Temple of God - 1 Cor. 3: 16; Eph. 2: 21, 22; 1 Peter 2: 5 • The Jerusalem From Above or the Heavenly Jerusalem Gal. 4: 26; Hebrews 12: 22 • Bride of Christ or Christ’s Betrothed - (Eph. 5: 25 -32; 2 Cor.
The NT Definition of the Church • What is the Local Church? • For each of the following verses, answer the question: "What geographical area is being described? " • Colossians 1: 18 He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the first-born from the dead; so that He Himself might come to have first place in everything. • Church throughout the world
The NT Definition of the Church • What is the Local Church? • For each of the following verses, answer the question: "What geographical area is being described? " • Acts 9: 31 So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria enjoyed peace, being built up; and, going on in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it continued to increase. • Church throughout a region
The NT Definition of the Church • What is the Local Church? • For each of the following verses, answer the question: "What geographical area is being described? " • 1 Corinthians 1: 2 to the church of God which is at Corinth, to those who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus, saints by calling, with all who in every place call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, their Lord and ours: • Church in a city
The NT Definition of the Church • What is the Local Church? • For each of the following verses, answer the question: "What geographical area is being described? " • Romans 16: 5. . . also greet the church that is in their house. Greet Epaenetus, my beloved, who is the first convert to Christ from Asia. • Church in a house
The NT Definition of the Church • What is the Local Church? • For each of the following verses, answer the question: "What geographical area is being described? " • Philemon 1: 1 -2 Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother, to Philemon our beloved brother and fellow worker, 2 and to Apphia our sister, and to Archippus our fellow soldier, and to the church in your house: • Church in a house
The NT Definition of the Church • What is the Local Church? • For each of the following verses, answer the question: "What geographical area is being described? " • Matthew 18: 20 “For where two or three have gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst. ” • Corporate presence of Christ
The NT Definition of the Church • What is the Local Church? Matthew 18: 20 Romans 16: 5, Philemon 1: 1 -2 1 Corinthians 1: 2 Acts 9: 31 Colossians 1: 18
The NT Definition of the Church What are some implications we can draw from these passages concerning what size or structure a group must have to be considered a local church? • What is the Local Church? Matthew 18: 20 Romans 16: 5, Philemon 1: 1 -2 1 Corinthians 1: 2 Acts 9: 31 Colossians 1: 18
The NT Definition of the Church • What is the Local Church? • “What constitutes a local church? ” • Biblically, any part of the universal church which is somehow local can be said to be a local church.
The NT Definition of the Church • What is the Local Church? • “What constitutes a local church? ” • Biblically, any part of the universal church which is somehow local can be said to be a local church. • Is your home group a church? • Your cell group? • Your one-on-one discipling relationship?
The Origin of the Church • Look at the following: • Understand the biblical basis for viewing the church as a distinct program from Israel • Understand the practical importance of viewing the church as a distinct program from Israel
The Origin of the Church • What parts of the Bible are we allowed to use to “construct” the church? • Old Testament? • Gospels?
The Origin of the Church • What parts of the Bible are we allowed to use to “construct” the church? • Protestants answer in two basic ways: • Some define the church as comprising all believers from Adam on
The Origin of the Church • What parts of the Bible are we allowed to use to “construct” the church? • Protestants answer in two basic ways: • Some define the church as comprising all believers from Adam on • Others define the church as comprising all Christians from Pentecost on.
The Origin of the Church Old Covenant - Israel New Covenant - Church Promise - “shadow” Fulfillment - “substance” Matthew 13; 16: 18; 18: 15 -17; 28: 1820 Acts Epistles Revelation 2, 3
The Origin of the Church • What parts of the Bible are we allowed to use to “construct” the church? Col. 1: 18 • Adopt the dispensational view for the following: • Colossians 1: 18 • 1 Corinthians 12: 13 • Acts 1: 5; 2: 1 -4 Eph. 1: 13 1 Cor 12: 13 Acts 1, 2
The Origin of the Church • What parts of the Bible are we allowed to use to “construct” the church? • The way we view the church is not just a good academic debate, it has huge implications on how the church functions and how we live our lives. • The Covenant/Replacement Theology view can be thought of as “The Old Testament captivity of the church. ”
Reflection • How have you seen the Church and/or Christians act in strange ways based upon biblical misunderstandings of the Church?
Confusing the OC and the Church • Some churches feel the freedom to use OC material in their understanding of the church • they have an inherent tendency to incorporate Old Covenant structures into church life.
Confusing the OC and the Church • Take a look at 8 different areas: • • Tabernacle/Temple Priesthood Sabbath & Festivals Liturgical Worship (skip until wk. 3) • Infant Circumcision • Relationship between church and state • • Emphasis on the Law Outreach strategy
Confusing the OC and the Church • For each, we want to. . . • Review the Old Covenant Purpose • Identify the New Covenant Status • Answer the question: What negative effects can result from ignoring this change in purpose/status?
Confusing the OC and the Church • Tabernacle/Temple • OC Purpose: Prophetic picture of God’s entent to dwell in his people
Confusing the OC and the Church • Tabernacle/Temple • New Covenant Status: this prophetic picture has been fulfilled. God dwells in every Christian and in the church corporately; the church is the temple of God. (1 Corinthians 3: 16; Ephesians 2: 20 -22; 1 Peter 2: 4, 5)
Confusing the OC and the Church • Tabernacle/Temple • What negative effects do you think result from ignoring this change? • People can view the church as a building rather than people indwelled by God • Church building is “God’s house” where his presence resides more than any place else • If we leave the building, we leave God’s presence
Confusing the OC and the Church • Priesthood • OC Purpose: • The high priest was a type of Christ. (Hebrews 3: 1; 4: 14) For this reason, he alone was permitted to enter God's presence with a sacrifice for the people's sins. • The other priests were a type of Christians in that they could draw near to God and communicate the knowledge of God to the people.
Confusing the OC and the Church • Priesthood • New Covenant Status: This clergy-laity distinction which was valid in the Old Covenant period is now invalid. • Because of Jesus' sacrifice, all believers have equal access to God and equal privilege to communicate the knowledge of God to others. • (Hebrews 2: 17; Hebrews 4: 15, 16; Hebrews 10: 19 -22; 1 Peter 2: 9)
Confusing the OC and the Church • Priesthood • What negative effects do you think result from ignoring this change in priesthood? • The effect of the clergy-laity discourages unordained Christians from ministering in significant ways. • Church members often think it is the minister's job to reach out to others, teach the Bible, give spiritual counsel, etc. • With no significant ministry purpose to pursue, many by default become enmeshed in materialism.
Confusing the OC and the Church • Sabbath & Festivals • OC Purpose: God gave the Israelites a full calendar of "holy" days. The Sabbath and the prescribed festivals were largely prophetic pictures of the salvation which Jesus would accomplish. (Colossians 2: 16, 17)
Confusing the OC and the Church • Sabbath & Festivals • New Covenant Status: Every day is holy in the sense that salvation has occurred once and for all. • Paul makes it clear in Romans 14: 1 -5 that only those Christians who are "weak in faith" ascribe intrinsic spiritual significance to the observance of the Sabbath. • In Galatians 4: 1 -11, he says that Christians who go back to observing the festival calendar are regressing rather than progressing spiritually.
Confusing the OC and the Church • Sabbath & Festivals • What negative effects do you think result when ignoring this change? • Many people erroneously believe that what matters to God is that we go to church on Sundays, or at least on Christmas and Easter.
Confusing the OC and the Church • Sabbath & Festivals • What negative effects do you think result when ignoring this change? • Many people erroneously believe that what matters to God is that we go to church on Sundays, or at least on Christmas and Easter. • The norm can become the “weak in faith” as Paul calls them.
Confusing the OC and the Church • Liturgical Worship Service (do this on week 3)
Confusing the OC and the Church • Infant Circumcision
Confusing the OC and the Church • Infant Circumcision • OC Purpose: • Circumcision was to be the sign that Israel was God's people. • It was also a symbol of their need to be liberated from the bondage of their sin natures. (Deuteronomy 10: 16; Jeremiah 4: 4)
Confusing the OC and the Church • Infant Circumcision • New Covenant Status: • The symbolism of physical circumcision was fulfilled in the death of Christ through which he disarmed the authority of our sin natures. (Colossians 2: 11)
Confusing the OC and the Church • Infant Circumcision • What negative effects do you think result from ignoring this change from OC to NC? • Infant baptism
Confusing the OC and the Church • Infant Circumcision • What negative effects do you think result from ignoring this change from OC to NC? • Infant baptism • Misunderstanding: When asked if they will go to heaven, people commonly answer "yes" because they were baptized as infants. • Infant baptism has the effect of minimizing the necessity of personal conversion to Christ.
Confusing the OC and the Church • A note on Ritualism vs. Formalism • Ritualism - repeating actions that have deep meaning and allow God’s people to relate to Him • Formalism - going through the motions believing the motions are what pleases God • These first five features of OT worship were ritualistic, but never meant to be formalistic
Confusing the OC and the Church • Relationship between church and state • OC Purpose: God raised up a nation where He could preserve the witness he was accumulating about himself. • The nation of Israel was both a spiritual and national entity. • The government of Israel was originally a theocracy, eventually replaced by a theocratic-chosen king.
Confusing the OC and the Church • Relationship between church and state • New Covenant Status: the church is not expected to function as a nation state. • Christians were called to submit to and obey the Roman government - one of the most godless and brutal governments in history (Romans 13: 1; Matthew 22: 17 -21; Matthew 13: 30; John 18: 36)
Confusing the OC and the Church • Relationship between church and state • New Covenant Status: the church is not expected to function as a nation state. • Qualification: There was no opportunity to vote on government issues or candidates in the ancient world. We do not know what God would have said if there was. • A good ethical case can be made for Christian activism in politics as long as it falls short of attempts to establish a Christian state.
Confusing the OC and the Church • Relationship between church and state • What negative effects do you think can result from ignoring this change? • History is full of examples of catastrophic results when the church has concluded that it is to run the state
Confusing the OC and the Church • Relationship between church and state • What negative effects do you think can result from ignoring this change? • History is full of examples of catastrophic results when the church has concluded that it is to run the state • Manipulators use values similar or even identical to those in the Bible to get Christians to back their agendas.
Confusing the OC and the Church • Relationship between church and state • What negative effects do you think can result from ignoring this change? • The formation of a civil religion which is sometimes only nominally Christian.
Confusing the OC and the Church • Relationship between church and state • What negative effects do you think can result from ignoring this change? • The formation of a civil religion which is sometimes only nominally Christian. This is one of the most deadly threats to real Christianity for two reasons: • It causes people to believe they are Christians when they are not • It misrepresents Christianity to the secular world
Confusing the OC and the Church • Emphasis on the Law • OC Purpose: • It was a national contract between God & Israel which stipulated the conditions by which they could enjoy the land of Canaan. (see Deuteronomy 28) • It also had a spiritual value in that it showed them their need for God's grace, which would be given when Messiah came. (Galatians 3: 22 -25)
Confusing the OC and the Church • Emphasis on the Law • New Covenant Status: • Not part of the believer contract with God. (Romans 6: 14)
Confusing the OC and the Church • Emphasis on the Law • New Covenant Status: • Not part of the believer contract with God. (Romans 6: 14) • Now that Christ has come, we have access to new ministries of the Holy Spirit, making it possible for us to serve "in the newness of the Spirit rather than the oldness of the letter. " (Romans 7: 6)
Confusing the OC and the Church • Emphasis on the Law • What negative effects do you think result from ignoring this change? • Many people grow up with the view that God is primarily a God of judgment rather than also a God of love who has provided a way to forever escape his judgment.
Confusing the OC and the Church • Emphasis on the Law • What negative effects do you think result from ignoring this change? • Many people grow up with the view that God is primarily a God of judgment rather than also a God of love who has provided a way to forever escape his judgment. • Develop a focus on external behavior than internal transformation • Leads to defeat when we cannot meet the standard of the Law
Confusing the OC and the Church • Outreach stategy • OC Approach: • God's strategy for reaching Gentiles in the Old Testament period was centripetal: As the Israelites stayed in the land followed the Law, God granted them national security and material prosperity. • Foreigners would notice this, and some would thus adopt YHWH as their God. (Deuteronomy 28: 7 -14; 1 Kings 10: 1 -12)
Confusing the OC and the Church • Outreach stategy • New Covenant Approach: • God's outreach strategy has changed from centripetal ("stay in the land") to centrifugal ("go into all the world" - see Matthew 28: 18; Acts 1: 8). • “Go and be” vs. “Come and see”
Confusing the OC and the Church • Outreach stategy • What negative effects result from ignoring this change in outreach stategy? • “Witness by your lifestyle only” instead of actively reaching out to the lost through verbal evangelism as well as through an attractive lifestyle. • Development of a Christian sub-culture that isolates non Christians • Wealth as an indicator of God’s blessing
Conclusion • From these examples we can see that it really matters what biblical material we use in constructing our understanding of the church! • If we answer “What is the Church? ” improperly, we are far more likely to go astray in setting the whole tone for what Christianity is like.
Next Week • The Church & Christ’s Mission
Memory Verses • Please note: the last page of your notes gives a description of the verses, not the actual wording of the verses • Col. 1: 18*; • 1 Cor. 12: 13* • Eph. 1: 13*; • Acts 1, 2**
Assignment • Read Master Plan of Evangelism Chapter 1 (“Selection”) and write a paragraph of personal application.
Corporate Prayer