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Christ Church Downend ‘building loving relationships’ developing the vision
‘building loving relationships’ in three dimensions… Spirituality – up to God Spirituality includes a movement towards God Community – in to each other Community is created with a movement towards one another Mission – out to the World Mission involves a movement towards God’s world
Christ Church Structure Leadership Church Wardens Teams Forum Church Teams VICAR and PCC Staff Team HG Leaders Forum Home Groups
Goals for growth spirituality community mission We will put Home Groups at the heart of Christ Church’s mission and ministry, so that every member is intentionally growing in their relationship with God and seeking to know God’s purpose for their lives. We will ensure all leaders are envisioned, encouraged and equipped, and are looking to grow new leaders so that the groups can multiply effectively. We will continue to extend the pastoral care network to embrace the whole church community, looking in particular to strengthen Christian Family Life by offering Marriage and Parenting Courses. We will develop our partnership with home and school so that children and their families are inspired by Christian values and God’s vision for humanity. . We will work towards opening a Debtcounselling Centre in the parish so that more people in our community can experience the transforming love of God through practical action. administration We will creatively develop our buildings so that they can be more effectively used as a resource for outreach and service to the community, and will better accommodate the needs of a growing church in the 21 st Century. This will be done ways that reflect God’s care for creation.
Purposeful teams Strategy Teams Each team seeks to express each dimension of the church’s life in it’s own context.
Emerging teams Worship Connect Planning Tracy Home Tracie Readers+ Kembery Visiting Jenkins Creche May Ann Sparkls Jane Youth Taylor Helen Marriage Blanchard Pastoral Church Sheppard Aid & Sue John Care Centre Sue Lake Church Smith Lewis’ Haven Finance Parentg Joyce Wardens House Mothers’ Special Toddlers Ray ? Bevan Sue Union Needs Helen Hackney Prayer Alpha Wootten Barbara Sew n Annette Shellard Sue Martin Uniformd Linton Mission Tooby Sews Wootten Brown Groups Joyce Welcome Partners Care for Resource Brian Bevan Fellowsp Jan Faire Creation Team Ashton s. Tom Mike & Pearces ? Cleaning Brydon Bereave’t Maggie Parish Sound Barbara Brenda Choir Richard Nichols Office Tooby Richards Projectn Lovelock Simon Ian Webb Comms Paul Dulson Ian Webb Events Hacker Flowers Jan Faire Maggie Nichols Craft May Ann Taylor TEAMS Teams
High support needs Medium support needs Low support needs Home Bereave’t Visiting Brenda May Ann Richards Taylor Penny Connect Tracie Jenkins Creche Jane Blanchard Youth John Marriage Pastoral Smith Sparklrs Course Care Helen Lewis’ Toddlers Sue Lake Sheppard Helen Special Craft Shellard Needs Uniformd May Annette Groups Taylor Linton Brian Ashton Church Centre Joyce Worship Planning Bevan Readers+ Flowers Maggie Sew n Jo Nichols Sews Joyce Worship Bevan Tracy Choir Kembery Sound Simon Richard Project’n Lovelock Dulson Paul Mothers’ Prayer Hacker Union Sue Committee Wootten TEAM SUPPORT Haven House Sue Fellowsp Nichols Wootten Care for Creation ? Alpha Martin Brown Martin Mission Partners Events Jan Faire Cleaning Resource Barbara s. Tom Finance Tooby Brydon Ray Hackney Church Welcome Team Wardens Pearces Parish Comms Office Ian Webb Ian
Teams Forum Members: Teams Forum • Representatives or ‘points of contact’ from each team • Leadership Team Purpose: • Communication forum for Church Teams and Leadership Teams • Support for Church Teams • Networking for sharing of experiences, best practice, etc. • To meet other key members or the church and enjoy fellowship • Teams would meet separately with their Leadership Team point of contact to work together on their expression of the up, in & out. • It is envisaged that the Teams Forum would meet 2/3 times a year
Why do it this way? • Empowers team leaders and teams • Gives teams autonomy and freedom of expression • Promotes more creative thinking • Provides a structure for ongoing support and accountability • Defines responsibilities for team leaders • Keeps core values at the heart of each individual and team • Builds on the overall dynamic of ‘up, in, and out’ • Unifies the fragments of the church under one vision