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A loose-knit world-wide network of Muslim extremists whose goal seems to be destruction of America’s influence and power, and the establishment of “Islamic States”
What is al Qaeda?
Political, economic, & military dominance by one country.
What is Hegemony
a group of right-wing Republicans whose main goal is to maintain U. S. economic and military dominance in the world. They believed that the U. S. should use its military power to change the world.
Who are the Neocons?
The policy of “striking first” at a group or country perceived as a threat.
What is Preemption
The belief that a country should act alone, not depend on international organizations like the U. N. , when defending it’s “national interests”.
What is Unilateralism
Saudi citizen – Leader of Al Qaeda
Who is Usama bin Laden?
The Vice President of the United States
Who is Dick Cheney?
United States Secretary of Defense
Who is Donald Rumsfeld?
Former Deputy Secretary of Defense (2000 -04) who became President of the World Bank, Chief architect of what came to be known as the “Bush Doctrine”
Who is Paul Wolfowitz?
Former U. S. Secretary of State who resigned after 2004 elections.
Who is Colin Powell?
Country established by a U. N. mandate after W. W. II & declared independence in 1948.
What is Israel?
The European Country placed in charge of the “Palestine Mandate” until 1948
What is Britain?
The people who wanted the United Nations to create A homeland for them in Palestine after World War II.
Who are the Jews?
The number of days it took Isreal to defeat the Arabs in the 1968 war.
What is 6?
The name given to the 1920’s & 1930’s movement to create a Jewish Homeland
What is Zionism?
Country D
What is Iraq?
Country B
What is Iran?
Country A
What is Saudi Arabia?
Country E
What is Israel?
Country C
What is Afghanistan?
Former FBI agent who was killed in the WTC attacks in N. Y. on 9/11/01
Who was John O’Neil?
Federal Government agency John O’Neil wanted to reform to better fight terrorism.
What is the FBI?
U. S. President st Gulf during the 1 War in 1991. Sometimes called “ 41”
Who is George H. W. Bush?
Countries that President George W. Bush called “an Axis of Evil” in his 2002 State of the Union Address
What are Iraq, Iran & North Korea
The name of the secret “intelligence gathering” group within the Pentagon who were responsible for creating a “case for war” against Iraq.
What was the “Office of Special Plans”
Make your wager
He was the former Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy & Former chairman of the Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board. He has strong ties to the Ultra-Conservative Likkud Party in Israel & is one of the founding members of the Think Tank “The Project For The New American Century”. He is one of the Chief spokesmen for the Neocons, and referred to by some as “the Prince of Darkness”
Who is Richard Pearle?