Скачать презентацию Chief Information Office Technology Services Dr Scott Muri Скачать презентацию Chief Information Office Technology Services Dr Scott Muri


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Chief Information Office Technology Services Dr. Scott Muri, CIO An Overview & Discussion with Chief Information Office Technology Services Dr. Scott Muri, CIO An Overview & Discussion with the Privatization Advisory Committee

Vision, Mission and Purpose Vision CMS provides all students the best education available anywhere, Vision, Mission and Purpose Vision CMS provides all students the best education available anywhere, preparing every child to lead a rich and productive life Mission To maximize academic achievement by every student in every school Technology Services The Chief Information Office is responsible for the planning, implementation and support of information technology for schools and administrative offices in the district. We support NC WISE, classroom technology devices and software applications, computer equipment, telephones, Lawson and My Time business systems.

Chief Information Office Hierarchy Chief Information Officer (FTE) Assistant (FTE) Business Technology Systems FTE Chief Information Office Hierarchy Chief Information Officer (FTE) Assistant (FTE) Business Technology Systems FTE – filled 13 FTE – unfilled 1 CTE 0 Contractor 6 PT or Temp 0 Data Operations FTE – filled 16 FTE – unfilled 1 CTE 0 Contractor 7 PT or Temp 0 Assistant (FTE) Information Systems & Support FTE – filled 33 CTE 3 Contractor 8 PT or Temp 0 Instructional Technology FTE – filled 6 FTE – unfilled 0 CTE 0 Contractor 0 PT or Temp 0 Student Applications and Web Development FTE – filled 16 FTE – unfilled 2 CTE 0 Contractor 7 PT or Temp 0

Technology Support for Schools Overview & Scope • 168 schools throughout Mecklenburg County • Technology Support for Schools Overview & Scope • 168 schools throughout Mecklenburg County • 141, 000 students • 18, 800 teachers, support staff and administrators • 7, 931 classrooms • 624 computer labs CMS District • 58, 448 desktops and laptops • 11 Help Desk Staff • 3 Network Engineers • 15 Systems Engineers – Mecklenburg County 546 Total Square Miles

Chief Information Office Business Systems Kay Hall, Director Chief Information Office Business Systems Kay Hall, Director

Business Systems Technology • Provide service and support to CMS business operations • System Business Systems Technology • Provide service and support to CMS business operations • System Maintenance • Assist in district business process improvement • Provide access to Employee Self-Service for over 18, 000 employees • Provide Help Desk support and training for related systems

Chief Information Office Data Center Operations Susan Manning, Director Chief Information Office Data Center Operations Susan Manning, Director

Data Center Operations • Manage the infrastructure which supports the operation of CMS • Data Center Operations • Manage the infrastructure which supports the operation of CMS • Help Desk • Technical Services

Chief Information Office Information Systems & Support Cindee Matson, Director Chief Information Office Information Systems & Support Cindee Matson, Director

Information Systems & Support (IS&S) • Systems Support • Cabling Design and Deployment for Information Systems & Support (IS&S) • Systems Support • Cabling Design and Deployment for video, voice & data for all district sites • Infrastructure Design and Deployment of network electronics and wireless • Telephone Support, Deployment and Management of Digital Phone Systems (Vo. IP) • Quotations • Purchasing Quotes for District Hardware such as computers, printers , and Interactive White Boards • Video Conferencing/Distance Learning/Closed Circuit • E-Rate and Compliance

Chief Information Office Instructional Technology Jerry Shepardson, Director Chief Information Office Instructional Technology Jerry Shepardson, Director

Instructional Technology (IT) • Technology Integration Resource to Principals and Staff in 168 Schools Instructional Technology (IT) • Technology Integration Resource to Principals and Staff in 168 Schools • Technology Training for Instructional Staff to effectively utilize various instructional resources and applications • Manage CMS Wiki as an effective communication tool • Instructional Software Installations Coordination and Support

Chief Information Office Student Applications & Web Development Jay Parker, Director Chief Information Office Student Applications & Web Development Jay Parker, Director

Student Application & Web Development • Management of the Student Information Applications • Administration Student Application & Web Development • Management of the Student Information Applications • Administration of the Data Warehouse • CMS Web Page Publishing, Coding, and Design

Hardware Repair, Support and Installation § 1995 -Current Southeastern Technology Group § 1999 -2001 Hardware Repair, Support and Installation § 1995 -Current Southeastern Technology Group § 1999 -2001 Data Networks § 2001 -02 Millennium Technologies § 2002 -06 Pomeroy § 2006 -Current Fortress Systems International

2001 -02 Hardware Repair Costs School Year Number of Computers Annual Cost Per Device 2001 -02 Hardware Repair Costs School Year Number of Computers Annual Cost Per Device 2001 -02 27, 020 $140, 600 $5. 20 2011 -12 58, 448 $122, 100 $2. 09 $18, 500 < original cost 40% < than original cost 116% increase Current analysis

Infrastructure Repair, Support and Installation Previous and Current Usage • AFL • Pomeroy • Infrastructure Repair, Support and Installation Previous and Current Usage • AFL • Pomeroy • Data. Com • CNIC • Universal • Professional Teleconcepts

Data Center Support Used • Southeastern Technology Group Data Center Support Used • Southeastern Technology Group

Network Engineers (3) Assistant Directors (3) Technolog y Support for Schools Help Desk Coordinator Network Engineers (3) Assistant Directors (3) Technolog y Support for Schools Help Desk Coordinator s (11) System Engineers (15) Senior System Engineers (5)

Technology Support for Schools – Roles Defined Assistant Director (3) Senior System Engineers (5) Technology Support for Schools – Roles Defined Assistant Director (3) Senior System Engineers (5) System Engineers (15) • Data Center Operations • Information Systems & Support • Student Applications and Web Development • Data Center Operations • Information Systems & Support • CTE • Instructional • Manages overall support for technology. Provides on-site and remote technical troubleshooting for workstations, servers, printers, network devices, Vo. IP phones, Interactive Whiteboards, smart devices, software and other hardware components.

Technology Support for Schools – Roles Defined Continued Network Engineers (3) Help Desk Coordinators Technology Support for Schools – Roles Defined Continued Network Engineers (3) Help Desk Coordinators (11) Responsible for planning, implementation and support of network connectivity for schools and administrative offices. They ensure data, communications devices and the Internet is highly available. They support over 12, 000 network electronics devices. • Business Systems Technology • NC Wise • Technology Services

Technician (1) Senior Network Engineer (1) Data Center Technical Services Contracted Services for Technology Technician (1) Senior Network Engineer (1) Data Center Technical Services Contracted Services for Technology Support Install/ Deployment (As needed) (4. 5) Hardware Repair (6)

Contracted Technology Services Roles- Defined Technician (1) Data Center Technical Services (4. 5) Hardware Contracted Technology Services Roles- Defined Technician (1) Data Center Technical Services (4. 5) Hardware Repair (6) Provides technical service for data, video and voice , including CATV, CCTV, wireless network systems and cabling. Provides network services and network access accounts • Network Services and network access accounts (over 200, 000) • Information & Platform Management • Security Operations • Technical Architecture • Information Security • Email administration (22, 000 accounts and 190 million messages per month) and email filtering • Data Storage (600 Terabytes) • Internet Access, including Web Security Filtering • Server administration for 300 servers Provide on-site warranty and non-warranty computer , printer and UPS hardware repair services.

Contracted Technology Services Roles- Defined Continued Install/ Deployment (As needed) Senior Network Engineer (1) Contracted Technology Services Roles- Defined Continued Install/ Deployment (As needed) Senior Network Engineer (1) Computer and printer installation. Testing, deployment and packaging of software. Design and develop network infrastructure. Prepare bids and negotiate with vendors. Project management of network related projects.

Staffing Overview 37 Dedicated Employees Racially Diverse Staffing Overview 37 Dedicated Employees Racially Diverse

Currently, Technology Services spends $1. 1+ million on Contracted Services Service Number of Staff Currently, Technology Services spends $1. 1+ million on Contracted Services Service Number of Staff Hourly Rate Annual Cost Other Technician 1 $39 $78, 000. 00 Data Center 4. 5 $93 750, 000 Hardware Repair 6 $9. 78 $122, 100. 00 Install/Deploy As needed Senior Network Engineer 1 $85 $176, 800. 00 $90 per device plus $30 for each additional piece of software Total Annual Cost (varies based on install/deploy) $1, 126, 900. 00

When Considering Outsourcing Any Tech Services, we have Applied Six Key Criteria 1. Direct When Considering Outsourcing Any Tech Services, we have Applied Six Key Criteria 1. Direct Student Contact - the safety of our children is paramount. Similar CMS standard of employee screening should be applied 2. Significant, Sustainable Cost Savings Delivery – that largely outweighs any impact to the schools 3. Stand Alone Services – which can be discreetly carved out with no residual, negative operational impact 4. Areas of CMS Marginal Expertise/Resourcing – where an external vendor can do it better and cheaper with little to no risk 5. Low Risk – relatively easy to ensure service quality & maintain service levels with minimal difficulty to return in-house 6. Minimal RIF Impact to CMS Employees

Understanding the Criteria for Consideration To recommend to the BOE -- on Feb 14, Understanding the Criteria for Consideration To recommend to the BOE -- on Feb 14, 2012 – additional outsourcing opportunities within key areas of CMS that deliver on the following criteria: • People – minimize negative impact to CMS employees -- reduction in force/salary/benefits, shifting of work responsibilities • Money - return of substantial, ongoing net savings to the CMS Operating Budget when brought to scale • Service – maintain or exceed current service levels and service quality to key stakeholders in support of student achievement • Risk – minimize scope of risk to CMS – ease of returning service in-house • Measurement – ability to reliably project and measure the most critical aspects of the outsourced effort – $ savings, service quality, etc.

Understanding the Criteria for Consideration Breakdown Time Procedures for support are currently in place Understanding the Criteria for Consideration Breakdown Time Procedures for support are currently in place and implemented based on defined priority timeline. People Selection would result in reduction in force affecting current CMS employees Selection would affect significant number of current employees, if brought to scale

Understanding the Criteria for Consideration Breakdown Money Savings issue example below, no substantial savings Understanding the Criteria for Consideration Breakdown Money Savings issue example below, no substantial savings when brought to scale and no net savings to the CMS operating budget

Risk Understanding the Criteria for Consideration Breakdown • Distribution of passwords, network and server Risk Understanding the Criteria for Consideration Breakdown • Distribution of passwords, network and server risk • Background checks are not real-time • Safety for our staff and students • Learning environment hazard, disruptive to daily instruction due to lack of school/support rapport affecting student achievement • Badges and access costly due to high turnover rates • Data security risk

Understanding the Criteria for Consideration Breakdown Service/Support Procedures for support are well-defined and implemented: Understanding the Criteria for Consideration Breakdown Service/Support Procedures for support are well-defined and implemented: Priority 5 -Resolution contingent upon project scope, printer replacement, and renaming of computers Priority 4 -Initial contact made via phone, 80% resolved within 10 business days; classroom printing and computers Priority 3 -Respond within 48 hours , 90% resolved within 5 business days, computer labs and Interactive White Boards Priority 2 -Respond within 24 hours , 90% resolved within 2 business days, server based applications and school administrative personnel Priority 1 -Respond within 1 hour , 95% resolved within 24 hours, server or major systems down or active testing period

 Our Employees Enable Us to Do Significantly More at a Significantly Less Cost Our Employees Enable Us to Do Significantly More at a Significantly Less Cost Computer Installations Team Systems Engineers Contractor Number of Actual install Computers time Installed Time Frame Cost to District 10 minutes 23, 399 18 months $0 in-kind installs and $584, 975 for storage, delivery, set-up and removal 3. 5 hours 1, 312 10 months $253, 000 Savings $2, 105, 910 $0. 00

 Our Employees Enable Us to Do at Less Cost Senior Network Engineer Contracted Our Employees Enable Us to Do at Less Cost Senior Network Engineer Contracted Full-Time Employee Hourly Rate Annual Cost $80 - $95 $186, 000 $100, 699 with Benefits Savings $0 $85, 201

 Our Employees Enable Us to Do Significantly More at a Significantly Less Cost Our Employees Enable Us to Do Significantly More at a Significantly Less Cost Deployment of Software What Actual install time Contractor Cost FTE Cost 80 hours $72, 000 $77, 362 annually including benefits Packaging and remote deployment of nine software titles; update plug-ins in SY 2010 -11 $63, 385 $0 Total $135, 385 $77, 362 Deployment of new browser version in SY 2010 -11

These contractors enable us to do significantly more with a significantly lower cost Technician These contractors enable us to do significantly more with a significantly lower cost Technician • Annual cost of $78, 000 for contractor, would require a pay grade of 8/$88, 214 salary and benefits plus • Costly material required – truck, ladders, testers, hand tools • Certifications required – BISCI manufacturers certifications to maintain warranty • Can utilize contracting company at peak times for additional support with little or no down time Hardware Support • Six full-time employees provided for an annual cost of $122, 100. 00 or $20, 350 per employee, would require a pay grade of 6/$67, 917 salary and benefits plus • Cost of trucks, storage, tools • Certifications required by manufacturer to maintain warranty • Potential charges for untimely returns of warranty parts Technical Services

Understanding the Assessment Tool What This Is of some This IS NOT Color Index Understanding the Assessment Tool What This Is of some This IS NOT Color Index CMS is high an informed preliminary assessment of the viability initial outsourcing options a recommended list of areas to outsource likely will not satisfy criteria OR risk of failure to could meet criteria but more information needed likely will satisfy criteria ? externally driven by bidding process

Technology Services Preliminary Outsourcing Assessment Engineers AD IS&S -1 Help Desk Network IS&S -3 Technology Services Preliminary Outsourcing Assessment Engineers AD IS&S -1 Help Desk Network IS&S -3 DOC-8 Systems IS&S- 15; Lawson -2 Senior IS&S; 3 NC Wise - 3 Senior DOC-2 PEOPLE result in CMS employee RIF, salary, benefits; affect significant # employees at scale MONEY result in return of ongoing net savings to CMS Op. Budget SERVICE negative impact on service quality RISK result in significant risk to CMS MEASUREMENT can be measured/evaluated OVERALL ASSESSMENT Technician Installation and Deployment IS&S – 1 (As Needed) Hardware Repair 6 Data Center Technical Services (4. 5)