- Количество слайдов: 14
Chernobyl The accident and its result
April 26, 1986 in 1 hour 24 minutes of the Chernobyl reactor explosion occurs unit № 4
On 25 April 1986 at the fourth unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was planned as not quite normal. It was supposed to stop the reactor scheduled maintenance. Before stopping the test were scheduled one turbo over run with a load auxiliary unit. In the reactor, the intensive evaporation in which the explosion occurred. But not nuclear, and thermal.
Explosions in the 4 th reactor of the station moved from its place metal top of the reactor, destroyed all the high-pressure pipe, threw some of the control rods and the burning of graphite blocks, destroyed the discharge end of the reactor compartment and the make-up of the building. About fifty tons of nuclear fuel evaporated and were released into the atmosphere in the form of small particles of uranium dioxide, highly radionuclides of iodine, plutonium, cesium, strontium and other isotopes.
When extinguishing reactor involved hundreds of vehicles ranging from fire and ending with helicopters. As a result, a large majority of radioactivity machines were contaminated with radiation. Did for them special parking is still preserved.
As a result of the accident, it was decided to evacuate all the settlements in the area of 30 kilometers. The list and hit the city of Pripyat with a population of over 50, 000 people. To date, more than twenty years later, the city was deserted.