Скачать презентацию CHEMVESOL LTD FERRATE TECHNOLOGY Green Water Treatment Technologies Скачать презентацию CHEMVESOL LTD FERRATE TECHNOLOGY Green Water Treatment Technologies


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CHEMVESOL LTD. FERRATE TECHNOLOGY Green Water Treatment Technologies www. chemvesol. hu CHEMVESOL LTD. FERRATE TECHNOLOGY Green Water Treatment Technologies www. chemvesol. hu

INTRODUCTION „Sustainable development” is based on the application of environmentally friendly technologies and the INTRODUCTION „Sustainable development” is based on the application of environmentally friendly technologies and the saving of all resources. Water, the key element of life is accounted as a basic resource and therefor its application in all industrial fields should be well optimized. Water treatment requires strong expertise and skills so that the best and most appropriate technologies will be selected and applied. Water reuse, application of environmentally friendly chemicals and methods are key elements in modern water technologies and our company is strongly committed to them! Bearing all this in mind, our knowledge and nearly 20 years work experience enable us to find and work with best solutions helping to satisfy our customer needs. Green Water Treatment Technologies www. chemvesol. hu

The main fields of our activities are: industrial and residential water treatment. Due to The main fields of our activities are: industrial and residential water treatment. Due to the continuous industrial development more sophisticated technologies and complex systems are introduced. The heating, cooling and other water systems are using smaller cross-section tubes, heat-exchangers, which are more sensitive to any fouling, deposits and consequently an operational failure may easily happen without paying much attention to proper countermeasures. Great attention must be paid to the adequate quality of water in all devices since improper water quality could easily lead to scaling, corrosion and bacterial problems. Repairing is a time-consuming and costly (e. g. production interruption, system shut down, frost-damages, accidents, etc. . . ) activity and sometimes it is really difficult to fully eliminate the problem. With almost two decades of expertise, using the highest quality water treatment chemicals from market leading companies - we are working to enable your trouble free operation in the long run. We offer our water treatment services in a full package (chemistrydosing/monitoring-human service). Our priority is preserving our environment! Accordingly we are participating in the development of ferrate technology, a new and environmental friendly water treatment method! You can read more about Ferrate-technology on the below website. www. ferrate. eu In addition we do complex water analysis and also dealing with education on issues of water treatment management. Green Water Treatment Technologies www. chemvesol. hu

FERRATE TECHNOLOGY FEATURES & BENEFITS Environmentally Friendly • Environmentally friendly and powerful enough to FERRATE TECHNOLOGY FEATURES & BENEFITS Environmentally Friendly • Environmentally friendly and powerful enough to meet escalating treatment demands. Cost Effective • Cost-effective to operate and maintain. • Requires minimal capital investment compared to UV or Ozone. Treatment Plant Friendly • Utilizes existing plant infrastructure and plugs into existing treatment processes. • Can be synthesized from commodity feedstocks. • Highly scalable, modular and easy to retrofit and implement. • Occupies a small footprint; beneficial for landlocked facilities. NSF Certified (Model 100 DW) • The Ferrator has been tested, evaluated, and certified in accordance with NSF International Standard 61. Green Water Treatment Technologies www. chemvesol. hu

WHAT IS FERRATE? Ferrate, Fe. O 42 - – Ferrate is a supercharged iron WHAT IS FERRATE? Ferrate, Fe. O 42 - – Ferrate is a supercharged iron molecule in which iron is in the plus 6 oxidation state; it is better known as Iron(VI). Ferrate is extremely powerful, can deliver multiple treatments from a single applicationr, does not create disinfection by-products, is environmentally friendly, and solves difficult treatment challenges that other oxidants can’t touch. Most importantly, Ferrate is often the least expensive and most effective treatment option. A Laboratory Curiosity … Until Now – Research scientists have been testing Ferrate for the past 50 years. Previous attempts to commercialize a Ferrate product were unsuccessful due to high synthesis, packaging and transport costs, which made Ferate too expensive for broad industrial use. FTT solved this problem by patenting a method to manufacture liquid Ferrate “onsite” so that it can be applied when its potency is highest. More Powerful – The relative strength of water treatment chemicals can be measured in volts, similar to an electrical circuit. Scientists compare the reduction – oxidation potential or “redox” potential for different compounds which is a gauge of their ability to gain or donate electrons in a chemical reaction; the higher the redox potential, the more powerful the reaction. Ferrate is the most powerful common oxidant/disinfectant for water and wastewater treatments. Various redox potentials measured in volts are: Ferrate - 2. 2, Ozone - 2. 08, Hydrogen peroxide - 1. 78, Permanganate - 1. 68, Hypochlorite - 1. 48, Perchlorate - 1. 39, Chlorine - 1. 36, Dissolved Oxygen - 1. 23, Chlorine Dioxide - 0. 95 (Jiang, 2002). Multiple Treatments from a Single Dose – In a single application, Ferrate can simultaneously perform as an oxidant, coagulant, and disinfectant. Ferrate is more powerful than other oxidants such as ozone and chlorine dioxide. It can replace coagulants such as ferric chloride, alum and polymers for the removal of metals, non-metals and humic acids. It outperforms other disinfectants such as UV, hydrogen peroxide, and chlorine and can kill many chlorine resistant organisms such as aerobic sporeformers and sulphite-reducing clostridia. Ferrate is a versatile, powerful, multi-use water and wastewater treatment technology. Synthesized Using Common Chemical Feedstocks – Ferrate is synthesized at the point of use in a patented device called a Ferrator® using caustic, sodium or calcium hypochlorite, and ferric chloride. Green Water Treatment Technologies www. chemvesol. hu

No Disinfection By-products – Ferrate redeploys the power of chlorine for water treatment without No Disinfection By-products – Ferrate redeploys the power of chlorine for water treatment without producing disinfection by-products. Chlorination in the presence of organics creates carcinogenic disinfection by-products (DBPs) such as trihalomethanes (THMs), and haloacetic acids (HAAs). Ozone reacts with naturally occurring bromine to form bromates, also a human carcinogen. Switching to Ferrate from chlorine, chlorine dioxide, or ozone, precludes the formation of DBPs. Environmentally Friendly – Ferrate is powerful, fast acting, works in small doses, and the final product of Ferrate treatment is ferric hydroxide, Iron(III), a non-toxic, environmentally benign compound. The environmental benefits of Ferrate were demonstrated during a pilot test in Pennsylvania. The primary test objective was disinfection with neither a chlorine residual nor THM formation. The regulatory fecal coliform limit of 200 CFU/100 ml was easily achieved with a Ferrate dose of 2 ppm. At the same time, freshwater aquatic toxicity tests for Daphnia showed “no observable effects” when exposed to 100% effluent through three reproductive life cycles; residual chlorine and THMs were nondetect or at trace levels in the effluent. Unique Treatment Benefits – Ferrate has been demonstrated to treat antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, and personal care products that end up in sewers and pass through municipal treatment plants. Low doses of Ferrate have been shown to inactivate those EDCs and PPCPs. As a simultaneous oxidant, disinfectant and coagulant, one dose of Ferrate has been demonstrated to treat drinking water in Florida with color, odor, taste and residual DBP problems by simultaneously oxidizing H 2 S to SO 4, oxidizing and co-precipitating the color-causing organics, and precluding the formation of THMs and HAAs caused by prechlorination. Ferrate has also been shown to disinfect highly colored or turbid waters that UV light cannot penetrate, making it ideal for the restoration of wetlands as a water reuse application. In wetlands restoration, Ferrate’s iron residual is an essential micronutrient for healthy plant growth. Solves Difficult Biosolids Treatment Challenges – Ferrate has been proven to be a key ingredient in a new biosolids-to-fertilizer process. It disinfects and stabilizes biosolids to inhibit putrefaction, destroys odors, and adds iron as a vital micronutrient. Ferrate also helps bind phosphorus and nitrogen to the organic matter to create a “slow-release” fertilizer, which prolongs its availability, increases uptake in the root zone, and reduces nutrient runoff into local streams and rivers. Least Expensive Green Technology – Ferrate is a truly unique compound that offers an economical and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional water and wastewater treatment technologies. For many applications, the capital equipment cost and aggregate operating expenses associated with Ferrate are appreciably less than other methods of treatment. Ferrate synthesis uses commodity chemicals already found in most water and wastewater treatment plants, and a Ferrate treatment system utilizes less real estate and consumes less energy. In terms of its impact on the environment, Ferrate is a genuinely green technology that is both effective and affordable. Green Water Treatment Technologies www. chemvesol. hu

Arsenic removal from drinking water using ferrate technology Drinking water regulation for waters released Arsenic removal from drinking water using ferrate technology Drinking water regulation for waters released to the network prescribe an arsenic level lower than 10 ppb. In Hungary alone, over 1. 5 million inhabitants have potable water exceeding the above standard. This problem mostly occur in the eastern part of the country where well water is the source for drinking water supply. It is worth mentioning that besides arsenic, other contaminants (eg. Fe, Mn, NH 3, CH 4, iodine, and phosphate) are also often found to be over the limits. The water works serving these areas are varying in capacity between 30 -50 m 3/day to 10 -20 000 m 3/day. The reduction of higher arsenic levels cannot be secured with the existing technologies. There are several methods available for As reduction. We have developed a unique technology based on ferrate that not only reduces arsenic levels well bellow 10 ppb, but it also offers an excellent solution for other problems. The technology is easily scalable from smaller to bigger capacity and can be placed in a container. Our method is absolutely flexible that enables it to be adjusted to very different water qualities! Laboratory and pilot test results: We have tested 2 different water qualities from the eastern part of the country and 1 from the western region, all having arsenic levels higher than 10 ppb and having high levels of other pollutants as well. The results are summarized in the following table and the conclusions can be drawn as follows: • Arsenic levels higher than 200 µg/l can be safely reduced bellow 10 ppb! • Other contaminants like iron, manganese, ammonia, methane, iodine and phosphate can be also effectively and safely reduced bellow limits. • Ferrate has a capability to kill microorganisms very effectively, even chlorine resistent bacteria are killed as demonstrated in several papers. Green Water Treatment Technologies www. chemvesol. hu kkkk. elte. hu www. kortekft. hu

Arsenic removal from drinking water using ferrate technology Water quality Limits Parameters Sample III: Arsenic removal from drinking water using ferrate technology Water quality Limits Parameters Sample III: Ferrate treated Original (20 ppm) Original (3 ppm) Fe (μg/l) 200 199 35, 9 628 56, 8 154 55, 6 Mn (μg/l) 50 35 11, 3 126 5, 6 52 <5 As (μg/l) 10 229 2, 97 25, 2 4, 03 13, 5 <1 B (mg/l) 1 1, 33 1, 13 0, 57 0, 51 < 0, 01 KOI (mg/l) 5 5 1, 5 3, 5 1, 4 1, 6 1, 1 NH 4 (mg/l) 0, 56 0, 07 1, 34 1, 16 0, 12 0, 03 6, 5 -9, 5 8, 42 8, 59 7, 98 8, 66 7, 84 8, 6 I- (µg/l) 1500 134 <10 1728 183 30 15 F- (mg/l) 1, 5 0, 017 <0, 01 - - 0, 124 0, 09 Br- (mg/l) 1 0, 392 0, 204 0, 211 0, 077 76 < 10 Cl- (mg/l) 250 18 42 15 18 8 16, 2 NO 2 - (mg/l) 0, 5 <0, 01 0, 03 <0, 01 0, 17 < 0, 01 NO 3 - (mg/l) 50 <1 1, 43 <1 <1 < 0, 1 PO 43 - (mg/l) - 4, 9 <0, 01 1, 82 0, 15 0, 19 0, 05 SO 42 - (mg/l) 250 <5 29 <5 6 16 29 CH 4 (l/m 3) 0, 8 0, 96 0 - - Hardness. (Ca. O mg/l) 50 -350 38 45 99 82 - - Conductivity (μS/cm) 2500 (μS/cm) 880 1830 1250 1680 637 866 Ca (mg/l) - 14, 7 23 38, 7 32, 5 55, 4 51 K (mg/l) - 0, 75 0, 7 1, 74 1, 41 2, 68 3 Mg (mg/l) - 7, 63 5, 69 19, 2 15, 5 44, 9 41 Na (µg/l) p. H 200 303 294 245 253 51, 2 102 Mikrobiology (22 o. C, cfu/ml)) 100/ml - - 30630 0 - - E. Coli (/100 ml) 0/ml - - 9180 0 - - Ps. Aeruginosa (/100 ml) 0/ml - - 5545 0 - - www. chemvesol. hu Green Water Treatment Technologies kkkk. elte. hu www. kortekft. hu

Arsenic removal from drinking water using ferrate technology Technology flow scheme The process has Arsenic removal from drinking water using ferrate technology Technology flow scheme The process has two main parts (reactors and separation units) and it can be safely operated in winter as well. It has an automatic control in order to minimize the manual work requirements. Most important water parameters can be followed on-line. Our system is very flexible and with varying the operating parameters (dosing rates and other parameters) making it capable to work with different water qualities. Green Water Treatment Technologies www. chemvesol. hu kkkk. elte. hu www. kortekft. hu

Industrial water reuse using ferrate technology Water plays an important role in almost all Industrial water reuse using ferrate technology Water plays an important role in almost all industrial areas. Material, heat transport/exchange processes are applying water everywhere and steam is used in technological processes as well as in energy production. Used water, called waste water is then treated according to authority regulations and finally released back to the environment, most often to surface waters. With the increasing demand for clean water resources and the limit for its availability is dramatically increasing the value of water, therefore the need for developing new, innovative methods for water recycling is also more and more important. Our new technology based on ferrate is using industrial waste water (biological treatment effluent) and serves as feed water for technological processes or even boiler water make-up! Ferrate is an ideal tool for a chemical pre-treatment process that gives excellent water quality for further processes like desalination steps with membrane technology. Ferrate is the key compound that reduces COD, phosphate, ammonia levels of waste water and killing all microorganisms – eliminating all problematic compounds for membrane technology. The Fe(III) containing sludge is containing phosphorous and nitrogen compounds in optimal forms, that enable a slow release of these substances in agricultural applications (as fertilizer). We have optimized our process at our potential first customers on-site and the technology is ready for launch. There is high demand for such recycling methods everywhere, but especially in countries where fresh water resources are limited. Green Water Treatment Technologies www. chemvesol. hu kkkk. elte. hu www. kortekft. hu

Industrial water reuse using ferrate technology Concept of the method Optimizing and improving biological Industrial water reuse using ferrate technology Concept of the method Optimizing and improving biological treatment process Chemical pretreatment, oxidizing (ferrate) Disinfection, oxidizing (ferrate) Filtration, desalanition (membrane technology) Green Water Treatment Technologies www. chemvesol. hu kkkk. elte. hu www. kortekft. hu

Industrial water reuse using ferrate technology Results of treatment process SBR effluent Chemical pretreatment Industrial water reuse using ferrate technology Results of treatment process SBR effluent Chemical pretreatment II. RO permeate Green Water Treatment Technologies www. chemvesol. hu kkkk. elte. hu www. kortekft. hu

Industrial water reuse using ferrate technology Results of treatment process COD PO 4 Conductivity Industrial water reuse using ferrate technology Results of treatment process COD PO 4 Conductivity p. H NH 4 SBR effluent 120 mg/l 15 mg/l 4000 µS/cm 8, 2 10 mg/l Treated water < 1 mg/l < 0, 1 mg/l < 10 µS/cm 7, 5 < 0, 1 mg/l Green Water Treatment Technologies www. chemvesol. hu kkkk. elte. hu www. kortekft. hu